Episode 52


TUEIE post event reflections

On Saturday February 25th, over three hundred people met in a room in Mumbai India for an event called The Ultimate Experience India Edition. This last part, India edition, is to distinguish it from the two previous in person ones and one virtual one.

India has a long history in spirituality and Being so why would a place like this require a reawakening from people whose country pales in history? Could it be a pure meeting of east meets west and humanity aiming to be as one?

Let’s listen to the reflections of some of the participants, some of the speakers, organizers and finally Steve Hardison himself who made this event what it was.

For those of you who are new to The Ultimate Coach podcast and the book it is based on called the Ultimate Coach book, strap in and get a deeper understanding of BEing.

About the Guests:

Ankush Jaïn, speaker (UK)

Lindsay, Participant (USA)

Raju, participant (India)

Vamsi, participant (India)

Francis Piché, participant (Canada)

Bns, participant (India)

Donal O’Brien, participant (Ireland)

Becky Robbins, speaker (USA)

Liani Greaves, participant (USA)

Johannes Mortzler, participant (Germany)

Bina, Participant (USA)

Pooja, organizer (India)

Saloni, organizer (India)

Steve Hardison (AZ)

About the Host:

Cordelia Gaffar is the Ultimate Joy Monger. That means that she holds space for you to reveal your joy within. Joy Mongering is a word she created from several life experiences and based on her philosophy that self-nurturing is freedom. In fact she has created a process she calls Replenish Me ™ to help you transmute fear, rage and anger into Joy. In one of her eight books, Detached Love: Transforming Your Heart Do That You Transform Your Mind, she breaks down the Replenish Me ™ process through her research, client stories and her personal vulnerable shares.

She is also the host of three host podcasts. She won Best Podcast Host for her solo show called Free to Be Show and collaborates as a co-host on Unlearning Labels and the Ultimate Coach Podcast. The multidimensional genius she is, is further demonstrated as the mother of six children whom I homeschooled for 17 years. In summary, she has won multiple awards: Best Podcast Host of 2019, Top National Influencer, Sexy Brilliant Leader, and inducted into the Global Library of Female Authors in 2020; and in 2021 nominated for Author of the Year and Health and Wellness Coach of the Year and in 2022 Master Coach of the Year and Orator of the Year. She has also won the Brainz Global 500 Award of Influencers and Entrepreneurs for 2021 and won BOOKS for PEACE 2022 award, CREA Award.

She has been featured on America Meditating Radio, British Muslim TV, Spirituality Podcast, Ultimate Coach Podcast, also featured on South African radio 786, and Fox News.





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TUCP Intro/Outro:

LWelcome to The Ultimate Coach podcast conversations from being inspired by the book The Ultimate coach, written by Amy Hardison, and Alan Thompson. Join us each week with the intention of expanding your state of being, and your experience will be remarkable. Remember, this is a podcast about be. It is a podcast about you. To explore more deeply visit the ultimate Coach book.com. Now, enjoy today's conversation from be

Cordelia Gaffar:

Hello, my name is Cordelia Gaffar. And I'm the team lead for the ultimate coach podcast as well as one of the host. On Saturday, February 25. Over 300 people met in a room in Mumbai, India, for an event called the ultimate experience India Edition. This last part India Edition is to distinguish it from the two previous in person ultimate experiences held in Arizona and London, and the one virtual one. India has a long history in spirituality and being so why would a place like this require a reawakening from people whose country pales in history? Could it be a pure meeting of East Meets West and humanity aiming to be as one? Let's listen to the reflections of some of the participants, some of the speakers and organizers. And finally, Steve Hardison, himself, who made this event, what it was, for those of you who are new to the ultimate coach podcast, and the book about being it's based on which is called the ultimate coach book, strap in and get a deeper understanding of being.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Okay, on a puzzle. So thank you for taking a couple of minutes to share on the ultimate coach podcast. You spoke today at the ultimate experience India Edition. I'm just curious. How are you feeling in your body now?


It's a mixture of being tired, because it's been a long day. And also very light. I've been blown away by this whole day. I mean, it's been absolutely incredible. I was fortunate enough to be involved in the London experience. And I was blown away. I really have never attended anything like that. And all the while I said to Roger, I want this India experience to be better than London. And I think they've actually done it. It's just been Sukkot from start to finish.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, I definitely feel that and your contribution as a speaker. How do you feel about that? Because I know we spoke a couple of days ahead and you hadn't really hold it together. And then today, you've got you told me you felt a lot more grounded itself. Yeah.


I was a little nervous actually about speaking here. And I don't do a lot of public speaking. I'm a coach. Really, that's what I mainly do and run events or workshops, but nothing, nothing like speaking on the stage. And I had some ideas. And last night was the first time I really practiced it since being in India. And it just flowed. I felt ready. Like I got this. And I was a little bit nervous before I went up on stage. But it just it just went well. You know, I think I was probably held by being in the energy of the room. And I decided to just talk about stuff that I really knew, which was my own experience.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, yeah. Everyone's been talking about the energy in the room. So we felt the love.


I did. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Thank you. You're most welcome.


Yeah, it felt like I needed to have Brett said read for a session just to pump the gases into my mind and onto him and neck. Thank you for bringing the energy back.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Oh, you're welcome. So where did you come in from Francis?


So I was in Montreal, right. I'm going back to law when in California. So I did this industry reason so my address is in my theory. Okay. So there's a lot of different buses very young ones it was I and even some people I don't know Drake, it was one he lived there. Well, it seems like I love what I'm hearing so far is that people are seeing your possible becomes possible and here the logbook that's way more than Yes.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Why did you come all the way here?


I just happen to me as a commitment was just a nightmare, breaking the code. And in all knowing that was twice a difference. And I mean, Gary, I've met Gary really changed my life for a long time and what we worked on, I get what the document is thanks to him for the work that we've done in Hawaii last year in November, and like four days, I was with him. So you can imagine like, well, it's, I think it's such a gift. Because normally when you coach for maybe an hour, like once a week, like once every wild, how would you spending three days that have word pros, that you really get to know that Ross is rewriting the code. So for me, it's, I think that's what it is, the being is, does everything. And so it's just good to do to commit that I follow my intuitions and every time that I've done it, and I'm never lost, like it always got something out of it. And I had a few and I had to dumb

Cordelia Gaffar:

so this you would say is an extension of the work you were already doing.


It's a confirmation. It's a it's a commitment above all, sometimes it doesn't make sense to leave things like that we like why why you did. You don't need to do that again. But the fact that we're making this effort, I think is where the work comes in. Like you're showing a commitment with who are showing your commitment they do believe in that and just by doing but on by being that in doing that, it treats everything I've done many many days of my life so far events that I didn't necessarily have the means sometimes at times and I decided to still do it find the way and I never lost like I just created so many great memories people and map like my life has changed so I had a feeling that it will be the same

Cordelia Gaffar:

what would you recommend to someone who's on the fence about investing in themselves in this way? I mean, you've already done it sounds like an intensive with Gary Mahler. And now you're all going here in Mumbai. You're about to change house it sounds like and still you seem here so present and grounded. So what would what would you offer as something for Weipa to consider?


It's a great question. Why is so why you're doing a podcast? I was about to say something I don't think I've ever said before. I think it's I would I would take a look at NFA I don't think I've ever said it I would take a look at the reasons why and DODDS this I say that now because I know that what's in the way this is basically what's running you if you come up to all wins the same excuses and so and and then you can see if you really committed more not to change it and so I for myself I love to explore anything about the mind so I'm always in DC go to the gym was the very start damn and I'm you know and so I think I'm gonna, just gonna depletes itself in some ways. So I have two other things that I know for sure I will do in my life one is it's on the dark terapii So three days silence and black light you don't see anything you don't like you don't and and I think it's such a powerful way to explore what's going on inside your mind. The three days of darkness five minutes, you have no idea what time it was at all, like imaginating how he voted for Washington was headed to yes where it is like two three days. And I'm sure at times are thinking is it one day now? Two days three days Oh my god what's going on? Right I've done to pass on because nine I think by when happened a little bit of a training to the record. And the other thing is about just going deep down inside I've done I washed up 10 times to the bring braces and law. I'm always interested in the best on myself.

Cordelia Gaffar:

All right, BNS. I get to interview you.


Thank you Cordelia.

Cordelia Gaffar:

What what is your immediate impression at the ultimate experience today? What are you feeling in your body?


I'm feeling so fun and happy that I told my parents my parents worked on and I have to replace it. Really, I used I bought white but I'm wearing black. Because literally I thought I was so excited. Really even I learned so many things. Some hard things. I learned it. I accept it i security during the event. I let it flow and really help it really really Oh,

Cordelia Gaffar:

wow. So you were able to process some things during the event?


Yes. And I know that okay, until the end of the movie, I ended up the event I have to overcome. Yeah, I was feeling that. And I did that. And

Cordelia Gaffar:

so your capacity to just process things in the moment, is that new, or that's just, that's who you are.


So whenever I read books, generally, if I see an opportunity to shows that I'm doing something wrong, or something, I can do better. I will do it right. Otherwise, there's no useful that's how the interview could still happened. Because I studied his, my book, the book. And I was like, when I was reading, I put myself in his shoes. Like, literally, you will not believe that. But I read a book. But I read that book for two and a half weeks. Because I was literally Okay, when Steve was in the shed, I literally imagine myself as tea like, that's, that's the level of implementation. And I felt okay, this is what he must felt, this is why I'm feeling this is how we dealt with it. This is how he became such kind of things. I also do that be that and so that's why I learned a lot. I'm grateful.

Cordelia Gaffar:

So what is it that you will take into your take back to your life, like once you walk up these doors, right, because that's everybody in here we all are in this loving space, but like once you hit the streets of Mumbai.


So one thing I have understood that I don't care about the outcome, but it all matters is where we are coming from this place is very important. I learned it. Really I learned it. I come from a place of love and care and responsibility and family Ness. So that's why I don't care about outcome and practice that I really really really don't feel that I have any strangers everyone I'm feeling as my family that's why I could not stop myself talking with anyone like I want to talk

Cordelia Gaffar:

I'm talking to him just like I talked to you and




I'm just using you as an example


get your interviews

Cordelia Gaffar:

I was thinking we had such a great talk and then I was like I should have just recorded it and so yeah, my camera who is not here so I'm doing it just on my phone so if you want a perfect raw and real journalist that's what we'll do so you have something more to share.


Guys what one can be one must be why I'm saying that I just realized that. Amy was talking about me. Maslow and it was his statement. What one can be one must be because it's not about you. All of us Thank you for today. You're awesome as always.

Cordelia Gaffar:

I mean, I think the black pants suit you.


I got inspiration from you. Yes, you're much taller her in person I didn't expect you to be taller than you do.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Being taller than me, is it hard?


Look, I'm from Ireland. So we're not left with the height. I don't know if you know that.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Okay, so why did you come all the way from Ireland?


Why did I come from Ireland? Because to me, becoming? You know, probably that's great to meet you. Two reasons. I wanted to come to India. I've always wanted to come to India. And of course, the being movement and Steve being here. I don't know if I told you this already. But I reached out to Steve about four years ago. Send him an emails and he said, Okay, give me a ring 12 midnight, my time I ring him and I'm chatting to Steve, you You did this course with university Santa Monica. See you and a couple of other high profile coaches during the course. Would you recommend that because it's an amazing course. He sent me on the path to studying with USM and of course USM wouldn't take me there. Because it's an in person course. You're practicing trios. You need to be there in person. And then of course, universe shifts things around for you. To shift everything online and go, you know, what you want to do the course of those you can now do is the most amazing experience during the course USN driven by Steve, of course. Wow. Yeah. So I just went up to him there. And I thank you for setting me on the path to do your TSM. Because it was phenomenal experiences.

Cordelia Gaffar:

And so that that led you to? How did you come to the book? Did you get the manuscript?


So how did it come to us by happenstance? So I'm on the internet. So I don't race to Audible. On the internet, and what gets recommended to me on Audible, is, wow, yeah, okay, so honestly, I read the book or listen to the book. In about two days, I just absorbed, send Steve an email, you'll never guess what I've just found a picture of the book, and it's listening to both three other copies of Chet Sampson. Francis, you have to read this lady in California, the coach in Ireland, another friend of the book, blew me away. If there are books you read, and I'm sure you found this, just lift your soul. And that's how I felt after reading the book. I was blown away. And then I sent him his own story was just something I took from the book, in terms of how he has been, because then story from last Tuesday, and

Cordelia Gaffar:

I love it. So did you have any expectations based on your previous experiences with Steve, coming into the season?


The DNS is great in terms of, you know, all the work he's done in the background. So I got to experience Steve a little bit through YouTube. I know what Steve is like. Honestly, I think I said this to already surpassed all my expectations. So to now, I'm feeling really emotional, but so much energy, because, you know, if I didn't need to see me, I'd have to go through the evening. And also physically, for the three hours, I would have taken every bit of information and still have been absolutely focused on what they're doing, because it's so highly charged. It's it's frequency, the vibration, and it's the amount of love and authenticity, you're picking up from newspapers.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah. What do you suppose gives it the higher vibration?


The authenticity, it's, it's the way Steve, the level of detail going into the planning. It's the way Steve adlibs some of this in terms of just picking on people to speak randomly. Whether it's karate, whether it's arousal, whether it's song, and each of their stories, even though they hadn't prepares are just amazing. They came straight from the heart. So NASA prepared speech. It's something that just came straight from the heart. Of course, everyone picks up on that.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, so the Yeah, everyone that I've talked to so far has talked about this deep heart connection. So you felt that even with the speakers


of course, oh my god, this place is reverberation. Again, yes. You know, the way that Dr. Joe Dispenza you know, he talks about we all give off frequency. I mean, if you have 300 people in the room here all giving that off.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah there's endless possibilities. Limitless possibilities Thank you Donna I'm not sure get your information


Yeah, no problem I'm on the Facebook group anyway

Cordelia Gaffar:

Becky how are you? I'm fabulous. How are you?

Becky Robbins:

Are you water right now? Don't can't change clothes. A buddy needs all those things.

Cordelia Gaffar:

So I'm hearing you say that you're like you don't really need to. Yeah, I was already on

Becky Robbins:

you What I mean by that is just unfulfilled part of my document is I'm devoted to the fun, fulfilling and spectacular financial future. But if you can't be fulfilled by something, then I know that every single thing isn't probably fulfilling. But I, I like to living my life that way. Today, it was spectacular. What you said floating on air. And I, I also feel like there's it's not so much points and points and points to capture, but it's like a feeling. Now it's gonna be no, it's gonna happen. Now, what's gonna be different in my mind being in different contexts that I hadn't thought of before? And you went for it? That was so amazing to me was having the guy from the hotel? Yes, keeping guide, just go up and read that back of that book, because he read it in a way and pages. Of course, we hadn't heard it that way before. Right? Right. So you can only hear it in your own voice when you're reading it yourself. But then to hear someone who's so new with this, we have so much animation about it, I don't know, I want to go back and read those. And really look at that. Because there's always fun exploring, and I'm an explorer. So I like learning and figuring new things out. And there's a point where you just like, let it rest and let it just be where it was going to be and see what this is going to be.

Cordelia Gaffar:

So right now, for example, after this, you have to move hotels, you know, other kinds of logistics. Who are you going to be a situation?

Becky Robbins:

No fair? No, I did all the work already. I just have to get a car, go to the other hotel. There. Do I even do that now? Or do I do it later? I would. I think everybody would appreciate you taking the shower.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, you know, because I asked that question. Because just like you we're all feeling this vibration. A new bottle. Okay, party. So you as a speaker, though? What did you have any expectations coming into this?

Becky Robbins:

I did not have any expectations, because I wasn't told what we're going to talk about. I said to Steve, I don't even know what I'm supposed to be talking about. We're not sure it's a no, it's a panel thing. But he's well, I wouldn't leave it up to chance like that. I would ask him why aren't you asking? So that night texted and he was taking his son in hospital. So that was that. So I thought to myself, you know, I think having an expectation of how something's gonna turn out. So setting yourself up for something that you have. Because I can't, I can't have an expectation how the audience is going to react to can have an expectation or anything that's unpredictable. So what I'm passionate about, though, is the whole creation of the benefit of my document, because because it serves me in many ways, every day. Sometimes they blend together. They're like, one phrase will like come into the next phrase, or a different word come up when I needed something different. Like come on, because I'm diligent about as little as a practice about, I have listened to every morning, it's recorded. And this morning, before I even turn on the light, you know, I wake up and I just push record. And then I listen to it again before it tucked in, you know, push the button, listen to it again. And I just think it's the most beautiful thing to do. First thing last. And then I also do a practice called Heart Math, where I Heart Math is like, the practice of Heart Math is where you, it's about having your EKG and your EEG match. Most of the time we go around life and it's not doing and then your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are out of whack, which affects everything. Especially when you're traveling and you've got jetlag and you're moving hotels, and you're like, you know, you're busy every minute and you've got something planned. July kicks in. So that is something I do every morning. To so they have ideas to get in coherence. So that way isn't a deep breathing like, like to the count of eight in the count of eight out as if your heart's doing the breathing. So it's really getting into your people that get into your car, it's like, no, actually pretend like you are in there. Actually let your inspiration and your explanation come from there. No, and a great way to do that was like you said that I had to pick my paper document that's like pages out of a Bible, because it was like, tattered and worn. So keep that in the front, cover my journal. And I have it in my lap. So there's a little gadget, one slip onto your ear. In other words, it's right here near your heart, turn it on, and follow it on your phone, there's an app called inner balance on your phone. And I do that, and I'm now finding that I can get into coherence really fast, by by reading through my document, like slowly reading through and embodying it in my heart, and then at the end of doing my document doesn't take like three or four minutes, then I'm wanting to decide, like, first of all, to start with my family likes and loves from my heart, like beaming it straight into the heart of my daughter, and then my two boys, and then whoever else comes to my mind, and then different people come to my mind, it's kind of surprises me sometimes, always Steve, and, and others, you know, just depending on the day, and then I turn this off. And now I'm in that place, and maybe also want to do it is as soon as you put doing it, you can drop into the most deep meditation. And, and there's nothing but silence and feel a whole sensation in your body. So my document is not advertising that I'm just saying that it has served me so well. And because of going through the blood, sweat and tears part of it to get to the actual, actual document, not just affirmations, or talking to a lady saying I'm just having some trouble, because I feel like I always feel bad about it when I read it. Because I'm not that I'm what was the process, although it's because I didn't want it that sounds like it would be terribly uncomfortable to go through and stay right, it's terribly uncomfortable to go through. And if you want to do, because you've come up with all the reasons why what's been going on in your life, that makes you feel like you don't belong somewhere or you are incapable or even worse things like someone saying something to you, that is so hurtful, they've stuck in there. And I've got a lot of those, you know, that I had, and then the middle process. And that's when I was doing all of that. Steve said fill up page after page after page. He said in that battle that when you get done with that on the next visit. That's when we're going to burn down the warehouse, but you're going to fill up a warehouse full of all those things, you just keep writing those things out. And that's when I said having only looked at the books like the way some people read it, because I hadn't heard all the rest. I hadn't read all that. It was like I had seen his document in there. And so I thought, Oh, I'm so glad as I started writing out little document things. And that's when I texted him and said, I'm so grateful that I are so proud that I've already read the book and you know, like to start with document because this would be awful if I hadn't done that. So he said, stop being a smart rat. You're not, you're not keeping our commitment. So it's already just made me anyway,

Cordelia Gaffar:

there's a couple of things I hear there. So there's a distinction between the way you will develop your document with Steve, versus this other person you had a conversation with? Who was just developing it from reading the book and skipping the parts?

Becky Robbins:

Well, I think that that part isn't as I wish it were strengthened a little bit the forgive yourself part. Because I was saying to this lady, I see like, that lady with the red person there, too. She looked over here and said like, I don't like your outfit. You don't care because you don't even know her. But it's, it's, it's when we judge ourselves. I forgive myself for judging myself as incapable I forgive myself, but it's like, Could I delete that about myself? That's already I'm already in pain. Why would I keep doing that to myself? Just taking responsibility so that you can move on to God's sake. And then once you get to that, and you're sitting, he's okay, read every one of those things out loud to me. You know, and then and then you're saying I forgive myself for judging myself aswhat as you know, all those things that come up. And then the next thing and the truth is, I belong here. The truth is And then the one like I am made of God. And when that came out, Steve said, Oh my God, that's like scripture, Becky, you should say, made of God. And I create magic in every area of my life. Like Becky Robins, like your quote for your life and just started coming through because it was a holy experience. So how can I not want to read that document or recite it to myself all the time?

Cordelia Gaffar:

Because it's like recreating your story.

Becky Robbins:

I'm recreating, and I'm comforting and soothing myself. And it's like my bedtime story and my wake up in the morning story. And so and I still have my ups and downs days, you know. Not many. And I'm also know that I'm not going to go through like, unless there's some crisis within my family or something, but like, I'm done with all of the drama of life. I'm done with that. I'm, I've got enough under my belt now.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Says so more opportunity to love yourself deeply. I had much more of a nurturing. Nurturing, because what was it you said? You said, You're a nurturer to the world.

Becky Robbins:

That I nurture all humanity. Yes. I should add creatures of nature, because that's important to me. I'm gonna run. Thank you. Thank you.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Do you mind if I interviewed for the podcast? This is for the ultimate coach podcast.

Local Participants:

Yeah, like Colton wonder right now. It's like recording audio.

Cordelia Gaffar:

No, it's just audio. Okay. Yeah. So yeah. So did you read the book before you came?

Local Participants:

Yeah. Before I even came here to Hollywood. Okay. Leslie would experience knowing still stay the Buddha that his difficulties seemingly stable, good offer. There is an ingredient positive word they mentioned about Nikki saying the pathway but some people have mentioned only about positivity. And Emma mentioned about negativity, right. So it was good to know about his student posture and how he lived his life, from childhood to at this stage was like, interesting,

Cordelia Gaffar:

right. Did you read when you read the book? And did you read it as if it was about here? Yes. Yes.

Local Participants:

First, I started with the matte black finish. Then they wanted to the first two pages, and then they bought into the book. And one of the chapters. It was like, top back pages, right, like fashion impact interests. Okay, if you want to do that, Oh, you shouldn't be so that makes thing you like, twice we're doing the thing before next you think twice to uncover something how you should know that is like analyzing, tearing down and just knocked on best experience a house. The only thing is like always YOLO

Cordelia Gaffar:

Oh, escape club. Oh, right. Hello. Ariana sued by

Local Participants:

an excerpt say over over the days. It was

Cordelia Gaffar:

I'm actually getting impressions for the podcast

Local Participants:

so two conditioners these buddy Okay, no, but you sold on Rogers or from Hyderabad. I'll send this McKenna's. Okay. Well, that's all so you're from

Cordelia Gaffar:

from Washington DC Washington. This? Yeah, I'm I'm Cordelia okay, I'm one of the hosts for the ultimate coach podcasts. Okay, yeah. So

Local Participants:

podcasts Yeah. So I want to know so are we people your channel yes the notes the whole video getting 10 or saw was the business the most powerful solo with that I have seen well with a change in myself. And so he has a boss call in way well through something as a matter of law so he has a fan friend pass all this all this has been a terrible experience through law. So there is no stranger so I come to know today I saw what they didn't know software industry means why should reveal their source of money and then like I noticed that a trip so through all these positive that this awareness changes the so that thank you for Supreme or being sir three or four of our force cash I definitely follow for speeches. So but I didn't know from your work as a data guy to get that pitch with you. So you have a Facebook ad.

Cordelia Gaffar:

So what are your immediate like takeaways?


It's humbling it's so powerful we having all these people in this room and doing what it is that we're doing. You know, even now like look, we're still collecting gifts. Like yes, yes, we pay for receive me. main camera, this camera bag camera. Okay,

Cordelia Gaffar:

I love it. So these are videos that often panty they can't see made yet and we Henry just came by to take care of us to make sure that we got ours.


Yes. So and it's just One blessing from one blessing to another blessing. And the the love that you feel. And this would grow. I don't think I'll ever deal with ever again, to be honest. And it's just connections. Yeah. And everyone's humble. Yeah, every single person I've met is 110%. Of. Yeah.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Well, thank you Fina.


Yeah, I mean, to me, it's the, it's not the energy in the room that's been so powerful. We've heard a lot from speakers. And that's been amazing. And there's been gold all along the way. But as soon as I got here this morning, you could just feel the energy and feel the love and feel the vibration. And that has stayed consistent the whole day, even though we'd been in here, like 10 plus hours or something like that. And, and so just the kindness of everyone and, and getting an opportunity to, you know, meet some people for you know, the first time and just all these, you know, micro moments together as been a crazy palette, that it's been really, really powerful.

Cordelia Gaffar:

What's shifted the Most for you?


I'm sure that I need to sleep on it. But one thing that's coming up just because of some stuff that's been happening to me recently, was the conversation around like, when you are feeling like insecure and uncertain, you just start like freeing yourself in that moment. And so when it feels like I don't know what to do next, and not like it's just start, just start the creation and, and that will, you know, push you out of that that episode t that was really profound for me just based on some things that had happened right before I came here. Now that I think that's really coming forward, for me, it's just the reminder that it, that love is just the highest expression in the ball list. And so it's just always that, you know, how am I embodying love through my beings? Yes, money and around love, what's love wanting to do and show up and come forward and all of that? And just if we can't remember anything else, like just to remember to do that?

Cordelia Gaffar:

No, I'll did you expect something different? Have you been to another meeting experience?


I have not. This is my first one. Well, I should say, I've watched the live stream for the Arizona one. This is my first time, you know, being you know, live in the row. And I, I tried really hard not to come up with a bunch of expectations. I just really wanted to be open. I wanted to be open to learn to be in the presence of, you know, a couple of 100 Amazing humans and, and so it was mind blowing to me. And just the whole way that the day worked and the people that sometimes impromptu got up to speak and just what was shared and just the fluidity of of how it all weave together ultimately, you know, and people just showed up to Surrey, everyone, whether you school or were a participant, it's just to me at least as strong, I'm just flavor of

Cordelia Gaffar:

service. Up the hills thing. Yeah. And even like at the beginning of the event, what I think it was, was it breakfast when we met? Yes, yeah. So long ago now. I know. It was like it was like 11 hours ago. So yeah, though, the way we met, it was just kind of like, one thing I've noticed is not only what you asked, but there's this magnetic heart pool that kind of like you there 325 people in this room. But there's just those tabs where your heart is like, yeah, I have ties to her. You have a an extraordinary connection. Yeah, yeah.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Okay, so what are your immediate call to action actions?


Oh, no. We just said to each other about no one is worthy of hard judgment. There is. No one is worthy of my judgment. Everyone is worthy of my love Gooding mean, seriously, especially me, especially me. Yeah. That was a big upping God take away. That's a big takeaway. Other for me, the distinction that that I'm thinking of just now is where Ron John shared, which was not even he wasn't even planning to share but he shared about being being about doing presents. And that being presents, and that that hit me like that's on a breakfast. Yeah.


Yeah, we just talked about how, how much of an example it is to Steve for Steve to tell the story of how he messed up how he was being judgmental. So that we're not putting him on a pedestal of him being powerful, but we've like actually mean work in progress, which he claims like he never claims everything else and It's easy to think, well, he's perfect, but I'm not. But to, to see that and to see that, you know, these gaps between aspirational view and default being or actual being, but you can have that and then not feel guilty about it for judge yourself for it. But love that not the guy enough that conflict yes that the context and use it for awareness of things, you know, coming to a higher state of being


to use it for creation and creating renew, we were noticing to how they're creating, how he was able to create that that man and another child and it was in escrow that he had to read that he was able to create create. Yeah. And then and that breeds us. And so it is fucka. Yeah. Oh, yeah. created. It's greeting us as he's doing it. And then marovo out, hit Oh, and Craig with our clients. And so


I've just also named all of it as a particularly exact note that a postive was creating any mean? Oh, yeah, yes. When I could share that distinction about listening, and Steve shot it. For me, it's Amy Leslie, like, I was so deeply touched where you said that, because when I read that distinction that I, you know, came up with this like that spiritual personally, then I would, you know, unconditionally, yes into, but to have as a possibility that that could be your spouse, your partner, that you would create your partner to such a degree to all hold so high, that that can be the person that we would always give the benefit of the doubt, we would always listen to call the President Trump and get him. I don't know, that just literally blew my mind.

Cordelia Gaffar:

So with that, who are you going to be when you go home?


I'm probably the most amazing Hospet father, Atticus Sunday, brother, friend and citizen,

Cordelia Gaffar:

what would you say to people who are hesitating and investing in themselves to come to something like this? Oh, it's


being over everything. Being over everything. It's who you're being over everything. So that's, I mean, over everything I believe I can I get that's what I want to say. I mean, uh, you know, and in terms of coming to something like this, yeah, is that you can, you can, when you said, for me, what happened was, I set this as a, you know, I set this out three weeks. And as a, as a about just something that I was doing, I made the decision, I committed to do it. And because I made the commitment to do it, my being expanded for the three and a half weeks that I was I'm just, you know, practicing. Right. And I was noticing it myself fucking it up sometimes. But you know, messing it up sometimes with family, like, you know, not being a present, father. But but because I, because I chose to make this commitment to come to this, it kind of calls me to the carpet to just find out. Now I really got a, you know, and that's let's practice so that when I get there, I had to do to why I took that very seriously, that question that everyone is asked, and the way that Steve was asking in that video, what do I need to be in order to cop it? How do I need to show up? Right? To be here? So yeah, it's a big question. And I

Cordelia Gaffar:

love that for both of you. Thank you for sharing your work.


Thank you.


I was asked to record a video on how gone to Mumbai transformed my life. And it's honestly the state of being, I actually was not going to come to India because of my child because of my children, two of them with special needs. And in my head, I was just like, oh, I can never make it financially. I don't think they can go leaving my kids for the first time. For this, like, long into be this far away from them wasn't in my mindset. And then something changed. Some of the force changed. A force pulled me a couple of my students was like, Yeah, let's go and the momentum started. And what, what made it for me is that the minute I made that commitment to myself, that I was going, everything fell into place. And I have met people from all over the world and connections that will never be broken connections that will only get deepened. And understanding that there's a whole other level of people who are like minded, like me and are willing to help you, no matter what, without transactions back. And it's so rich and so loving to hear, and so loving to see all these humble people. And how I am always willing to give in to be in that same state of mind was a blessing. And to continue, every single connection I made in Mumbai, and just to learn and to grow for myself, is just valuable, valuable. So one thing that I learned from being in Mumbai, it's just be with like minded people, and being loved and being seen for me. That's the miracle of Mumbai.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Hello, Saloni. Thank you for being here with me. It's now been two weeks after the ultimate coat the ultimate experience India Edition. So like, what? What are your greatest takeaways from the organizers perspective?


Hi, Cordelia. Thank you, thank you so much for having me. And it's a lot to be honest. I think it's been two weeks, and I'm still processing, assimilating it was a lot, both as an organizer and participant. And it was all about to be honest, it's just a feeling of deep love that says how I felt, to our departure to the point of co creation, as well as being a part of the event, I would say, from the very beginning, it was never about, okay, what's gonna happen in the event, how many people are gonna come? This was one thing that Steve has told us says, just focus on who you are being throughout who is going to be at the event. For me, that was one thing that really stayed very deep, you know, in my heart, and I could see every time I was falling out of love, and coming into any kind of, you know, judgment, or any kind of anything else than now, just bringing myself back and the day, it was pure. Now, as you were there, you know, that the energy of the room was pure allow all for everyone. So even though of course, there were things to take care of as organizer, but it was just overwhelming feeling of loud presence and everyone, everyone just being lost in that. I think that uplifted the whole event, I would say more than anything, that that's what my experience is. And that's what really I can say about it. It was really difficult to even describe in words. It was an ultimate experience. And that's what I yeah, I mean, it's pure sport. Yeah. Thank you.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Thank you for that.


Hi, Cordelia. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk about my experience of the miracle in wobei. One thing, which I would like to say is that if there is a sincere desire, there is a dream. It just believe in it, put out the intention, and the universe will make sure that it is taken care of. For me it was meeting, Steve, and can you believe it? That I never imagined that I will get an opportunity to meet Steve. So it has been like a dream come true for me. And the second thing was to bring the book of being to India. And thanks to Steve and Amy, for giving me the opportunity to get it print in India, and a lot of people in India have the access to the book of being at a reasonable price. That was again something which I had envisioned that, you know, this is something that should be there in the book rack, though it's not there in the book rack of all the bookstores. But yes, it's in the hands of those who had a desire to understand their being. And you know what? reading all the characters in the book, whether it was Gary was Steve AMI or Karan dry and actually meeting them. Meeting like minded people who understand what being is about has, you know, fulfill my soul. And this experience of being with everyone in Mumbai will stay with us forever. It was magical and And, of course, it was the effort of Ranjan and the entire team, which made this possible. It was a pleasure meeting you Cordelia. And I'm constantly inspired by your posts, your strength, and a big hats off to you for speaking to all of us and, you know, wanting the community to know, How was the experience for each one of us, then organizing the podcast as well. So thanks a lot, Cordelia. And thanks again, for reaching out to me. Thanks for being a part of medical in Mumbai. And I love you and take care. Thanks a lot.

Steve Hardison:

Good morning after a little bit of voice left. And I just wanted to make this recording, I hope it gets to everyone that it's intended to get to. Is spirit very early on a Sunday morning March 5. Computer receiving a copy of this voicemail is because I consider you one of the great miracles in Mumbai. If for some reason not receive this, and you were one of the miracles in Mumbai, please forgive me as an oversight on my part. Pay me and I enjoyed every moment of this creation. Personally, it was the greatest six months stretch my entire life. And we did it ever stretch me. I've learned so much from each of you. I love so much each of you. I've expanded my beingness in my living as a result of my association with you. Yes, you the one listening to this right now. I'm talking about you, you are the miracle in Mumbai. Thank you for the personal sacrifices each of you made. Thank you for the time and resources that you shared. Thank you for the countless hours of concerted decision making you spent thank you for the lifeforce you've shared, thank you for the things you taught me. Thank you for sitting me personally, in many ways, I will never know. Thank you for the hundreds of things you did, so that others could expand their beingness in being one of the miracles in Mumbai. Thank you for being kind, gentle and loving. Thank you for corrections and asking for forgiveness when you weren't kind, loving our channel. Thank you for the countless hours of figuring this and that out so that you could be in Mumbai yourself to participate. Thank you all the continued to do to tie up the loose ends that come with such a huge event. Thank you for blessing my life. Thank you for blessing your life. Thank you for blessing the lives of 1000s of our brothers and sisters that exist and reside on this tiny blue dot. I can easily say that the ultimate experience Indian dition what I like to call the Mumbai miracle has become the very ceiling of my being the Highmark the benchmark of my entire life. I am so grateful for it. I am so grateful for you. And I promise you that it will continue to grow and expand my being such that the ceiling becomes a new floor and I will create another ceiling. To say I love honor and respect each of us would be an understatement. I love you beyond words beyond time and beyond space. I honor you as my brother, my sister as my blood. I respect you for who you are and for who you are, who you are not. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. As JRD Tata said, common people have an appetite for food. Uncommon people have an appetite for service. You are all uncommon people. Your passion and pure service has been miraculous. You are miraculous. You are the miracle in by loving you. Be blessed be the miracle that you are from SFH slash KB and his forever girlfriend. I will always be a miracle Amen. Bye. I love you.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Thank you for listening to this episode, and recap of the ultimate experience India Edition. Now take some time to reflect and introspect on who you're being. If you haven't already, get a copy of the book, The Ultimate coach book and visit us at the ultimate coach book.com Thank you for listening and create who you're being was here every heartbeat and every breath