Episode 45

Be Your Greatness - Kusudi Muithi

Kusudi is the embodiment of Purpose which is the meaning of his name in Swahili. This conversation will be the most transformative 37 minutes you will utilize this week. Our host Cordelia Gaffar creates a powerful space for Kusudi to allow you to truly see who you are being at your depths and why you can join us in Mumbai. LListen and enroll yourself for an opportunity of a lifetime.

About the Guest:

Kusudi is the CEO & Founder of Creator of Reality Academy, an online academy that teaches people the tools and strategies to live a life of financial freedom and personal fulfillment.

Over the past 5 years, Kusudi has invested time and resources learning directly from the greatest thought leaders, billionaires, and personal development experts. Simultaneously, he has transformed  his life by creating over 7 figures in business, speaking to thousands of people around the world and coaching high level 7 & 8 figure earners on how to create a life of energetic alignment in all aspects of life.

Kusudi is a highly sought after speaker who has spoken around the globe guiding tens of thousands of people discover and live on their purpose. Ready to step into your greatness?

About the Host:

Cordelia Gaffar is the Ultimate Joy Monger. That means that she holds space for you to reveal your joy within. Joy Mongering is a word she created from several life experiences and based on her philosophy that self-nurturing is freedom. In fact she has created a process she calls Replenish Me ™ to help you transmute fear, rage and anger into Joy. In one of her eight books, Detached Love: Transforming Your Heart Do That You Transform Your Mind, she breaks down the Replenish Me ™ process through her research, client stories and her personal vulnerable shares.

She is also the host of three host podcasts. She won Best Podcast Host for her solo show called Free to Be Show and collaborates as a co-host on Unlearning Labels and the Ultimate Coach Podcast. The multidimensional genius she is, is further demonstrated as the mother of six children whom I homeschooled for 17 years. In summary, she has won multiple awards: Best Podcast Host of 2019, Top National Influencer, Sexy Brilliant Leader, and inducted into the Global Library of Female Authors in 2020; and in 2021 nominated for Author of the Year and Health and Wellness Coach of the Year and in 2022 Master Coach of the Year and Orator of the Year. She has also won the Brainz Global 500 Award of Influencers and Entrepreneurs for 2021 and won BOOKS for PEACE 2022 award, CREA Award.

She has been featured on America Meditating Radio, British Muslim TV, Spirituality Podcast, Ultimate Coach Podcast, also featured on South African radio 786, and Fox News.





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TUCP Intro/Outro:

Welcome to The Ultimate Coach Podcast conversations from being inspired by the book The Ultimate coach, written by Amy Hardison, and Alan Thompson. Join us each week with the intention of expanding your state of being. And your experience will be remarkable. Remember, this is a podcast about be. It is a podcast about you. To explore more deeply visit the ultimate Coach book.com. Now, enjoy today's conversation from being

Cordelia Gaffar:

Hello Kustudi. Welcome to the ultimate coach podcast.


Hello, hello, Cordelia. Thank you for having me.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah. So I'm wondering, I see you wearing these various speeds? Do they have meaning?


Yeah, so the quality ladies. And what I study is the wisdom of nature, wisdom of nature, universal truth. So each one of these represents a facet of nature, regardless if it's the mountains, the ocean, the rivers, the forest, their forces of nature. So each one of these are representation of nature. And then one is the representation of my ancestors. So that's the signification, behind the even the color of it is, is in line with this right? So this is Honey, this is beauty. Yellow, this is the forest with green. So each one color and meaning is a representation of the aspect of nature.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Hmm, interesting. So, it Have you always believed this, or is this something that has been part of your transformation?


Yeah, it's been part of our transformation. It's a spiritual, African spiritual and tradition and the system called ephah. It is the study of nature to study a universal truth. So this was a system that came into my life last year, and has been a pivotal for my growth, my success. My knowingness of self has been a huge, a huge part of my life. So it hasn't always been there. I didn't grew up. Of course, you grew up being like, play outside and everything. But as far as like, let me go in nature. Let me just get grounded and be with the trees. Like that wasn't me. Not there's been something that has been more prevalent in my life the last couple of years.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Okay. So like, when we were kids, you wouldn't have been like, let's go and play in the forest, you would have been doing something else.


Always go play in the forest. But I would have did it if it was like fun to like, explore something, you know, yeah. But it wasn't like, I need to get in nature. Like, I need to get connected to the trees. Like, no, I was just a kid, you know, let me go play basketball, we'll probably play football and the grass. But it wasn't like, Oh, let me go get grounded. Like, let me go take off my shoes and you know, connect with?

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah. So what was the shift? Was it that you felt that you needed to change or, you know, like, sometimes we experience things in life in it. And you just know that you can't keep doing the same thing to get the result that you truly desire?


Yeah, I think the shift was, I moved on one of my mentors about three, four years ago. And he was living in upstate New York in the Hudson Valley. And it was just beautiful, just trees and everywhere, you know, trees and mountains. And I'd never been around anything like that, you know, so it's like far like two and a half hours upstate, from the city from New York City. So it wasn't skyscrapers or a city, you know, and they stayed in like a small town. So it was surrounded by trees and nature and mountains. And I didn't realize how healing how beautiful was so I used to go on runs. And then they had a mountain that I like, go and run up the mountain. And I started meditating around that time as well, probably a couple years before that going to my first Tony Robbins event is when I truly started meditating and everything. But I think between that blend of like meditating, and then actually before that, now that I think about it, wow. Question. So before that, after I started meditating, and when I go back when I was still living in India now Listen, every morning, I go for a walk, I go for a run, and I meditate by the not the pond. But it's like the I guess it is kind of like a pond with waterfall like in a mountain like in cities. It has like, I mean, like in a neighborhood and an apartment complex. Oh, I see waterfall and the fountain fountain in the middle, right? Yeah, I hear the water. Right? No. So that's actually where it came from. Not that I think about it. Like that was my first like, I really need to get out of nature. I think it was a combination of going on the run. I was living with people in my house at the time. So I wanted to get somewhere where it was quiet. It wasn't people so I can meditate. And I happen to be outdoors and then go into the huts and just increase that experience for myself. And now it's a it's a mandatory, it's not a it's not an option I can feel when I haven't been outside. And it's a way of life for me now.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Do you know something that's very historical about the Hudson Valley? So like, right, yeah, right before the Civil War. There were a lot of free blacks that were very educated in that area. And they actually had started. Like, it was one of the original havens for black people to start businesses and schools and things like that. So you know, in connection to you reconnecting with ephah. Right. In a perhaps there's something ancestral there as well. I just happen to know that because my some of my ancestors come from upstate New York. Wow. Yeah. They finally settled in Harlem. Right. And they were part of the Renaissance. But they Yeah,


so if I didn't know that, thank you for that. And it's, it's ironic, because that's where I learned business at. At a startup company, I raised hundreds of 1000s of dollars for it. And, you know, that's where I was learning business in upstate New York. So that's beautiful. I'd never know that. Thank you for sharing that. You're

Cordelia Gaffar:

welcome. And thank you for sharing your journey, you know, going back to you. So you reconnected with nature, quite possibly inspired by your ancestors, and went, you know, into your business practice. And so, you know, not that I want to rush through your story. But I'm, I'm wondering, What is your connection to Steve Hardison? And, and how has your experience with Tony Robbins, as you know, we have Becky Robins working with us on the Mumbai experience. And, you know, just your experience in business so far, how, what is the connection there?


Yeah, I think the I think Steve got attracted to me, because last year, I was really being present with, we are creators, we create our reality. So have an academy cop Korra, creators of reality Academy. And it's where I teach the tools and strategies in order to create a life of financial freedom and personal fulfillment. So I was like, I know, we're creators, but I want to see the depths of it. Like, I gotta take this as far as it could go, I gotta learn the knowledge of at the deepest level of human creation in this row. And so I started my academy, and then months later, I was in Arizona, at an event. And when I was at that event, I ended up meeting up with Steve bacon. And somebody actually connected me to Steve bacon earlier last year. And when they connected me to him, he told me to read the ultimate coach. So I read the ultimate coach last year, and I watched the video commitment. And then now fast forward months later, I'm actually meeting Steve bacon the first time in person in Arizona. And he's like, you know, what is your plan? Like? What is it that you wish your long term plan I was like, Man, I inspire a billion people to discover learn there and learn their purpose and live in their purpose. And you know, I want to do this, this and this. And he was like, This is what you want to create the you need to meet the wizard. And I was like, the way he was like, he needed me Steve Hardison and I read about him, I read the whole book, I read it about it, like it was about me. I watched the video on commitment, and it transformed a lot of my life at the time. So this was Saturday night, at like, midnight, and my flight was leaving at like 4am. So I just asked Steve Austin in about to leave for my flight. And I was like, the I mean, do you think I can meet them? Like if I stay here a couple more days and push my flight back? Do you think I could like get a session with him? And he was like, I'm not sure but I I could connect you and then you can see I was like, great. So I just push my five back like five days. And then I ended up reaching out to Steve the next day. And he got on a call with me. And then I told him, I wanted to come to a beat with session with them, you know? And he was like, Okay, do you know the price? I was like, yes. Here's a these are three things are required. Before we meet, I was like, I could get it done. And he was like, I've never really met with a client this fast. He says, obviously, you're a powerful creator. And if you're willing to do everything that it takes to be with me, then I do everything in order to who put you some time on a schedule. So four days later, I was at Steve Hardison, house. And that's where I met. That's when I met you on the way to Steve's house, right? Yes. Yeah. It was ready because you're a part of this story.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, I am part of the story. Yeah, I was at Steve bacon's house that day.


And then, and then I have my session with Steve. And it transformed a lot from me. I could talk hours just about that session. And it transformed my life. But I think what brought him to my life was really wanting to take creation as far as it could go. And through that intention that I said, I met the master creator himself, and now and now I'm working with him.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, the master creator being you.


Exactly. Exactly.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, it's just the facts. So. And it's interesting, because like, just to circle back, so I was speaking to Steve Hardison, recently. And he's like, I met this Oh, I went home, and I go back for a minute. So the next day, I went to Steve Hardison, house because I was on my way to Sedona, and your flag was still off, and I was like, that's not my flag. So what's that what that he was, what had happened was, and so he was like, here's this amazing young man came to my house, and, you know, he's gonna change the world. And he didn't really get too much into your story that day. Yeah. But when we were speaking, a couple of weeks ago, he was like, you know, you gotta meet this young man. He's doing amazing things to help us in Mumbai. And you know, his name is Kosugi. And I was like, ah, sick. Name. sounds so familiar, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, what drew you to want to support the Mumbai event? Tell us about that.


So the Mumbai miracle. First for to be able to experience Steve teaching in person and experience a roomful of people who are committed to being you know, it's a different environment from when people are just going to a seminar, I've been to plenty of seminars, all type of seminars, right?

Kusudi Muithi:

To where the seminar starts in their home now. And now you're just showing up for the actual live event.


It's way different. The seminar is now the seminar is at home, the seminar is Who is it that you're being on this path to this event? Where are you being on this journey? Who is it that you have to be in order to get visas to move life around to pay the money to read the book to enroll people, you know, the seminar for this event is actually now taking place now, it's like the greatest seminar going on is now now now over and over and over and over again. So be to be able to be part of that and to use whatever ideas or visions or thoughts that I have to be a support of each and every person in that room. It causes me to be somebody different, you know, this is an event all the way in India. And it's not the easiest place to get to, but it's the greatest opportunity when you do get there. Like the greatest opportunity is being with to your yourself, and with your thoughts to actually get in that room and be there. So if there's anything that I could do to support, and I'm working with the team now and I'm lending my effort and my time, I think it's a beautiful day because it's not about the speakers on stage. You know, Steve's great, all the other speakers are great. But who's really bad is the person in the seat, who's really great is the person that we're being in order to bring all this together and everything. And I think it's the most beautiful narrative there is because it always puts the ball back in your in your court. It's in your court. It's in your court. It's not over there with Steve. It's not over there with Becky's not over there with a lope is with us, each and every one of us, and what better narrative or better empowerment and to know that you're the great person that it's about you in the seat, and if I can get behind that I think it's the most beautiful narrative to get behind.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, I hear so many. So many points. Firstly, going back to the book, right, because we read the ultimate coach book as it is about you. And connecting the dots to the the ultimate experiences that are created are also about you. About a year ago, I went to the original ultimate experience. And when Steve spoke, that's basically you know, like, that was the first probably half of what he talked about, was that them most important person in the room is the listener. Right? And which, just like you said, is, you know, the commitment to be at any of these experiences is about all the choices you made, you have to commit to reading the book. And you can't just read it like any other book, right? It's not the biography of Steve or his work. It's about you. Right. And, and then taking it to the next level, like reading comprehension is a great thing. But embodiment is what we're talking about here. Yeah, he announced. So that's what I'm hearing you say?


Yes. And it's like, it's like what you said, the book is about you. And the most beautiful thing is the things that stick out the most is what you see in yourself the most at that time. Yeah, so Oh, my God is so great that Steven and this are so great that this person wanted this or oh my god, they're saying that. And it's like, because that sticking out to you. That's what's most about yourself, you can only recognize what's in you, you can only see what's inside of you. So I may read the book and get way different distinctions, then somebody else reads the book. And then when I read the book again, and a month, I'm not the same reader again. So I get new distinctions, right. Yeah. So like you said, it's a true embodiment. It's not a disassociation. It's not you in the book, it's you. And you, and you, you know, as you reading about you, it's not reading about Steve's, it's not just going through a book, just to say that you read it, oh, my God, this was inspiring. No, is being with who you are in his book and getting it out for yourself and being that,

Cordelia Gaffar:

yeah, yeah. I challenge, you know, the listeners of this, this particular episode to do that, you know, even if you've read the book already, just revisit it, and see who you are now, because whenever you read that, whenever you originally read the book, you were somebody else. And then like, life has happened, you know, you've been experiencing new things, you've been trying different things, and experimenting with different things. So we're gonna have to do another interview with you, I think this will be like part one, right? Because I'm interviewing you, prior to going to Mumbai. So then we're gonna have to interview you when you come back to see who you be V.


Same, and I think it's, you know, for a group of people to really commit themselves. You know, the thing that I love about Steve is he said that he doesn't help people he gets people to commit. And that's one of the biggest distinctions that we could take on for ourselves is how is it that we could get ourselves to commit hours that we could get others to commit, you know, to commit to reading a book, watching videos, being able to buy, like, it takes an extraordinary person to take on that level of commitment. You know, that's not a small commitment at all. It's not just I'll be on a zoom at this point of time, right. But I think that's what's so beautiful about it is because for the people who choose to take it on you, you're going to experience miracles in your life. Because in order to take it on, you have to be somebody differently. You have to be somebody definitely to read a book, watch the videos and get in Mumbai. Like that takes an extraordinary amount of commitment. And if you got this commitment to your being, because that's what you're committing to, you're committed to being somebody definitely you're not committed to Steve Hardison to go and support Steve Hardison. You're committed to being someone differently. That how is that going to show up in your business? How is that going to show up in your marriage? How's that gonna show up in your community? How's that gonna show up in your purpose? How's it going to show up in your impact? Like it transmutes in a it blends all of those aspects. So this is not about a book. This is not about an event. This is about who you are with everything in your life, who you are as a father, as a mother, as a wife, as a husband, as a friend, as a community leader, as a business leader as an employee, and As a son as a daughter, right, it's who you are in all aspects. It's not about an event at all. And once you can realize that taking on getting to Mumbai can actually be the very thing that may save your marriage, it could be the very thing that may take your business to the next level to take your finances to the next level, take your personal fulfillment to the next level, like once someone truly gets that inside of them. Because you're the same person in all of these situations is you're the common denominator, you're the common being. And once you expand your being, everything else expands and the universe conforms to the nature of your being, then you realize that this is the greatest opportunity there is. It's not that, Oh, should I go? Should I not go? Maybe I catch the next one like, no, because you're putting up all the other aspects of your life, like commit to reading the book, buying a ticket, and getting yourself in that room. Because there may be the very thing that transformed everything that you've been looking for, not because it's the event, but it's because of person even being on a way to actually getting in their room and getting to.

Cordelia Gaffar:

And those those are the things you know, like, everything you mentioned, is very important. And let's be clear for North Americans or even for Europeans, you're going on the other side of the world. And traveling. Traveling in general, is character building for traveling to the subcontinent. I've been there. So you know, you can level up. Yeah, I can tell you


grab a lot of playing time to be thinking about oh, is it that you're paying on the way there, right.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yes. And when you get off to that's yeah, it's it's been? I've never been to India, I've been to Bangladesh. You know, it's similar, but obviously not the same. But it's character building. Beautiful, beautiful people. Yeah.


Yeah. So I look forward to this my first time in India. I've taken a taking a 25 hour plane ride to Kenya. Oh, okay. Africa, but this is my first time going to India and I'm, I'm super excited about it.

Cordelia Gaffar:

You will love it, you will absolutely enjoy it. Yeah,


I know, especially with extraordinary group of people that I'll be surrounded by, right

Cordelia Gaffar:

100% I'm looking for it. And the most important extraordinary being that you're bringing with you.


Exactly. Exactly like this, there's gonna be a whole different man, I'm a, I'm a whole different man, day by day by day, I'm having to like be with myself, you know, I think the thing in life is to be up to something so big in life, that it causes you to have to be somebody different in order to pull it off. And like, that's how you grow, you don't grow by being up to small things, you grow by being up to something that expands you, you don't know how you can pull it off, you'd have no idea about the how, right. But it's like, by becoming somebody differently in the process, the person you become is the person that fulfills on the wish that you desire. So it's like, I'm so excited, because this is something big, you know, to get to India to support to get people in the room, not just in the room, but people who are committed people who have committed their time, their effort, their dollars, their energy, to experience themselves at a deeper level, is it's a big feat. And it's exciting, because who I'll be in the process is way Definitely and who each and every person in that room will be just by the mere fact of getting in the room before anybody is to stage. The transformation will take place the moment you step in that room, not the moment that Steve comes on, it's the moment you step in that room. Because transformation has been taking place day by day by day by day by day by day already. So I'm excited for I'm super excited.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, I can feel your energy. It's like intoxicating, you know, I'm almost like, Wait, am I free that day? Oh, right. I'm gonna be in a different continent. But I'm definitely you know, I will be with you in spirit. You know, it takes commitment from people like you and the energy and the role modeling of ways of being, you know, I'm just, you know, just in my experience of you in this conversation. I'm already pulled in. I'm like, wait, I think I can make it like, like


all right. We'll jump in vita, switch these around, actually get to India, right. So yeah, it'll be great to have you there and anybody listening, you know, caused by it, then follow that, you know, I tell people your role would change when the intuition now starts that you Have that is really there, when you start treating it rather than a thought you start treating it as instruction, your whole world would change. So those ideas that you have that you keep putting off, every time you see that event, and you're like, I really want to go, I really want to go, I really want to go. That's not an idea. That's not a thought, that's an instruction. So if you're listening to this, and you're feeling called, and you feel like you're being stopped by everything else, like get that out of the way, get out of that out of the way, and do whatever you have to do in order to be the person that could get in a room, it's an instruction, follow instruction, because once you follow instructions, spirit will keep blessing you with more and more instruction. And now we'll be getting bigger, the opportunity to get bigger to situations will get bigger, everything will start growing. And you will start trusting yourself, because you will get there. You know, when I went to Africa, I woke up on Wednesday. And spirit was telling me that I needed to get to go to Africa. And I ended up find out on Sunday. And it changed my life. And my whole name comes from my experience that I spoke to kids in the slums kids in Africa had, there's no way I could have planned that I had a such an experience that if you gave me a year in advance to plan that trip, I cannot plan it. But it was me following instruction. So for somebody listening to this, you're like, Oh, my God, India so far, and is this in his four weeks, I listen, I flew the same amount of time in five days, you have five weeks, like follow instruction. And I promise you, you'll start seeing how the universe conforms spirit puts things in a way God opens up opportunities when they know that you're committed, and you're actually going to do it. So for anybody listening, and you've been filling Supercard, you see all the excitement, you see other people, you're experiencing the transformation already, they get in their room. And then I know Steve will never say this, but he'd never would tell you to get in the room for him. But I'm here to tell you getting a room for him as well, like this. There's no other schedule event for Steve Hardison, he won't be speaking at any other public event, he's made it clear this is most likely his last public event. That's not what he does. Right? He doesn't like to do the fame and do the do the acknowledgement from a bunch of people. Like that's not what he's in it for. So get in the room to hear Steve at his last public speech, right? Like, they would never tell you that they will always say it's about yours, and it is about you. But we can also realize that this is a it's a mistake. He's a this man is a spirit and flesh as we all are. And He's taken his been to a whole different level. So to be able to experience him and his teaching my mentor that I love so dearly. Get in the room. This is the last one speaker you got to get in the room.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Well, here's the distinction. I want to just go back to the comment you said about Steve. So you said we're all spirits and body. And Steve is a spirit that actually pays attention to instructions from the spirit realm. In a body. Yes, yes. So we had to clean that up. Yeah,

Kusudi Muithi:

he's he doesn't put anything in the way between him and instruction. Here are some great, let's do it. Let's create a list of wardro had to be in order to increase miracles daily, daily daily. So if you had to experience a standard of what's possible, not as a roof but as a base ground. Like Steve is not a roof Steve's amount of being there's there's not a route to being, but going to at least see what's possible. And it's like, oh, that's a least the least amount of expansiveness I could get for myself, in my experience that I could go even further because Steve didn't have Steve, that we have. We see it Steve didn't have Steve to see what being truly meant. He's became a do his journey of learning. So we can accelerate our life by learning from somebody who was masterful at that, then imagine what you're going to be when you're 67. And you've been able to see being in action, what it looks like now. Oh, my God. And then imagine when I'm 67, the person was learning from me because now they've got Steve experience and my experience, and they're gonna take it and it's like, it just always gets to another there's no ceiling to it. So it's not like Steve has reached the final form of being him and stuff will tell you he's being somebody new every single day, but to be able to see somebody on that level and be in the same energetic realm and the same space, physical space as somebody from Steve's level. There's no way that you can't get a lot of it for yourself and expand who you are in that moment. So get there for yourself, and also get to see this mystic figure, speak for his last time

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, thank you for that shameless plug.


He would never do that right? First, and he's 100%. Correct. Yeah, saying that, but you can acknowledge greatness. You can acknowledge you acknowledge greatness. And whatever you see in Steve is what's possible for you as well.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Again, we are mirrors of each other, you know.


That's all and you can't see past you can't acknowledge past. Past your level of expansiveness, you can't see more than who you are. I tell people, I study myself more than anything, because the markets see me the market see you. The market see me, the more I can see you. And I put myself in environments that caused me to see me even more. Hmm. And I think this is one of the most beautiful environments not the room, but who your being to commit to being in the room. Right? There's a lot of opportunity into so many situations, so many things in life, and it's gonna be so many more opportunities in life past this. But this is a beautiful opportunity right now, in this present moment, of expanding yourself right now in this moment. And being in that room as well with hundreds of other people who are committed at that level, it's a different experience that people you will meet the connections that will be formed the love that gets shared and translated and transmitted from each other to the other person. Because we all knew we have to do and who we have to be. It's a different it's a different experience, and a roomful of people with that level of commitment. It's a different experience. And I think it's one that each and every person should experience.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, I agree. And there's a different level of appreciation for each other in that room to you know, I have to say, I felt camaraderie, you know, at the the ultimate coach experience in Arizona, because, I mean, even now, I think back to the people that were in that room, I probably only met a third of them, you know, and, but still, there's like something that we share, there's something I can appreciate about them that like, instinctively, and even the other 200 people that I didn't meet personally, it's just like, Oh, you're at the experience. You know what I mean? It's like you can appreciate because you understand the commitment. Yeah.


My most beautiful experiences in life and connections have come from getting in the room. I mean, even the way I met Steve Hardison, is because I was at a conference, I signed up for a master. I was in Jamaica for five weeks, it's about week three, I sign up for a conference. And they're like, Oh, now that I mean, I signed up for a mastermind. And they're like, oh, part of the mastermind is we have a conference next Friday. And this was the Friday before we before in Arizona. And they're like, Well, we know you're in Jamaica, but like, if you want, you could come to the conference. And I'm like, Yeah, for sure. I always get in the room. And because I went and got into a room then that's when I met Steve bacon, and I met Steve Hardison. So all my connections by getting a different event, that's when I met my mentor. And we end up raising 150k for my company through people getting in a room I've raised 150k For my foundation is taking kids to personal development events from the inner city. All right, every most of the beautiful connections that I have the business partners, the life connections, best friends relationships have come from getting in the room because it's such ripe soil for people who are vibrating on the same frequency as you Yeah, everybody's vibrating on that same frequency if you go to a a Raiders game, everybody's vibrating under we want the Raiders similar, right? Right, right, go to a bar crawl everybody's vibrate on that frequency of the bar, but when you go to an event where everybody is expanding their beat, and have a commitment or ping just think of how right that soil is for connections and friendships and business partners and just just love it just pure love and commitment to each other. I think it's the most powerful soil there is and that's why it's super important that you know if this is really calling to you, then do whatever is necessary be whoever is necessary, right? If you're like, oh my god, I would never I can never see myself going to any aid and don't be you be the person that would Don't be you. Like, don't you ever state oh my god, I John, I would never sit there and go to India. Don't be John. Like be the version of you that will do that. It's such a it's such a small distinction that will shift everything. Don't

Cordelia Gaffar:

be Well, I would, I would use the word simple, not small. It's a simple distinction because everything that simple is not easy. And so what you're Yeah, you see, so


simple, but it's definitely simple but not easy. Mm hmm. That's where the growth is.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yes. 100% Yeah, I, you know, I was going to actually ask you, and so what else? I you know, who else are you being in the world, but you've already told us that infused in the story of how you're creating this being part of creating the Mumbai miracle. So? Oh, Kosugi Yes, you must come back. For part two, I want to know, the other side of the miracle, you know, and to close our conversation today, is there anything more you want to put into the space, um,


I would just tell people that not as truth but as possibility that you truly create the reality in which you live in. Everything in your outer world is come from who is it that you're being Emily, who you being really is always seeking hourly expression. So if you look around, and you want the quality of your life to be different, you want it to be better than what you currently experience, your finances, your happiness, your joy, your relationships, your connection, your spiritual connection, then you have to start shifting who you're being and really in order for the hourly reality to look different. And there's no better opportunity to make that happen than now right now, in this moment, go to the website, grab a ticket, get the book, read the back two pages, and the back page, and then the front two pages and read the book itself. It's about you, and commit to experiencing somebody different and really, because once you shift, your being your hourly life will shift as well. So that's my invitation each and every person, I look forward to seeing each and every person that is in that room. And I look forward to seeing the version of me. By the time I get to that event. And afterwards, I would love to come back on and share my experience as well. So thank you so much for having me.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, we'll definitely have you back. And the website you're referring to is the ultimate coach book.com where you can find out all things about the ultimate coach, all of our social media, our membership events, past events, and this podcast. So thank you for listening.


Thank you so much.