Episode 16

BEING, in motion - Rephoel Wolf

This episode Philippe and Rephoel practice being absolutely present to what shows up in the moment. Together they traverse the waters of self-honesty, “what's actually true”, creativity, aha moments and discover a shared passion for culinary arts. Find out more about the transformational BEING event in Chicago (14th Aug 2022) created by Rephoel.

About the Guest: 

I'm Rephoel and I am in love with life. I am all about living and loving and bringing the most profound growth ideas into simplicity. Making life so simple and profound that it almost CAN'T be true. And yet it is. I am in love with spreading that message and that's the fire behind my passion of coaching.


About the Host:

Philippe Bartu is a recovering people-pleasing hotelier that became a stressed-out restaurant owner and survivor of severe burnout in 2008. This led him to become a seeker of deeper meaning and purpose in life. In doing so he had a profound spiritual realisation. He saw that every human being is always ok and perfect. 

Over the last 8 years, he has led transformational international retreats and coaching programs that have helped hundreds of clients replace stress and anxiety with fun, ease, and play. He is passionate about relationships and is on a mission to create a world with less drama and more fully expressed, authentic human beings.

By reading The Ultimate Coach, Philippe deeply saw how we create our future from a place of being limited or being unlimited. Today, he helps his clients transform their relationships with their own limitations and become powerful unlimited creators.


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TUCP Intro/Outro:

Welcome to The Ultimate Coach Podcast conversations from being inspired by the book The Ultimate coach written by Amy Hardison, and Alan Thompson. Join us each week with the intention of expanding your state of being, and your experience will be remarkable. Remember, this is a podcast about be. It is a podcast about you. To explore more deeply, visit the ultimate Coach book.com. Now, enjoy today's conversation from be

Philippe Bartu:

welcome back to another episode of The Ultimate Coach Podcast. My name is Philip Bartow, and joining us today, we have a man who I consider to be deeply spiritual, and also deeply practical. And who's just got a wild sense of humor and such a fun energy. I am so excited to welcome Rephoel Wolf to our podcast today. Rephoel Welcome How wonderful to have you with us.

Rephoel Wolf:

Thank you. Thank you so much, Philip. I love that a great introduction. I love being that. It's true. I'm not owning anything. That's true right now. So I am 100% on board with that.

Philippe Bartu:

That's amazing. You know, we've spoken a few times. And I have to say, every, every conversation, everything that you've shared, is just I've just found so much wisdom and so much connection with you. So I'm really excited about what we're going to create today. And you know, these conversations, we really don't know where we're going to go. And what I love about that, is we get to create that together right now in this moment. So, Raphael, what is it you would like to open up with as a way to introduce yourself?

Rephoel Wolf:

Oh, I love that, you know, if I had written out my autobiography, I just like read right out of there for you. But like you said, we've had several interactions together. I don't even know if we ever had an intention of where they were going. We've had a lot of great conversations. So let's, let's go wherever, wherever your spirit takes us wanna walk me, you're not just here. To create this empowering and impactful podcast, this talk we're going to have, which is really going to shift a lot of people. This from what we're showing up to.

Philippe Bartu:

So let's just start with an introduction for those that are listening to your voice for the first time. Who is Rephoel Wolf?

Rephoel Wolf:

I am deeply committed to creativity, to fun to practical, living, I love, love taking what I've learned, and the things that I've worked through that seems so complicated and concepts that seems so beyond my reach. And really learning how simple life is how simple growth is, how slowing down. And being present to what resonates with us is aware where the magic is. So I'm someone that that's passionate about that I'm passionate about. Speaking about that, helping people have that insight, helping people have that permission. I've noticed my journey has all been about giving myself the permission to trust myself. trust my intuition. And I'm someone and I'm selling besides who is deeply committed to my children, with that love that flows out of me, and being so grateful for life. If someone wants to know, what's one thing I would share with them, that would be exactly that. It would be about how much wisdom and intuition we each have. And that's all we ever need in our life. And how you can trust that. And it's only our self doubt ourselves negative talk, which gets in our way, which is the only thing we're always ever battling with. Any question we have, about what should I do? What's the right thing to do? Or even if you were to ask me, what should we talk about? I can only get overwhelmed by that question. If I think that there's some specific thing We need to talk about if I think that there's, there's, there's there's some way to have this be the most powerful conversation and I don't, I don't know what that is. And when I let go of all that, I realized that it is through being present right here.

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah. So you know, we've all we've all had these moments in our lives that we can really remember and recall so vividly. Typically, it's that one thing that happened or that one incident where you saw the world one way, something happened. And you completely changed how you saw the world like? Does that resonate with you?

Rephoel Wolf:

Oh, it did that definitely lights me on fire. And, and one thing that I'll be honest, that I don't like about that question, is that it makes it seem like we all have to have that sparking moment. And if somebody feels that they don't have it, like they're missing, I once heard a great coach say, you listen to a lot of great other people, and they all had like, either severe addictions or crazy life changing step, you know, situations? Do we all need that in order to be great?

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah, so and I love that. And also what I'm noticing, you know, in my question, there was no suggestion that it had to be something traumatic. Or lifetimes, like, like, was it? Right? And, and so what was that for you?

Rephoel Wolf:

So what comes to mind? So I was the thing, what I what I generally what I used to not like about that question, but then when I learned to start trusting my intuition and say, you know, I know what came to mind when you said that? What hat what, what, what comes to mind by me, is, I was in my early 20s, and I had gone on a my first ever personal development workshop. I had gotten there through some deep conversations, you know, it felt like just the right thing to explore. And there, I learned about this thing that you talked about seeing the world one way, and that shifting the ideas that I learned there is what brought me to actually first work with a coach after I learned about what a coach is, and why would anyone have this thing called a life coach? And the for me that when you ask, you know, what was the big shift for you? I remember specifically a conversation that really changed my life. And that was either my coach asked me, or I asked him, I don't remember. But the question was, what makes something true? And for me, I was absolutely clear. The only way to really know if something is absolutely true, is if everybody says it is. And through either that question or that answer, or the reframe around that, because that, indeed, is not the correct answer. Right. Although we love to say that there are no wrong answers. It's pretty, it's pretty wrong that one, but I remember being the person before I even know what the word being was that that made absolute sense to me. I could only really know what's true and who I am. If that's the general consensus.

Philippe Bartu:

Right. So the logic that you had was, if it's true, as a general consensus, then it's the truth. Yeah, yeah.

Rephoel Wolf:

How else would you I remember that I don't know who asked it. But I remember being I definitely said, Well, how else would you know what's true? That is definitely that the foolproof way. And when I understood, I don't know how long it took. I feel like it didn't take a great amount of time. I've noticed that I grasped concepts pretty quickly. But when I realized that, actually, what makes something true is if it's true for you, that that blew my mind.

Philippe Bartu:

You know, I've never heard of that way before.

Rephoel Wolf:

Because you will know in your heart when I sit down I'm present with you, and I'm present anywhere in my life. What's true for me? Is what's true for me?

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, beautiful. And I know that this is something I've heard a lot in the book and also in, in listening to Steve Hardison, and it's something that he says is, two things can be true at the same time. And I'm seeing that through the way that you're speaking how truth It took two things are always going to be true at the same time. Because right now, there's your truth. And then there's my truth. And your truth is true for you. My truth is true for me. And if we can both. Yeah, be cool with that, then it's not we're not we're no longer trying to understand what is the truth? Does that make sense?

Rephoel Wolf:

I hear what you just said, as being the next step. I hear what you're saying, as there's this thing that I think Man, you know, like, when you're pretty far along in this work, you've been doing this, and there's new ideas that start becoming available to you. And I see what you said, as being the next step. You what I heard you say was, we each create our own reality?

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah. Yeah, we each create our own reality and our reality occurs to us is true.

Rephoel Wolf:

Yeah. So I want to I was saying my insight, was one step before that meaning, who am I? How would I know who I am? If not, what everybody tells me. Right? That insight that I had is, I mean, that question, that question is kind of from a victim mindset, a victim of I have no identity other than the one that's attributed to me by mass consensus. And then there's a realization that I am who I say I am. So I get to I get to choose, do I want to own your judgments? Or do I want to say that's not? That's not true? For me? It was, it was me either the same thought or the same

Philippe Bartu:

time? Yeah, yeah. It's really powerful when you can be in conversation. And I think this is where, you know, it's always interesting to bring into a case where it's really practical, I'll tell you what's coming up from the as you say, all of this, there was a time when I was having a conversation with my soon to be mother in law when we got married, in about three years ago, in in Guatemala, where my wife is from. And my wife's mother is very religious. And she had a very, very clear idea around us having a religious wedding. And it was absolutely unconceivable for her to imagine that we would get married outside a church. And it was in seeing that the reality and the importance of that for her. And recognizing that I was faced with one of the most impossible what what felt to me, like the most impossible conversation with her is about honoring as us as a couple how we want to do things and it was, you know, a setting that was outside a church, and that's how my wife and I wanted it to be. And it occurred to her as disrespectful and a humiliation. And almost to the point where she didn't even she was considering not shutting up. And in that moment, there was a it was so clear that her reality was absolutely true to her. And so, in that, where am I going with this story? It was I was speaking to her and there is absolutely nothing I could have said that was going to change her mind. And actually, what you said right there a foul is the only thing I was actually able to say to just kind of not even go in the conversation with her. And all I said was that her ideas of religion is true to her. But that is not true to me. And that was and with that there was in the face of complete disagreement. We both got to understand, we both got to actually honor and respect that each of us are doing what is true for us. And that was such a powerful moment when I like I remember just saying to her, I get it that that is so true for you. And that is just not true for me. And what I'm hearing and what you're saying, and that is that's not true for me.

Rephoel Wolf:

Yeah. And you're so amazing, though, that in that moment, you did both things at the same time, you were able to recognize your truth and honor her truth as well.

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah, that's,

Rephoel Wolf:

that's double that's like double extra credit. And we went on vacation after that. But like, I am saying, like, to first be like you did, you got so clear in yourself and her at the same time, and I'm just focusing on myself, what's true for me, before I can reconcile other people. And in your situation, if I was you and your situation, it would be, you know, at that point, when I had that insight, if I use the situation that you just told me, that would be well. Am I wrong? In my religious beliefs? If I if I get married outside of church? Is there something wrong with me? I mean, that's what it seems. And then I tune into No, I know what's true for me. And that's what's true for me. And it's, that's, that's okay. I get to I get to be with that. For me, it's a whole nother step. And still not judged the other person for judging me.

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah, that's a tricky one. Yeah, right.

Rephoel Wolf:

I want to be here. Yeah. My my idea of religion is not based on everybody else's guidelines. Yeah. Then when I become a Master Monk, like yourself, I could say, and I still love everyone else for their for their truth as well.

Philippe Bartu:

That did you just call me a Master Monk?

Rephoel Wolf:

I did. came up for me. So came after me.

Philippe Bartu:

I really don't know about that. Some some days. I feel like a mastermind.

Rephoel Wolf:

It's a possibility.


Possibility. Yeah. Some days like, I feel like a hot mess.

Rephoel Wolf:

Well, that's important, because at least you're still human. I don't I try not to have interviews with super humans. So. So that was for sure. The biggest insight for me because I felt like my I mean, they were my eyes were so open to the world that I created. That this world, everything only has the meaning that I give it. Because it is all up to me at that. Until that point, I had no idea reality was reality. And the story is that everyone decides or that truth.

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah. And yeah, yeah. So so rebellious, there's, I want to move the direction of this conversation more about getting to know more about you. And I'd love to hear a little bit more about what do you do? Like, what do you actually what what does it look like? What does the what does the world of referral look like? And tell us a little bit more about what do you actually do for a living? Cool, cool. Who am I actually speaking to hear how

Rephoel Wolf:

I do living? I love saying that. Again, many? What are they called, like, private messages from those people who want you to invest with the crypto so the way they do it is a well, so what do you do? And I say, Well, I live and they say, but how do you support yourself with that? Don't you want to have the safe free investments? I'm like, no, no, I don't, I do not want to have any money. And then they say well, then how do you survive? And they say, we are not having this conversation. But yeah, but what's the what do I do? So I am a coach, and a baker. Those are not two things together. People have told me that's an interesting conversation. These are two ways that I live that I express myself. I started off only coaching at And I've, I've been baking my whole life. And I've always been really creative with that. And when, through, you know, my divorce and when I needed more income. And for anybody who's gone through divorce, everybody knows you lose all your money just just heads up in case anybody wants to know, you lose all your money. And that's awesome. It gave me so you lose your reputation. Also, depending on how how dirty it gets, I was indeed privy to both. So I it was such a creative outlet for me. And I used my coaching skills to build a home based business and, and build reputation back with that kind of by moving forward. So that's what I do for you.

Philippe Bartu:

So I want to just slow that down. There's, there's, there's Is it okay, if we just unpack a bit of that? Because I'm really curious. What about how you did that? So So here's what I heard you'd lost everything, your reputation, Yep, pretty much all your money, your life partner. And what came first, the baking or the coaching or, like, what, what,

Rephoel Wolf:

what in coaching, the coaching was, I've been coaching for years and years, even, you know, while I was married. I've also been I've been baking as a hobby. Since I was a kid, while I was married. At that time, my wife had expressed an interest in, in creating a business and because I am the creator, I said, I'll, I'll get that going for you. And that's what I did. I just started saying, Okay, I started, you know, posting on social media and spreading the word that now I have this business. And while married, officially, you know, I told my wife, I'm like, This is gonna be your business. And I'll help you with this. And I'll support you with this. But we were doing it together. I was a coPI I was doing even the majority of it. So once that happened, and then I went out on my own, I just started again, I just started a business again. Same way I did the first time. And it's it. It was a creative outlet for me, it still is I love the creativity of it. And I stick with that if I only do things that are fun and creative. That's my commitment. So I don't do things for people.

Philippe Bartu:

So So what was what was the bakery business? It was what was that? Like? What were you? How were you? Was it a brick and mortar place? Or?

Rephoel Wolf:

No? So it was it was? It was out of it was out of home by by custom order. Okay, so So that's that's what I that's what I still do. I do out of my home. I have a website at this point. And I was used to be mainly based off of Instagram where I got orders from now. I have the website for people who are not on social media.

Philippe Bartu:

Well, what's the website for people in listening? Oh,

Rephoel Wolf:

my website is called fully frosted chicago.com.

Philippe Bartu:

And there's only for that Yeah, I

Rephoel Wolf:

do not ship so if you do not want to torture yourself. Don't just go looking there and being all sad about you can't have any like I'm sorry. Yeah.

Philippe Bartu:

So who's who's rough out? Being when he is baking?

Rephoel Wolf:

The same me that I'm being in my conversations. The same me that's showing up to you right now. I don't I don't I don't ever have to switch hats.

Philippe Bartu:

So cool. Yeah, yeah.

Rephoel Wolf:

The only thing that that maybe shifted a couple of years ago, maybe at this point is that I used to be afraid of telling people all the different things I do, because I was afraid of the judgments of well, you can't do this and also do that. You know what kind of coach face yeah, and then the more I sat, stop holding on to those judgments and start being more freeing and make sure that my all my lives overlap and all the different people I know I specifically do not sectionalize any different people in my life and everybody can crash into each other and I love that.

Philippe Bartu:

So there's such a fullness and and just like being with it all. That's one I'm hearing I just be with it all, I'd be with life at every Forbes shape person, whatever it comes. I'm being with it all. That sound occurs to me when you say that. Yeah.

Rephoel Wolf:

Yeah. So that's kind of like, I don't know if that thing to do with what we said before, but it's kind of like how I create everything is notice if I'm having any hesitation? Judgment. Yeah, yeah. And bring those out. By the way, you should know, like, I have something in the app, and I'm gonna have to take out right now. So that doesn't get to restrict me.

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah, wow. Well, you know, that's, I'm kind of astonished by the synchronicity in this in your story, and how much I see myself in your story. I started an online cooking class business last year. And I love that. And so when COVID halfen, I was coaching as well. And I came to a point where I felt like I wanted to do something more creative than just being in conversation. And for me, my creative outlet is cooking. And so also, my wife is a health coach. And it's so interesting, because he said, I'll get that going for you. And I wasn't honest with myself the way you were honest with yourself. Because actually, the truth is, I wanted to help my wife to get more of a platform, and to be more out there as a health coach. So I thought, well, let's come together. And so we created this, a cooking company, when we were able to cook with people, because people were in lockdown, they were in their house, they had to cook anyway. And so we got to cook together, and there was a community around it. And we did there for eight months. And it really kind of got me out. I mean, it just organically just grew very quickly. And what I noticed was I wasn't honest with myself around why I was doing it. And the only reason I was really doing it was because I wanted to help my wife and give her a platform for it. So at some point, my wife got pregnant, and then see no longer, I just didn't see the future of me continuing this by myself. And I remember the day after she told me that, you know, she got pregnant, and I said, you know, what baby or your it was, there was the, the relationship started to get really challenging having a business together, and I and in that moment, I just remember saying, hey, you know, your, your only job is to be a healthy happy mama. And to be the best mom to grow this baby. And, and I came back to coaching. And that's when I discovered the ultimate coach book. And it allowed me to fall in love with coaching more deeply, but more importantly, to fall in love with life more deeply. And from that moment, I recreated myself as a coach, and I've been recreating myself as a coach since January this year, in a way that is beyond anything I was doing before. And so it's I mean, beyond anything, I think it's more like a build up. And so when I'm hearing what I even hearing in your story, really hits home, I just feel like, wow, this is my this is my brother here.

Rephoel Wolf:

So what what did you i I'm not sure if I missed a piece, where was the not being honest of yourself? Oh, the

Philippe Bartu:

summer NAFTA? Yes. So the reason why I actually created the business. My motivation was that it was actually two, it was something I wanted to do that was fun. But it was also to give my wife a platform for her health coaching business so that she could, so her business could take off. And I was out of integrity, where I was inauthentic about that with myself and with her. And I was because the truth is I or what I was what the lie I was telling myself as I'm doing it because it's a passion project for me. Oh, I see. So I enrolled her from the place of hey, this is something I want to do. And I think it would be awesome. If we did it together. Do you want to join me? Rather than, hey, I have an idea. And I think this is really going to help your business. Do you want to try it out? And I'm willing to partner up with you. For like that would have been the Honest Company Session I didn't have with her.

Rephoel Wolf:

Yeah, I see. I

Philippe Bartu:

so because I was inauthentic in the way I created it, and this honest with myself that showed up throughout the whole creation and throughout, like it was founded. It was a business founded on inauthenticity.

Rephoel Wolf:

I see, you know, that's a thing

Philippe Bartu:

I can I was not able to see that. I was not able to see that. And so like, no wonder, there were clashes and expectations, and why is she not more invested? Like? It's like, Well, no wonder. So, so also this, you know, looking back, and then the book was also a slap in the face around, where am I out of integrity with my work? So, so I mean, I use the word slap in the face, like a wake up call, that was a gift, right? So that's, that's really interesting for me to even speak out now into into this conversation, because just by speaking it with you now it's, I'm able to see that so much more clearly. So thank you.

Rephoel Wolf:

Yeah, you're welcome. I'm thinking I'm sitting with that I'm seeing if something's coming up for me here. I'm just gonna speak it out. Maybe it'll help me a little more. So you notice that I did say that I, I told my wife, I said, I'll you know, I'll create that business for you. And I did view it like that. And I supported her with that. And there was a lot of my coaching mentality, which was helpful, which she didn't really appreciate. I wasn't like, preaching, they'll say, like, hey, like, if someone had a business, this is what they would, they would like own that. They would like tell people about it. So I encouraged her I was like, so when people ask you what you do, you should tell them. And eventually, you know, some things were helpful. And I remember there were things that she would do that I didn't. I didn't. I don't know what the right word is, like I didn't like from a service perspective. Right? Like, I had a much more service, giving an attitude that was not present. And I would like those things would bother me, I was like, no, like, this is like customer service, and how to deal with people from a service way that I had been working on myself, I noticed that not like you say not like interfering, but being a point of clash, which is why when it was time for me to start my own business, I was excited to put all that into practice and do it in the way that felt most authentic to me. So when I opened my business on my own, I did it from a place of passion and creativity. And because it was a natural byproduct of the work that I was already doing, I get to serve people in another way. It's another way of serving people. Another way of, of being excited and showing up for me, like I mentioned a little bit before, but I'll say it again, like I get to show up powerfully for people in what I'm not going to do either. Or how it's gonna go or, you know, this is your option. This is how you pay this is how it's going to work. This is something I'm not going to do. This is something that I will do. It helps it has helped me in my in my clarity and in my confidence as well. So I'm not sure if that was a byproduct of anything that you said. But that's what came up for me just now.

Philippe Bartu:

Thank you for sharing that. I'm, I'm being present to that. And I'm also being present as I look at you and people that because we've got our camera on right now and so people can't see that. Behind you. I'm reading a thing called the Bing experience and there's a date. And I wanted to know what's that about?

Rephoel Wolf:

Oh, okay, we can take that fork in the road. Oh, well, the Bing experience is in the event that I created this happening in Chicago this summer. And what that about is about is I was I was sitting avid v two times I was listening to people expressing the desire to be with me, and for me to do an event in Chicago and I But as, as cliche as this might sound, I said, I don't do events. And that did not resonate with me at all as a way for me to be with people, like, do you want to be with me, we can definitely arrange that. But it didn't, it didn't formulate in a in an event form. So I was sitting with it. And really my, my, you know what I, I remember now, I had read something. And I do not remember what it was. I'm not going to spend time trying to remember what that was. But something was triggered in me that I would love to share my passion. For my experience, with what I've shared with you today, being present, being practical with the being and having that be something that influences people.

Philippe Bartu:

Beautiful while you know, Raphael, it sounds like you had an inspired thought. And you immediately created with that. And then you jumped into action. And I've been creating. So how long has it been since you had that inspired thought?

Rephoel Wolf:

That has been I remember it being in May?

Philippe Bartu:

In May. Okay.

Rephoel Wolf:

Unless it was the end of April. Okay. So

Philippe Bartu:

at the end of April. Yeah. So, end of April. Today is the 29th of June. Yeah. What's What's your journey been like, since the end of April to the 29th of June, if you were going to kind of give us a bit of so an experience. And so what what would how's that been

Rephoel Wolf:

for you? So what's interesting is, I would say that, that that specific journey from the end of April, you know, to now, there hasn't been, there hadn't been much of a shift in who I was being. Yeah, there was a lot of me continuously getting clear on my commitment. I've grown a lot. And my idea of what commitment is, and what I've learned about that. And the journey of what's occurring for me at what I'm in the middle of right now is the enrollment of people to the event journey. And until today, or yesterday, there has not been a lot of enrollment. Yeah. And I got to and get to keep looking into that.

Philippe Bartu:

Okay, so so so what does the word enrollment mean to you?

Rephoel Wolf:

I want to I'm going to answer that, but I just want to finish answering Oh, yeah. God, God. So the journey has been me being present to what's my commitment to the experience? What am I creating? Why did I have this idea? And what am I committed to that not shifting? Regardless of how many people sign up, me getting clear to, I want to share what being means to me what being present means to me, what growth means to me. That's not dependent on how many people show up. I'm creating commitment to an event which is going to be powerful. That's not dependent on anything. So what

Philippe Bartu:

I'm hearing is you're committed to the outcome no matter what the outcome is.

Rephoel Wolf:

Exactly. And I got to keep on remembering, if anything, if I'm feeling anything around here, what's my commitment? And why am I doing this? Yeah. And that allowed me to not only stay in integrity, but keep reminding myself what you know, what does integrity mean? To me, integrity means I'm creating this. I'm not attached to an outcome.

Philippe Bartu:

And what tell me more about the event like is it a paid event? Is it well, yeah,

Rephoel Wolf:

so this is this an event that's required that does require a commitment from the attendees? Because I want their commitment. people showing up? Well, well, we will be stepping into the unknown, but it's a powerful experience of being present with whatever growth means to you. Whatever being means to you I am I personally am inspired by people who have read the ultimate coach book and have had a shift. I want to be with them. Yeah, I want them to share what that

Philippe Bartu:

is. What? Yeah, keep going,

Rephoel Wolf:

and how that's shifted them. So it's about this is how being practically showed up for me. Yeah. And so that for me,

Philippe Bartu:

what will possibilities do you see for people that will be a part that will participate fully? In the being experience?

Rephoel Wolf:

It's gonna, the possibility is, is leaving a different person. That in a good way, meaning you being, right, being becoming so in tune with yourself, resit, like, like you're feeling me here, when you're in a room with people who are so fully embodying what it means to them. Yeah, that shifts do it's going to shift me I'm excited. This, this might be a selfish event, but I'm going to be getting a ton of it a ton from it. Also. I love that.

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah. And what would be a dream come true outcome for you, personally.

Rephoel Wolf:

A dream come true is for whoever have the event to be so effective and grateful that they came like that would that would mean that would mean a lot to me to know. That they got that. I need to I need to put in over here that I've had conversations with people. And I will get back to your enrollment question in a second. But I've had enrollment conversations with people that have gotten them so clear not to come. And that was equally fulfilling to Yeah,

Philippe Bartu:

well, well, what is it not? About? Like, who is it not for?

Rephoel Wolf:

It's not for someone looking to learn a technique. Okay. It's not for someone who is looking for the work to be done to them? Yes. It's not for someone expecting anything.

Philippe Bartu:

And how have you enrolled people to be inspired, moved, and just like, really committed so fully, to being there and showing up because you've asked what you've been doing? Yeah. What's your experience been with that?

Rephoel Wolf:

The only thing I can tell you is, by me showing up just like that, and being so passionate about the person, and not about the event.

Philippe Bartu:

Okay. So what I'm hearing Yeah, what I'm hearing is the vision you have for this event, is a vision you have for each individual person attending the event, more than a vision of, and I think that's why it's called the experience. And what I'm hearing, actually in this conversation is that it's not an x, it's not an event, it's an experience. And so in calling it an experience, the vision you have is for the experience of each individual that will be that regardless of how many people show up,

Rephoel Wolf:

have slowly. I love I love hearing that from you. I want to do what you just said. But that's exactly it. Like I'm enrolled. Yeah, that's exactly. It's about each individual. And I've had I've had, like I said, I've had the conversations where I've committed people not to coming. Yeah. And I'm so excited for them.

Philippe Bartu:

And it's and what I love about that is you're very clear about the commitment for those that do cam. So if it's 15 people or 150 people, what matters is that they're coming for the right reasons. And they're coming with an intention and a full commitment to get an absolute breakthrough and experience something that will change. Leave them transformed.

Rephoel Wolf:

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I fully agree to your summary. And it's just super important to me, in my life and my work to add in here. Like something I said at the Phoenix event. When we talk about transformation and people changing. It was important for me to know Thus in my journey, and that's why I'm passionate about sharing it is that there's nothing wrong with you as you are. And there's not a transformation that needs to happen. And the transformation that happens is not you becoming someone else. It's you becoming more you the work we're always doing is constantly refining ourselves, and shutting the stories that don't serve us. We become unrecognizable from the person we thought we were supposed to be to the person we now are. But you always have that in you inside. Yeah.

Philippe Bartu:

So it makes perfect sense that you're not going to get tools, strategies and applications application based learning. It's more of a stripping away of everything. That's not you. So what's left? Is you.

Rephoel Wolf:

Yes, I love that. Man. I'm gonna relist it says podcast, you're saying such gold? Well, I love it.

Philippe Bartu:

Well, this is this is the essence of, of who I see you, as a man who has stripped so much away. To be able to be with me in this conversation with such clarity with such presence, the way that you speak, I find it it's it's so it's so clear. What something I really appreciate about your file is, you're so clear. And you're so precise in your language. And there's no spirituality can often feel very gray, your black and white. Like, that's what I'm there's no gray area and physically, yeah, actually and physically. So what I what I mean by that is, there's just like, This is what it is, this is what is not, this is you know, so So I love the clarity in which you bring to that. And, and I just, I just want to acknowledge you for taking action for what you're creating, and for the difference this is going to make in the world. And if anyone is on the fence listening to this, how can they? What would you say to them? Anyone right now on the fence thinking maybe this is for me? Maybe not?

Rephoel Wolf:

I say let's talk?

Philippe Bartu:

And how can they contact you? What's the best way for them to be in touch with you?

Rephoel Wolf:

The best way is through Facebook, they can message me on Facebook. That's really the best way to get through to me. And what's what's what's, what's amazing is that, that is the only way to ever get through to anyone in any direction is through a conversation. And I'm not out to have conversations to sell anything. Like I said, I'm committed to the clarity. And sometimes it can be hard for people to trust that. And that's what they're creating. So

Philippe Bartu:

yeah, I want to kind of jump in here and just say something. So those people that may be on the fence right now who are on not sure. What an act of generosity we've just heard now from Raphael, anyone, and I really mean anyone who can be in the presence of this man has the possibility to and just that conversation alone could shift something deeply, deeply powerful for you. So even if you're not just the invitation to reach out to him to connect with him on Facebook, and and that conversation alone can do so much for you. I know that I've seen it for myself. I've seen it for many people. And that's who Raphael is. And so I feel just so, so hopeful for who you're being right now for your generosity of spirits and service. You are just such a man of service. And I know that this event is going to be such a breakthrough for the many that attend.

Rephoel Wolf:

Thank you. Thank you

Philippe Bartu:

and is there any way that you're looking for support? Is there any kind of support that you're looking for?

Rephoel Wolf:

I am looking for people who want to show me their heart If anybody has anything they'd like to share with me, anyone's got any feedback, anyone's got any thoughts I am, I am open and willing to listen. And I happen to have a special appreciation for people who say things that they're scared to say, or they're worried about insulting me. Because the worst that can happen is I'll block you, and make sure you never contact me again. So that's the worst that can happen. But I honor I really do love when people, you know, when, when, when they when they share that honesty, you know? So, yeah, I'm open to anybody who has anything that they think you know, were false should know this. Or I wonder if he knows this. You know? I'd love to hear it.

Philippe Bartu:

Oh, beautiful. Raphael. I feel this is a beautiful place for us to complete today. How do you feel about that?

Rephoel Wolf:

I feel I feel great. And I agree with you. I think I think we think we nailed it.

Philippe Bartu:

Is there anything? No, we didn't it was it was? Yeah, I really appreciated it. And I feel like there's definitely a lot of, of golden nuggets that you dropped along the way. And I feel this conversation is full of richness and insight and wisdom. Is anything you want to say just before we close and complete this conversation?

Rephoel Wolf:

The only thing that comes to mind is anybody who's listening, who might suggest to someone they know to listen to this podcast, that they should tell them specifically that we covered like 10 different things. So what they should look out for so that their friend doesn't start listening looking for that one thing is like they're talking about divorce, why am I listening to this? So just to be clear that there's that if there was any nuggets that you got from here, mark down that area, and just listen to those again, I know I'm being listening to this again. So that's what I would say.

Philippe Bartu:

Well, thank you for all of you who are listening and who have been with us and who are also the new listeners who may be just joining us today for the first time. Welcome to the ultimate coach podcast to you. It has been a pleasure Rafale to share this episode with you. Thank you for showing up showing us your heart, showing us who you are. And I am inspired and full of possibility I see for you and the people who will attend. And Chicago. Thank you so much.

Rephoel Wolf:

Thank you. Thank you. Hello, thanks for being with us.