Episode 37

Being Devotion - Oren Harris

Devotion, school of life, school of my soul, realization, integration, revelation, inspiration over and over again. Live your highest and truest potential by getting beyond your idea of yourself. If you think that you have transcended your shadows, think again and reflect deeply as you allow the words of Oren Harris to enter your heart. You have only just begun.

Consciously explore and be forged in the fires of awakening and intersect with self-actualization. Love opens the borders within ourselves to give even more. People pleasing for the purpose of belonging…’we are seeking to belong and our souls long to BE.’ He talks about being cracked open as a Black man and how it led to his journey of intimacy.

Listen to how you can create intimacy, harmony, and love within. “I would rather betray the world than to betray my own heart.’

About the Guest:

Oren Harris aka "O" is a Transformation coach, love leader, and transcendent artist who is devoted to love, truth, liberation, and elevating consciousness on the planet.

He helps  people awaken to their true self, actualize their divine potential, and fulfill their souls mission.

He is a pioneer in  human consciousness with a primary mission of creating Heaven on Earth. Inviting souls to activate their true expression and live a limitless life of contribution, fulfillment, and joy.

Oren is one of the world's leading experts on "flow", the highly sought after, peak performance state of consciousness known for its inherent ease, power, grace, and next level performance.

He helps leaders, high performers, entrepreneurs, visionaries, and creatives live at their leading edge, awaken their magic and create profound impact through sharing their souls' unique genius.

All of this being said, Oren’s real super power is simply his love and presence which reminds people of their own divinity.


About the Host:

Cordelia Gaffar is the Ultimate Joy Monger. That means that she holds space for you to reveal your joy within. Joy Mongering is a word she created from several life experiences and based on her philosophy that self-nurturing is freedom. In fact she has created a process she calls Replenish Me ™ to help you transmute fear, rage and anger into Joy. In one of her eight books, Detached Love: Transforming Your Heart Do That You Transform Your Mind, she breaks down the Replenish Me ™ process through her research, client stories and her personal vulnerable shares.

She is also the host of three host podcasts. She won Best Podcast Host for her solo show called Free to Be Show and collaborates as a co-host on Unlearning Labels and the Ultimate Coach Podcast. The multidimensional genius she is, is further demonstrated as the mother of six children whom I homeschooled for 17 years. In summary, she has won multiple awards: Best Podcast Host of 2019, Top National Influencer, Sexy Brilliant Leader, and inducted into the Global Library of Female Authors in 2020; and in 2021 nominated for Author of the Year and Health and Wellness Coach of the Year and in 2022 Master Coach of the Year and Orator of the Year. She has also won the Brainz Global 500 Award of Influencers and Entrepreneurs for 2021 and won BOOKS for PEACE 2022 award, CREA Award.

She has been featured on America Meditating Radio, British Muslim TV, Spirituality Podcast, Ultimate Coach Podcast, also featured on South African radio 786, and Fox News.





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TUCP Intro/Outro:

Welcome to The Ultimate Coach Podcast conversations from being inspired by the book, The Ultimate coach, written by Amy Hardison, and Alan Thompson. Join us each week with the intention of expanding your state of being. And your experience will be remarkable. Remember, this is a podcast about be, it is a podcast about you. To explore more deeply, visit the ultimate Coach book.com. Now, enjoy today's conversation from be

Cordelia Gaffar:

Hello, I know that we affectionately refer to you as Oh, Instagram, I don't want to call you by your full name. But I feel like just for point of reference for the people who have read the ultimate coach book, I will see your full name. So welcome to the ultimate coach podcast, Oren Harris.

Oren Harris:

Thank you, I'm happy to be here. Thank you for having me.

Cordelia Gaffar:

You know, before we came live, I was mentioning that I've been so inspired with your content on Instagram. And and I was really curious when I saw your name in the ultimate cookbook, which way the inspiration went? And and to that, to that thought, I just want to read this line out of your bio before we begin to settle right? Yeah, sure. He is a pioneer in human consciousness with a primary mission of creating heaven on earth, inviting souls to activate their true expression, and live a limitless life of contribution, fulfillment, and joy.

Oren Harris:

Sign me up.

Cordelia Gaffar:

I mean, if that is not the most beautiful definition of being? I don't know what is,

Oren Harris:

huh, thank you. I appreciate that.

Cordelia Gaffar:

You're very welcome. Tell me more. Where did where did that come from?

Oren Harris:

I came from a lot of devotion, and the School of Life, the School of my soul and the school of love. Revelation, realization, integration over and over and over and over again, to you know, and speaking to even the idea of being limitless or living a limitless life, I've discovered for myself. And I believe that this idea of living our highest potential, our truest potential, we don't even really begin to approach that as a possibility. Until we get beyond our selves, or our idea of ourselves, and so are our wisdom, skills, ability, background, grit, all of these things are parts of our potential and our capacity, to live, to love to give to serve to fulfill our mission or purpose or destiny. And it's, it's only one piece of the puzzle, you know, that which exists beyond our name, our history, our form, how we've defined ourselves, our experiences, our emotions, whatever we call that is this huge part of the totality of who and what we are, and that's where the, I guess the reservoir potential becomes infinite now. And so, you know, back to the bio statement and like, like how I arrived at that, as a as a mission as a purpose as something that I'm devoted to. It's been both a series of consciously exploring, developing and enhancing myself and my offering to the world might like my giving my gifts, as well as simultaneously kind of being burned. Sounds a little dramatic forged in the fire of truth and love and awakening to that which exists beyond the finite definition of myself. Right. And so it's kind of been a path of awakening, intersecting with self actualization, so like self realization, and self actualization, which now comes into the realm of potential and performance and, you know, giving our gifts in whatever ways that we are to the best of our ability. And so my, my pathway has been a combination of the two of those. And both sides of that equation, you could say, are fueling each other, and essentially inseparable. And so when I say, Love and how love connects to our gifts, and the fulfilling of our potential, is that love takes us beyond the borders of ourself, or our ideas about ourself, and opens up our channel to where God within, you know, life itself, our soul can actually move and express and give even more. And so that's why that's a key to living our highest potential or our divine potential, not necessarily just our human potential. And so yeah, through a lot of avenues, I guess you could say, I've been cracked, open, died, reborn, resurrected, so many times in the school of life, in the school of love in Seoul school, while simultaneously consciously pursuing and seeking knowledge and developing also my skills and acquiring, or not even acquire and just becoming more wise, if you will. Right. And you put put the two of those together. That is a picture to me of heaven on earth as above, so below, as within so without, and, and also of, I guess, being more in harmony or unifying all parts of our experience, you know, body mind, heart and soul or spirit. Like, that's the whole being. All right. So I think that's a pretty, pretty solid synthesis of a lot that goes into that little paragraph in my bio,

Cordelia Gaffar:

and believe me, we can break that down. That's, that's all conversations gonna be about that.

Oren Harris:

That was the that was the trailer now. We're gonna break it on there.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, those are the highlights. And yeah, you are what Steve Hardison calls a master and I would say because you are a continuous student, of yours yourself. And of all that is your answer to my question was was like a complete embodiment of the multidimensionality that we are as human beings. What I heard inside of that, and you talk about this a lot in your content is the way humans choose to relate to each other, the way we categorize each other. And what is bigger than that than the categories we choose? Is love. Who we are our souls created from the source, which is love. And so, specifically, I want to bring attention to perhaps some of your experiences and being cracked open in the category of being a black male. And the way that you so beautifully show humanity that we are not categories, you are not the category that you appear to be.

Oren Harris:

Mm hmm.

Cordelia Gaffar:

So tell me more about that.


Yeah, I one significant point of realization that then became a point of conscious exploration was just realizing this phenomenon of people pleasing, right. And in a conscious or unconscious attempt to essentially gain love, you know, approval, connection to belong to belong, right? We try to, like connect in ways, right? It's like, heard this one time that we're seeking to belong, but our soul is really longing to just be, you know, they're like we're longing to be, but we're trying to be long. And that's a long journey, trying to trying to be long and so, you know, my identity I did identity as a black man identity in society identity as a son as a lover as a, you know, whatever my various roles are, has essentially been continuously dismantled, through realization, you know, and through through realization through confrontation, you know, just, and that's, that's kind of what I mean by being cracked open. And so, you know, people pleasing, I'm bringing that up, because it was one of the things early on that I realized that people pleasing was an unwinnable game, you know, if the win was like, love, really, which that's at the core, we're just trying to, like, be connected and be, you know, mutually respected, honored and loved. I realized that it, it actually blocks intimacy and love, right. And then this is where when we try to be long, and we're altering our being, in order to try to be able to be understood, we wind up, even if it looks great on the surface, and like, oh, everybody's happy, you know, deep down, we wind up still feeling alone or isolated, right, or on the surface, that maybe we're, you know, we're being misunderstood, you know, and being judged. And then that feeling that contracted feeling of feeling judged, or being misunderstood or not seeing for who you truly are inside. We can react to that through people pleasing, or shape shifting and trying to fit into something so that we belong, or we go in the other direction. And this is what I'm saying get cracked open. Right? Because it was like, Okay, I don't know exactly where this goes. But I know that there's more to me than then this surface or a few surface layers that I'm engaging with. Right. So

Cordelia Gaffar:

to be clear, I'm I just want to understand, are you saying in your contortion to please people, you cause this in this incongruence within yourself?


Yeah, you wind up, you wind up essentially, in order to people, please, you have to disconnect from your true self, and already become an alternative version of yourself in order to try to connect, but even if you've connect, you're connecting mind to mind, not heart to heart. And so there's no real communion, there's no real communication. There's no real intimate intimacy there. And it has its own side effects. One of them is loneliness, one of them is isolation. One of them is feeling unsupported. Right. And actually, ironically, feeling like an outcast, feeling like you don't belong. Hmm. And, and the very act of altering ourselves, in order to try to belong is a negation of ourselves, and a form of not loving ourselves. And so when we're people pleasing, or trying to fit in, or trying to belong in the name of love, but we don't actually have the capacity to cold cultivate love, or harmony, or all the things that it looks like we're trying to do on the surface, because we're already disconnected and not loving ourselves, and we're out of harmony with ourselves. So it doesn't actually creates more harmony. Alright, and this is where, you know, if you really exaggerate this, this is where like, fights happen. wars happen, violence happens, right? And then even when we seek to try to try to understand each other, you know, it's like when the I'm just reminded of one all the, you know, the stuff with George Floyd was happening, right? And then you have all of these people like, they got shook by that and they got shook, you know, woken up to something right. And then their heart's desire is like, like feeling the heart of it. And I'm not saying everybody, obviously, but it's like, how can how can I help? Like I had a powerful conversation with Do you know, JP Morgan? I do. Yeah, I had a really powerful calm realization with him at this time. And I'm referencing that to illustrate my point here is that you have all these people like feeling some sort of way about what happened. And then there's the response from the head or from fear. And then there's response from the heart or from the beam, right. And what happened with a lot of people is the message from their heart, which is like, this is something that matters, this is something that care about also mixed in with their fear. And then had people like, trying to understand but still not necessarily feeling can deeper connection on either side. So it's like a very, the sentiment is good. But then it's like, lacking a real sense of communion or ability to actually empathize and feel another person, because that happens in the heart.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Because they ended up going into doing mode and they moved further away from being mode. That's exactly,


exactly, exactly, which points to, you know, I started off by talking about how this occurs in our relationship with ourselves. But now it shows like in the human dynamic, when you go more into doing mode, and you know, let's say you're, you're you're trying to do something nice or be in service to somebody who's distraught or feeling disconnected, or has been oppressed or right, you don't have any real power to be of service to them. Right? Because they're there, especially if they're like, in a survival instinct, or trying, they're trying to come back into their own power and right. And if they're trying, you know, doing the best that they can, then they're in doing mode as well. And so to people that aren't doing mode, there's not a lot that it gets done. Ironically, exactly.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Everyone becomes a zombie. Basically, it's just like, you know, and there is no heart, there's no core. There's no connection.


Right? And so, I'm tying that into my path. And the question that you asked me and this way, so as I have these realizations, like, okay, there's not much more is going to happen here in terms of what am I what am I truly seeking when I'm people pleasing in the first place? I'm actually seeking connection and love some fundamental things, the realization that it's not going to happen in that pathway, then, is where I essentially opted out of that, not not like it just stopped, but I was like, okay, I can play this out. It's like an infinite chess game. And I can extrapolate it out for the rest of my life, and I'm still not going to win. There's the temp, there's the temporary appearance of wins, like, oh, everybody's good. We're in harmony, yay. And then it's like, but it's not anything. And so making a decision, which is like kind of like, okay, I am not pursuing that avenue, then sent me down in another pathway into the unknown. And this is where I started discovering some things like, what love really is and what self love really is. And this intimacy and connection I'm speaking about another, cracked me open, within my own self, to be more intimate with myself, I even had a statement that came to me one time I was like, came up from my soul. And I was like, I'd rather betray the world that betray my own heart. I'd rather betray the world and betray my own soul. And by betray, I don't mean like, in a negative sense, I mean, be true to myself, and appear to create pain or disharmony in the perception of another. I'd rather I'd rather that happen in living my authentic self, and in my own the purity of my own heart, then go in the other direction, and try to gain love, but never actually get connected with love and in the process, betray my own heart and my own soul.

Cordelia Gaffar:

So effect of loving yourself is that you're loving everybody else more.


Yeah, the deeper you go into self love, the more you realize there's only love right? And so it's like self love as a focal point. I mean, really, it's all happening within the South. There's not really a difference between self love and loving somewhere else. There's only love right? But, you know, most souls including myself, at some point, maybe their whole life to some degree or being confronted with the invitation into self love, you know, and loving aspects of ourselves parts of ourselves and really getting to the deepest place in our heart, where we might be, you know, the little child inside feeling scared or alone. You know, and so that path, which initially was catalyzed by the whole people pleasing revelation, right, I'm like, that's, that's not gonna, that's not going anywhere was the entry point into a lot of things and self love being one of them. And many of the things that I discovered are not even things that I was seeking, I was like, okay, especially initially, I could just feel the truth of it. And as I leaned into it more, I started discovering, love more true self respect, sir, learning what trust actually is at a fundamental level. And then I started seeing all these other awesome bonuses, like being in the flow and the magic of life and like, whatever I seem like to be lucky, or seem to be in the right place at the right time, you know, to me, and then eventually, I started teaching about all of these things, and sharing and mentoring.

Cordelia Gaffar:

And it sounds like you'd became like a vortex for everything that you truly desire and all the abundance that's really waiting for you. And for any soul that actually goes on the same journey of discovery that you've gone on.


On honor, honor, percent, you know, I also discovered or remembered house that a sense that I'm a sensitive soul, back then I didn't even hear narrative knew the term like, you know, highly sensitive person sensitive, so I wasn't, but I was very well versed in the sense of, I was experimentally experimentally experiencing these things. And that's what I mean by like, a lot of my learning came from the school of life is not something that I saw or learned in a book, oftentimes, I would see something in a book, after I was already learning it. And I was like, Oh, that makes sense. I'm like, Oh, for sure. Or I started speaking about it intelligently. And with precision. I, a lot of what I learned, and have learned in my life has become has come to me, and some of the ways that I'm describing it. And being in moments where, you know, I remember one time, I sent a text message to someone, the intention was loving, and the intention was pure, and the person was was triggered or feeling hurt, and sent me back a message. Basically saying, you don't care about me. And I was gonna, I was gonna, I literally picked up the phone. So like, basically say, no, no, I do care about you. Let me let me prove it. Like, you're. And my, my soul was like, put the phone down. Yeah, yeah. And my identity in very innocently was like, pick the phone up. And my soul was like, but the phone down because I realized that what it looked like on the surface was an expression of love was actually coming out of fear, as like, I'm fearing that this person is thinking, I'm not loving. Even though in my heart, I know I am I. And I know my intentions were pure. So I was like, if I take this action, it's not about the action. It's about who I'm being. If I were to take the action, I'm actually coming from fear. And I realized that and I was like, oh, that's what I wouldn't be. That's what that would be my actual offering. Even on the surface, it might look like I love you, it's actually saying, I'm not a bad person.

Cordelia Gaffar:

So let's slow down with that. This is a really good point. I want to slow down for a couple of reasons. For one thing, although, eventually I think these will go on our YouTube channel. Currently, they're mostly just on the podcast, right? So people are hearing this. So I want to break it down. For that reason, I also want to break it down. Because something very common these days in the coaching world is this I love you or saying loving you, right? And a lot of people don't understand. How is that possible? Or how can someone be loving with someone they don't know. And I'm, first I'm going to be very blunt and just say, well, the same way you can hate people for no reason. Right? Right. But now I think that it's very important to go more categorically or methodically to understand what you're saying, you know about that interaction with the text, right? Because yes, you can say you're not responsible for how things land with other people. And at the same time, let's understand what it is to be loving. And let's make loving let's normalize loving. let's normalize. I love you doesn't have to be a romantic Okay, let's normalize. I love you, is a human right. Does that make sense?

Oren Harris:

Yeah. Amen. Yes.

Cordelia Gaffar:

So that's really what I heard when you were talking about the text situation, right? The person on the receiving end of your text doesn't live in a world where I love you is normal. So, if let's now for the next few minutes, craft this conversation for that person that doesn't have I love you as a normal, how do we? How do we open up the heart mind connection of a being like that?


Well, in the example that I was illustrating, you know, there's the words, like there's perspective and understanding, and then there's words, and the perspective that we offer, the understanding, the words that we offer, are really only as powerful as our being and where we're coming from. And so, you know, to play out the rest of this story paraphrase, when I didn't pick up the phone, immediately, the the feeling inside, that the tension initially got louder, right. And then where love came in, was, instead of trying to solve the tension that I was feeling, and myself by reaching out to the person saying, I'm not a bad person, I was, I chose to be with myself to be with that feeling without analyzing it, trying to fix it or making it wrong. And in just releasing the resistance to feeling that a very, very, very, in a very short period of time, it just kind of calmed. And I felt what I allowed myself to feel was love because of how I was being with myself. And now how that then extends to the relationship now. So then anything that I said, because then I like, okay, now I, whatever I'm going to say, if I'm feeling the impulse to say something to invite that other person. Now the intelligent because I'm connected to love, the intelligence of my heart knows what to say how to say it, who to say it when I say it. And there's a simplicity now, because of the Beingness. Otherwise, it's complex. If you're trying, if you're trying trying is, is a red flag, like trying means you're already disconnected. Otherwise, you're you're not trying, you're just doing your being. And so then now, when you offer something you're offering more than just the perspective and the words you're being is an invitation you're being is sending a message. This is what happened in my conversation with JP and, you know, he was seeking understanding and perspective. But he was seeking to feel more power in his heart and unleash his leadership, and be, you know, part of the solution and not part of the problem. That was his goal. And how we actually got there, though, he messaged me a few days later and said, You know, I really appreciate the perspective. You know, the wisdom, I learned a lot. He said, the most impactful thing, he said, be in the presence, and your presence liberated the shame from my body, and freed my heart. That's being he said, being in the presence of a black man who's not judging me while I'm being confronted with my own conscious or unconscious, racism or whatever. He said it liberated the shame, you see. So that's beyond words that I could offer him as an invitation to love. And that is a picture of what love feels like and express, you know that that in a way that actually can penetrate someone heart, and be an invitation into their heart, versus getting them more in their head if they're already in their head.

Cordelia Gaffar:

And I'm feeling and hearing that, you, you just allow yourself to be in your soul self, which, once we're in our soul self automatically connects to other souls that are open and willing.


Right, because now we're not looking on the surface and then getting confused or creating a separation. Like, for example, this came up in another conversation we're talking about, like, you know, the riots that happened in Santa Monica, people are just upset, you know, the, with the old racial tension, and kind of looking at that, like, well, that's not me. I wouldn't throw something through a window. And it's like, yeah, you might not respond or react to that. way to feeling. But we're, what you can see if you're looking from your heart is you felt that way before you had a dip. And this is where we get disconnected and we create separation. And then we have very little power. But when you're looking from your heart, and you're speaking from your heart, and you're seeing from your heart, you can empathize, you can feel like I feel you. Like we we share something, we share the same pain in that sense, right? And so there's a, there's a connection there. So if you want to offer something, or invite someone into more love or into their power or help them in that way, our power to do so is in direct proportion to how deeply connected we are, to our own heart.

Cordelia Gaffar:

And I'm just curious, how long did it take you going back to the tech situation, to be with your resistance and your feelings in that moment.


It didn't take that long, because part of the time that it takes to be in a transformational process is the resistance that's that's, it's like there's resistance, you're already in resistance. But then if you have resistance to the resistance, now you're creating even more time, resistance to the resistance takes two forms. Usually, either judgment, like I shouldn't be feeling this way, or I'm ashamed that I'm feeling this way. Or fear is the fear that you know, something negative is going to happen, you know, the feeling is going to be too much or it's going to be whatever, right? And so for me, I'm kind of oversimplifying this, because this is happened over a lot of years. There's the revelation, and then there's this, this is another revelation I had I was like, oh, there's resistance, and then there's resistance to the resistance. Right. And so we did this more resistance. So to me that's it's almost like it's the invitation when I said being, you know, burnin, open or cracked open. by love. It's like, eventually you build or I built a momentum of realizing and knowing that that's the path, right, and then increasing the devotion because it's like, well, I can't act like I don't know, now that that's the path. So then uncomfortability becomes less of a factor. In fact, you start to welcome it. Because the liberation that you're seeking, and whatever form whether it's connection, or you know, resolution, or harmony or love with someone, it's just like, at some point there, I had been through that realization, and through the resistance and the uncomfortability and got on the other side of it. So many times that I was like, Okay, well, now when I'm at the edge, and then the resistance comes up, my energy is not being used to hide or to trick myself, or to complicate things like there's anything else going on except for this one thing.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Right? You can be present in the moment. Right? And you know, so are you familiar with the work of Dr. Candace PERT?


A little bit? I haven't heard her in a long time. But yes,

Cordelia Gaffar:

a little Yeah. So she wrote a book, was it the molecules of emotion. And in that book, she says that emotions are only a chemical response that take somewhere between 60 to 90 seconds, right? And we prolonged that, in this process of resistance, right?


Totally. Wake up per week. And literally, we could literally prolong like, if there's enough resistance, or inability to be with or permeate and emotion, we can literally prolong it for months or years, like literally, and it's literally like one point. And that's why if you penetrate that point, with your, with your will, with your courage, or if you just can't fight anymore. That's why sometimes miracles happen because suddenly, you unleash all of this energy in one in one moment, right? And so that that happened to me, again, so many times that then my devotion really kicked in. And once you're in devotion, it's like, uh, I actually said this to Steve one time he loved it. I said, devotion is like a transcendent commitment. Right? At first, you might need to use discipline to penetrate something like resistance, right? And then if you have commitment, commitment moves mountains, right. It's way stronger than discipline. If you have commitment, you don't really need discipline because you're like, I'm going in that direction. And, but devotion is like mama bear. These are my kids, and I'm taking care of my kids and their well being in their life period. I don't care if I'm scared of it's difficult if I'm terrified if I don't know what to do, if I'm homeless, it doesn't matter. That's the frequency of devotion. And when you the more devotion you have its devotion transcends fear. Devotion transcends resistance, it doesn't mean you don't have fear or resistance. It just means that the fear or the resistance cannot accumulate enough momentum to drive you because the devotion is now bigger than it so the course correction, it winds up being faster. Yeah. Because you're not you're not not not lingering around as long, right? You're not like, Oh, I'm confused, like, No, I'm afraid, I'm afraid. You know what I mean? Like, yes, there's no compete. There's no confusion. Here is one thing right now. Oh, yeah, I'm afraid to send this text. And there's really only one choice, send the text. All right. Now, you can work with like, you know, the unconvince side, two sides of love or expressions of love, the unconditional acceptance and not judging yourself for being afraid and being with yourself. That's like the water side of it. That's the unconditional, nurturing acceptance, you're not creating unnecessary pressure on yourself for judgment. But what that does is that it creates space for the other side of love, which is the fire which is the truth, the clarity, the direction and the action. Now, and I've learned that if you try to sometimes if you try to jump to one without the other, you don't get very far. You know, it's like if you have the, you know, if you're one sided, and you're like, Okay, clarity, truth, I see the truth, you know, and UCs like will will will all the way using only get so far, but you're gonna get stuck if you have not been able to be with unconditional acceptance and this nurturing more feminine type energy. And conversely, if you are being and the compassion and the unconditional acceptance and the you can do no wrong, it's okay, let me hold you. And then the, the fire of the truth and the clarity starts coming through and you don't engage it, then that's incomplete as well. Yeah. Right. And that picture that I just painted there that I'm calling like water and fire or compassion. And truth is a more whole picture of of love, that I learned over time. And in the process, kind of burn through distortions about what love is, like, love means, like, love or loving has to look like one way like soft. Yeah, I mean, your, your child runs out in the street, and I feel like get back, you're like, you might not be Hey, you know,

Cordelia Gaffar:

we don't have time for that. Mama bear it.


Right, you might want to tune in and watch out for the cars. No, you're just like, the truth is the fire. But that's they're both love is the message. And, you know, that's that's a very deep realization that I've had revelation over and over and over and over and over again, that has enhanced my life tremendously. And has been at the source of many, many, many, many, many, many miracles as well.

Cordelia Gaffar:

And I would say one of those miracles is the powerful exchange, you had just to, to, you know, loop around the conversation you had with JP, you know, just that higher level of love and creating space for him to release his shame, right. That that, you know, not that that was your intention. You were just, you know, creating space to be love with him. And, and that was the result, which is so powerful.


Yeah, it was definitely a miracle. For sure. And I was inspired humbled. Me. No, I'm just grateful.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah. And, you know, I really feel like our conversation is complete unless there's something else you want to put into the space. Yeah, like how would you summarize what would be the top two or three takeaways that a listener could gain from our time together?


Well, one starting from the beginning, with like, the active side of like expressing living your highest potential, giving your gifts fully and feeling, you know, like you've accomplished the reason for being or coming here. That love is the master key to unlocking your infinite potential and that that, that that capacity expands by way of getting beyond you are self beyond your idea of self, your identity. And love is the primary, one of the most potent ways of actually dissolving the sense of separation and division that we have in ourselves and then allows more to be expressed and given through you, which would be the expression of your highest potential. So that's, that's one. Secondly, which is still in the theme of love is, in order to truly love another in any form, we, we can only really do that to the extent in which we love ourselves, and really become intimate with ourselves. And that happens through being with ourselves, or one of the primary ways that happens is being willing to be with any feeling all feelings, all emotional states, with equal compassion and care, because that's how love is and essentially, we are love and that's how love so like, we want to, you know, live more of our highest potential and if love is the key, right? And love is who we are, then, you know, getting the training from love, you know, how would love be with this upset with this feeling right now. And it would be love. Right? So So as we're being love, and, and really devoting ourselves, which I guess is another pointer here, is allowing ourselves to deepen our devotion to the things that matter the most. And in this case, I'm saying love and self love. And then everything else kind of takes care of itself. Right. And we cultivate or awaken devotion and my experience, through the willingness to meet ourselves in the uncomfortability, and in the intimacy and vulnerability of that within ourselves. And then with another, that's like the kind of direct path. And then we can extend that love out and the sharing of our gifts, and the expression of our potential,

Cordelia Gaffar:

and thus creating the keys to heaven on earth.


And thus creating the keys to heaven on earth. Exactly. Oh, boy, back to heaven on earth. And I guess the last thing I'll say, which is just, you know, in addition to that is this is where, like, the most effective action in terms of doing is our action, in our doing is only as potent, powerful and effective as our being. And so when we prioritize who we're being, that is the most potent thing we can do, in terms of moving, moving towards whatever goal, mission, intention or desire that's in front of us, right. So being is primary, and you add that to love, you know, or add that along with love, then you've got a really a really good thing going.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah. Ultimately, being devotion. Yes. Yeah,


we're all we're all devoted to something. We're all trusting something, we're all committed to something. It's just what is that? Is it the self, who you imagine yourself to be? Are we committed and devoted to maintaining that? Are we devoted to something bigger than ourselves? Love the divine in us Our purpose?

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah. And they will do that we can cook, we can change the collective consciousness.


Yeah, for sure. And it's really at a peak right now in terms of, you know, us consciously pursuing this and alongside of being forced into being doing things together enemy and being more intimacy together and realizing the unity that exists beyond the surface perception of difference.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yes. And there's no difference. We're only souls.

Oren Harris:

Exactly. Exactly.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Born you are. You are the ultimate embodiment of everything that you invite us to be. And I am very grateful for you being here with us today. Thank you so much. much for expanding our being.


Yeah, thank you for having me and for sharing your heart and your soul and what matters to you with me. Yeah, it's been delightful.

Cordelia Gaffar:

It's been a joy. Bye for now.