Episode 46

Meet BNS - The Guy that Cracked the Steve Hardison Code

BNS became the first person in history to convince Steve Hardison to take a podcast interview request. That might not sound crazy, but for context even Oprah Winfrey couldn’t get Steve on her show Multiple times.

About the Guest:

BNS Srinivas believes in constant and never ending improvement. In this process he has read more than 450+ books in the past 3 and half years and interviewed world experts on health and mindset. He’s the first Indian YouTuber to interview people like Wim Hof. BNS is the creator of two successful YouTube channels called bnsgokugreat with 33,000 subscribers and Telugu Superhumans with ~ 500,000 subscribers through which he shares the lessons he learned and implemented from these books and world experts in a simple manner so that it reaches the masses.

About the Host:

Laban Ditchburn, known affectionately as the World’s Best Courage Coach, mentors people on how to take bold, massive, and strategically courageous actions to facilitate miraculous outcomes. Author, Keynote Speaker, Coach, and Co-Creator of “World’s Best Mastermind”


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TUCP Intro/Outro:

Welcome to The Ultimate Coach podcast conversations from being inspired by the book The Ultimate coach, written by Amy Hardison, and Alan Thompson. Join us each week with the intention of expanding your state of being and your experience will be remarkable. Remember, this is a podcast about be it is a podcast about you. To explore more deeply visit theultimatecoachbook.com Now, enjoy today's conversation from be

Laban Ditchburn:

BNS Welcome to the show. Welcome to the ultimate coach podcast.


It's a pleasure living Thank you for having me here.

Laban Ditchburn:

This is a big episode BNS, whether you realize it or not. DNS, it's the people going well, it's been as Can you better explain BNS real quick?


Yeah, so I'm from India. So that's why I made it short devotion. So my full name is billary Naga size reverse, so which is impossible for you to speak. So that's why I made

Laban Ditchburn:

it just a fun fact includes every single letter of the Indian alphabet.

Laban Ditchburn:

I don't know that. That's true. BNS, this is a really exciting episode, personally for me. And I know that our audience as well, because you are officially the first person in the history of Steve Hardison to convince him to appear on a podcast, which you recorded in the last 12 hours. And so we wanted to time this interview, to capture the post glow performance of what happened. And you and I haven't had an opportunity to debrief on any of this. So this is all going to be brand new to me and brand new to the audience. Where should we start? Where shall we start with us?


For the interview? Maybe? How was my experience after I interviewed the man?

Laban Ditchburn:

Before you do that, you better give an explanation of who you are, and and how long you've known about Steve Hardison, and the ultimate coach, the and the ultimate experience


is, I'm a person who likes to help as many people as possible while having the most fun. And I'm the man of value addition. That's what I say. And my name is DNS. So it's so interesting that you will be shocked the people who are listening to this will also get shocked that Emily Penton is the one that you interviewed before this podcast. introduced me to the world of steel, and you'd be surprised to know that it's, I know steel, maybe. How can I say this? On October? No, must be some Yeah, at the end of November, can you guess that number of 2022 months, and it's less like less than two months? If I'm being honest. And the journey has been very exponential for me. And I learned a lot in a short time. And first of all, thanks to Emily Penton that made this happen. And she was like, messaging me every single day to get the ultimate coach, I see you in that book, please get the book and read it from backside and the starting to witness. And I was saying, okay, okay. But she was so consistent that I knew that something is there in the book, and I dive right in. And you know, this miracle happen?


Well, a massive shout at Emily Penton, who's a dear mutual friend of ours. And if you haven't listened to that episode, on the ultimate coach, podcast, that is a wonderful episode that you should check it out. It's just a recently came out will come out in January 2023. If you're listening, you are a very well known YouTuber in in India and an up and coming in the western world as well. You are the first guy responsible for bringing people like Wim Hof into India and exposing people to his him and his work and a number of other amazing guests. And the speed at which you have grabbed grabbed on to this, this ultimate coach is just unbelievable and how quickly you've embraced that you've already met up with coach Ron Jan, you will be attending the ultimate experience in Mumbai. We look forward to seeing you there. Hopefully this episode comes out just before that, so if you're listening to this, make sure you go up and say g'day to WBNS he'd love to connect with you. Bye Let's get to what happened on the podcast because just for context for those who listened to us for the first time, Steve Hardison has for his entire life rejected offers to appear on TV, radio, any media really of any significance apart from a year and a half ago, the only thing that really existed was the duesler tui TVO. And it NFL video, which is which has become synonymous with Steve. He even turned down being on the Oprah Winfrey podcast, overall podcast the show multiple times, and you are able to convince him to come on your amazing podcast tell us what happened. So


I believe in miracles every single day, I even have a practice that I say, surprise three times like I'm expecting a surprise. Today I'm expecting a surprise today. I'm expecting a surprise to it. And often I find it surprises every single day. So I always believe in surprises and in the opportunities. So once I know about the Steve Hardison, even though I did not read his book, I ask Steve, whether he will allow me to interview him. I always believe in the power of asking because the maximum the worst case scenario that can happen is a no right. But I tried. So we can say that I can I tried. And what if it's an s many people feel the rejection. But I always think what if he says yes. And I asked him boldly, boldly. And he called me. And that was the first surprise that happened to me. And he said that he never accepted an interview before. Like, so many people tried. But he said that he will accept my request. If I read his book, The way it supposed to be read. If I watched the videos that he recommend, he sent me a bunch of them. And he also committed me to bring five people to the event, who read the book. And he also put the condition that he will ask me some questions. And he if he satisfied with the questions, he will think about coming to the podcast.

Laban Ditchburn:

jumping through hoops, right?


Yes, but I know that, that if there is some kind of opportunity, I know that I can succeed. I just want an opening. And I with my 100% More than 100% consciousness, read the book, like it's supposed to be read and embodied it I practiced it even while reading the book, I saw the miracles and posted those miracles to steel and steel acknowledge that. And finally on one day, he called me and then he accepted. That's how it came to be.


Holy shit. That's amazing. did good on you. Good on you. Thanks for following through. So that like that the power of like showing up and committing right and for as people get to know you, they will come to learn that you are the master of showing up and committing and that's why you are achieving the success that you are. Okay, great. So the pot


Can I say something loving? I just want to say out of context, but you're a good man, you always help others grow and always try to show others in a good light. And you do just selflessly man, I know this and you're a good man. Thank you.

Laban Ditchburn:

Thank you very much. This This was a sponsorship was paid for by labor and digital. Thank you, dude, I appreciate that a lot means a lot. So what happened? So


that can happen. And I'm very happy with the interview. Because for the first time, I see whenever I interview a person, I write a lot about the introduction. I write a lot. And if I was going to make an interview about steel, you can imagine the preparation I will make. But for the first time I made something very unique with the introduction, where I did not introduce the person but introduced his concept through the introduction. And the interview just went very well because the purpose of the interview is to see themselves in that interview not to hear steal, but to see themselves speak. Because I always believe that the way I know this, actually, but the beliefs got confirmed after I got in contact with Steve after reading his book is that we all have the infinite potential in ourselves. For sure every solution is within us. But this needs to be something that gets the mind in our mind that brings that out. So Steve is such a pure reflection of us that if we talk or if we experienced steel, we, ourselves get to that solution. So I know that and I just wanted that to project into the interview. And I 100% believe that I made this policy. Fantastic. And then what happened? And then so, and then I was transformed a lot from very interview itself, because where, see, I, when I got to know about steel, I knew that whatever See, Steve always say this, if a person is committed, even if a speaker talks about a phone book, the listener will get a lot of knowledge. Even if he's reading out of a blank paper, white sheet, the listener will learn a lot, because that's the state we are, we have to keep ourselves in. So once I got to know about steel, I'm just tuning in, like my tuning levels are becoming like a higher version that I will learn from whatever I'm learning from. And today, the interview is no exception. And I'm so grateful for this opportunity, because tea sets, so many things that reflected his teachings. And the interview reflected the basic theme of Steve's teaching that is to becoming or to being. So you will love these guys, the people who are listening to this podcast, you will love that interview.

Laban Ditchburn:

Fantastic. Is there anything that's that surprised you or shocked you in the process of the the interview that you weren't expecting? Hmm, not? Not that


you can expect anything? Yeah, that's why I will say this. I'm not surprised. But I felt so grateful throughout the interview. Yes, live. And I'm saying this consciously because I'm like, while I'm interviewing people see, when I interview people, I just tried to make sure that I ask the right questions, so that the people who are listening can benefit from what I learned. But this interviews was interview was different. While I was asking questions, I had to literally bring some new questions out of what I have prepared. And it literally changed, like from question to question I almost how to say this, like, see, when we experience something very good. We become speechless, and I'm experiencing that right now. And I will be honest, here living. Every question led me to learn something new in the interview. Even though I read his book, my book, I will say, and I have watched all the interview said all the videos out there and everything. I learned something new, every scene, every single question. And I think that's the point of the whole podcast.

Laban Ditchburn:

In the two months that it's been since you came to know about the book and Steve and this community of people that are involved. Is there an obvious change that's happened in you that you can speak about,


I can list like 10 to 20 things because I have already implemented on what I learned. So I will tell you, I will be so happy to tell what I learned and how it changed me. So just like steel, I also love like I beyond more than loud to make people smile. I'm addicted to that. But it's something that I will tell you again, that still open the doors that have been locked inside me. I have been making people smile the way I wanted to. But there's a whole new level of what I'm doing that I knew inside me. But after reading the book, and after knowing Steve, I just gave the permission to myself to do them. And as you know, the eight hostess thing I mentioned Do you remember that? Lemon? The flight attendants

Laban Ditchburn:

as well Yes, yes. Yes. You better tell people what you did. Yeah, I will tell


that so I always wanted to make flight attendants feel happy because they come on board from the morning until night. They just sell sell sell people buy that. Rarely people do appreciate them. Right. So I always wanted to do something for them. So but I always thought that okay, maybe it will be a little weird or what if the thing wrong? But after seeing after reading Steve's work. I knew that if see whenever I see an opportunity, I act on them. I think that's what differentiates Steve from other people. When he sees an opportunity he acts on it without any backup of For example, I will say there's a concept in Chinese philosophy called movie where, if something, you know, that's good for you, you do it, you just you don't negotiate anymore. So that's I think Steve is doing exactly that. So when he sees an opportunity to practice loving kindness with other people, he just jumps right in. So now I am practicing that. So recently, with two times that I was flying, I gave some chocolates to flight attendants. Generally, people will will think that okay, was the great deal in that. But I still remember the face of the flight attendants that I gave the chocolate, they were so shocked that people will think that what happened here, they were like, open their mouth, and their eyes were glowing up. And they were in a state of shock, what I will tell you that both the experiences that I had, so first time and again, people were shocked. And in the middle of the flight, all the flight attendants, eight hostesses, a hostess came near us and the switch on the light, and they're just in the namaste pose, they were like all around us and saying that, thank you so much. It really means a lot. Because of people like you. Our, we want to serve people more than they were like, so happy, happy. And I did second time. And the second time was even better. They even wrote me a letter of appreciation. And they even took selfies with me, and everyone around me are like looking at MSL rate or something, why the hell with me, and after seeing such things, it is it will also improve other people, it will also nudge people to do other things. For example, after seeing that my sister also got motivated, and she tried the same and she got a cookie box as a gift. You're not doing something to get in, get something in return. But that's what I'm saying. See, the simple thing that I learned is to give permission to myself to act on the opportunity was a big change that I saw in myself.


Amen, brother. And if there's something that you got me thinking about as well, like in the event that the plane ever goes down, I can assure you that those flight attendants will remember you. And they will prioritize getting your ass off that plane, disgruntled customer who's whinging about sitting next to someone that's causing them a bit of grief. There was an experience I had leaving Australia in at the end of 20 or an October 2021. It was nine people on a 747 Singapore Airlines flight. And I had an opportunity whose it was there was like nine, nine passengers and 11 staff. So we were over served. And, and I was able to to have a similar experience when my book had just come out and and we Yeah, and I was just sharing some ideas and thoughts about how to improve the situation. And I got a beautiful handwritten note like these people. And you know, they they moved into that industry because they love but it's the same, right? We love service, we love to serve. Yeah, and the acknowledgement is worth more than any pay rise, which is what I know that for a fact from my 1314 years in technology recruitment, you know, like, you just need to make people feel valued. And they will do the same job for the for the same money. Right. You don't need to give them pay pay increases. That's great, dude, that's really amazing.


Yes, it's live. So actually, I just wanted to say something. I was so interesting that when I was talking some with someone today, I know that I'm sorry for this, but I call them Steve.

Laban Ditchburn:

That's brilliant. Not too many. Steve's in Hyderabad, I'm guessing. Yeah. Just one. So the ultimate coach with the ultimate experience is February 25, right? You're going to be the NRI are going to be hitting there. What are you hoping is going to happen for you at this, this event?


It would be the greatest opportunity for me to listen to myself. And I have already thought about this. I'm not saying some woowoo things or some things to impress the audience. But I'm really serious about this, when I go and sit down in the audience to listen to the people there. Um, I will be so committed, like I will be beyond the word commitment that I will become a new person when I like more improved version be in a stupid Whoa, when I come outside the event, because I'm going there with such kind of commitment, because the stakes are very high. It would be the, I guess the only seminar maybe the last one of the last seminars by still and then we Go there. It's an opportunity. It's like an open letter that we can write to ourselves, to change to whoever, whoever we want to be. So when I say there, I will change. I know that holiday.


So what advice would you give to other people that, that maybe turning up to their first ever, ultimate experience? What to prepare for being in India such a spiritual place? And in that event, what advice would you give people on how to maximize the event?


Yeah, first of all, you have to read the ultimate coach the way it's supposed to be. First, you have to read it. And once you read it, I know the answer is self evident. But to add a little bit more information into it. See, India is a space of, or a place of spirituality, spirituality, does not mean it's a woowoo thing. The people who are going to attend the event would be helped by the spirituality of the land. The reason why I'm saying is that there will be some kind of additional force for you, that you can utilize by coming to the place of spirituality that can enable you to listen to yourself and can actually many people know on what they can improve. They just don't talk to themselves. So if someone like Steve and Amy and many people who come there and speak, people, once they once they listen to them, after reading the book, it will become like a mirror. I always say that once you read this book, the way it's supposed to be read, this biography will become an autobiography of your own. That's how you have to approach this and I recommend the people who are coming there to just surrender yourself 100% Just open be open. Even if a person say hi. Try to learn from that. Be in such kind of listening.

Laban Ditchburn:

Okay, great advice. Great advice. BNS, I want to ask you a personal question, which I hope you're you're able to respond to your father passed away last year? Yes. Pretty pretty recently. Last year,


when was it? September 9. Two undefended, two.


So September night. And you've your father from conversations we've had had a wonderful impact on your life was a prominent man in the political arena in Hyderabad, and incredibly charismatic and influential, which clearly you've inherited a lot of his his DNA and and that influence right, just amazing. I want to know, if any, how learning about the ultimate coach, Steve, everything else has helped you in that healing process? If at all?


Yes, I will say this. But before this, I just want to give a context to this. Our family is completely different type of family that you have, like it's rare to see, many people feel even jealous of our family. Because of our tight knit illness. We, we are so close that I think there is not a single day that we we are not there with each other like you understand, right? So everyone, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and me, like we are like the tight bond that you can ever see. So 2021 in August, my grandmother has passed away. I like that I'm the closest person to her a like even with in India, like we sleep on the same bed, everyone. So we share everything and all this personal development and every start everything started with my grandmother. And that was a very downtime for me after she passed away because I don't know what why I'm doing anything. Because I don't know why I'm doing anything. I always wanted to share everything to my grandmother and and, and she used to search me so many things. But after reading so many books as even though we see it's healthy to experience every human emotion, I experienced that. And I appreciate their presence. And my father is a very charismatic guy, as you said, and people will call him as my brother because they do not see him as a father because he's so angry. And he's influential, and he's charismatic and so he's so many things. And he also did not know that he would pass away because it all happened within a span of two weeks. And it happened in right in front of my eyes and I'm already in a state of being at that time that I accepted the situation. And I grieved but I'm more grateful than the grief. So I was in a grateful position and this form of gratitude, I have the continuous gratitude, yes, I miss him. But I know that he's in a better place. Because the last two weeks, he has suffered a lot. I mean, a lot. And annoying still, I am just focusing on who I can be when I think about my father. So when I'm thinking about my father, who I can be, to make my father proud of who I can be, so that I can fulfill my father's aspirations. So that kind of more me now. So I'm like, whatever I'm doing that even when I'm giving a vote to any person, I'm not very conscious about it. Because after it wasn't knowing about Steve word is commitment. Commitment is you right? So the way you are being the way you are giving the words will reflect your being also. So yes, I was already in a place of gratitude. And it was easy to learn from Steve, when I was dealing with my father. So it's more like, whenever I think about my father, I just think about the ways I can be the be the person who I can become to carry on his legacy to even a higher places.

Laban Ditchburn:

What do you think? Steve would say, if he had an opportunity to to have a conversation with your dad?


He's, he always said it. He said that my father is so proud of me.

Laban Ditchburn:

He should be dude. He should be doing amazing things. And like, what are you 2627 27? Like, you got the wisdom of 150 year olds? It's really, it's really, it's really


extraordinary. Dude. I'm grateful to find all such people at an early age. I always believe in the constant and never ending improvement. And then that's why I've found I find people

Laban Ditchburn:

and you bringing your family to the the ultimate experience as well. Yes. What can we expect when we meet you, your mom, your sister, anyone else?


X. So yeah, you will see them? I think we all be gonna stay in hotel Sahara star, right? So we're gonna have fun.

Laban Ditchburn:

Have they say that they're gonna have to read the book as well, if they started reading the book yet? Are they going to do that before? And?


Yeah, I'm gonna make sure that they read the book. I see, whenever I read something, I just talk about it nonstop. So that they get like, those lessons will get imprinted into them. But it's not about me. It's about them. It's about you, right. So we have to make sure I'm committed. I committed steel to steel that I will bring five of my dear people to the event. I'm going to make it. But I know that I will bring more than five. And maybe more than 1020 30. Who knows?

Laban Ditchburn:

Well, I hope of coach Rogers Rangel is listening to this, that he's got provisions for extra seats, because it sounds like it was I think it's 500 people. And if you weren't able to get to the event, that's okay. That's okay. I got a funny feeling. You know, just saying just from an observational point of view, having been exposed to Steve now, since really September 2021, when I first spoke to him, I got a funny feeling that, you know, in watching the evolution of Steve that he is more than likely, really enjoying what sort of witnessing the evolution of what's happening, because and I understand his reasons for not wanting to put himself out there for a long time and you know, wanting to protect the, the information with his coaching clients and all this other stuff. But when I interviewed Emily Penton, I asked a question around like, what what would be some constructive criticism that you would give to Steve? Right? Like, oh, my god, what am I asking this question for it? She said, something was really great was like, people need to hear the love in his voice, they need to hear him, even if it's through recordings, or through these interviews, and through seeing him speak. And I agree with that statement. I think it would be a real shame if if, you know, heaven forbid Steve passed away without any of these recordings be made available. So, you know, I want to acknowledge Steve and say, Hey, brother, I know you're gonna listen to this as well. Like, if there was ever any doubt in your mind about what you're doing like don't it's the flow on effect is just rippling into Millions and millions of people's lives. You know, by the time this time next year, I can tell you that right now it's It's extraordinary. So we thank you for your service. BNS, is there anything on your heart that you wanted to add to what we're talking about today?


Yes, what one can be one must be, and that can only happen, then one knows that they are the creators of their life, they can literally become what, however they want. I know this, like, I know this so deeply that I can even write a blank check and give you I noticed and still made this obvious. So guys, I'm saying this, please take your take this to heart. Whatever your wildest dreams are the craziest dreams that you're having is not even the beginning. You can literally become the person you want. And you need to be because once you become the person you want to be, you can help others to become what they want to be. The reason why I'm saying is this, that the real meaning of hero, do you know the real meaning of hero, tell me, the real meaning of the hero is not someone who can kill 1000 people, or who can beat 1000s of people in with one punch or not know, the real meaning of a hero is the person who has the strength for two. So in order to do that, what that means is that he can protect others while protecting himself. And the way he can protect others he or she can protect others, is to first protect themselves, right? So be the example of your own being be the person who you can be so that you can help others to become what they can be. That's what I want to say.

Laban Ditchburn:

I love it. Dude. I have asked this question to a few guests. And I want to ask you as well, someone is listening to this, and they've stumbled across it somehow the universe has just bought them together with this this part of the interview. And they are at a place where they are at a complete rock bottom they are seriously considering ending it all suicide whatever you want to call it. They feel helpless, they feel useless. They've been rejected, dejected and are worthless in their own being. What advice would you give someone who's in that state?


Quest to file is not your fault. That's for sure. And second of all is that I would like to introduce a concept called a more fatty amo Fatah is a Greek concept. Niger also talked about it is that the more obstacles that you add into your fire the file will become that much brighter and greater. I really believe this I I already called him board demo photo but it did not reach but I still love this concept that no matter how many obstacles you face that will become USB obstacle is the way I'm really serious about this. You may think that this is no it's like nothing. I cannot see the grass like the green grass over there. But it's there. Really, if there is almost like you're almost close to it that you're you will know this please please please be from some more time. You will know this. Though I will share an example that I learned from Wim Hof. Wim Hof cell wife ended her life, she committed suicide. But the Wim Hof was like completely in love with her and he did not know the path that he is going to take anymore in his life. And he was almost lost. He could have also taken his life. But what happened is that because of her, he jumped into a lake, and that's how he invented the Wim Hof Method. And now I'm a beneficiary of Wim Hof Method, I've benefited a lot and millions of people's lives got saved. So the reason why I'm saying is that some things seems very bleak and very grim at the moment, but the result would be much more than you have ever imagined in your life. And that's that may be occurring after five years or 10 years, but if it will happen, you have to be in this world to witness that. Whatever you're gonna do, you see you can do anything as long as you are here. Once you are not there, you cannot do anything. That's what I'm saying. Please stay here and just see how it rolls. It will become A beautiful dance.

Laban Ditchburn:

Amen, brother. And, you know, the other irony is that if you kill yourself, right, you're going to, you're going to be reincarnated. And you're still going to have to do the work. Right? So like, you can't, it's not one and then you're gonna be you're an infinite being, right? You're gonna come back and you're gonna have to do the work, right? It's just what we all have to do. Here's a great book that I read, messages from the master messages from the Masters, by Dr. Brian Weiss, that I read, maybe a year and a half ago, to happiness and alleviated killed any fear of death that I had. And I'm like, I have zero fear of death. It's not that I would get up on a on a, you know, a 38 storey balcony, and tightrope walk across the edge of the balcony without a restraint. But like, I'm, I'm at peace with it, and what you're, what you're talking about is exactly right. You know, like, we are, we are supposed to go through all this adversity for us to sort of see the see the beauty in the light. And you had this perfect family dynamic. And then your father's snatched away from you all of a sudden, and Wim Hof has, you know, it's famous, how much in love with this woman he was. And I wonder if you asked him, maybe you maybe did ask him this. If he had the opportunity for her not to die. And to give up everything that he's learned, what would he do? You don't I mean, like, would he would he continue to allow it to happen or would he try and prevent it?


Again, no, actually, unfortunately, are forced into we can say that if Wim Hof knew the Wim Hof Method while she was there, he could have helped her Do you know that Wow. So yeah, I think he will never leave like never wish that things were different because that's how he was able to help a lot of people and we can see that there are some people who are there in this world to do good and he's one of them.

Laban Ditchburn:

BNS where can people find you brother?


So I have two YouTube channels. So first Shanley's BNS, Goku great which is my English channel where the interview with Steve will be uploaded. Yeah, today maybe no today I know this I committed so I will keep it so, January 11. You can see Steve's interview that soy beans go great is my English Channel and another channel is called Telugu superhumans where the language is Indian is Telugu. And people can Indians can watch me there and Instagram carnival underscore superstar where if they want to get in touch with me they can thank you.

Laban Ditchburn:

Yeah, we'll make sure that your The links are in the show notes as well. What might be fun is if you translate into Telugu Steve's and put it on your Indian channel and see what people think


my exact plan is that I will I'm gonna make a video by using the content of the video of the interview and the experience of reading this book and I will make the most beautiful crafted video ever. And it's gonna be a recorded tomorrow.

Laban Ditchburn:

So good. Well this will be out by the time this comes out and all this will be available right so exciting. BNS what concluding thoughts, if any do you have for our amazing audience today?


Yes, I'm repeating myself because I just want this point to be in your mind and heart. What one what you saw when I get excited, but this is what I want you to listen. What one can be one must be, please be what you must be. That's how you're supposed to be on this earth. And that's how you can sell other people well, and that's how you can fill fill your own life.

Laban Ditchburn:

Ladies and gentlemen, be in this. Thank you.