Episode 34

Being the Lightening of Hope - Gaby Puma

What would inspire someone to make the financial and time commitment to translate The Ultimate Coach into TWO other languages? The answer is revealed in this deeply moving conversation with the woman who did just that—Gaby Puma who joined co-host Meredith Bell from Peru for this episode.

Gaby shares her experience of reading the book and the important truths it revealed to her. She describes the rebirth she experienced after her Be With session with Steve Hardison, helping her to see who she really was. She’s come to see everything that’s happened in her life as a blessing, something that happened for her. You’ll be moved by the profound insights about living and love that Gaby shares in this interview.

About the Guest:

Gaby Puma is the creator of Gaby Puma Global, where she loves serving impactful human beings and leaders as a Soul Guide, Life Coach and Business Consultant.

From her experience of reading The Ultimate Coach, also known as The Book of Being, and from her "Be With" session with Steve, Gaby Puma became and IS The Lightening Of Hope. She translated the book from English into two different languages: Spanish and Quechua. She devoted $40,000 USD and many hours of her life working on the project with linguists and translators, until The Ultimate Coach became El Coach Supremo. She is leading with love the TUC Spanish Facebook Group-El Coach Supremo Grupo Facebook and is committed to expanding The Being Movement across the World.

Website: https://www.thelighteningofhope.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gaby-puma-b056a638/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaby.l.sallo

About the Host:

Meredith Bell is the Co-founder and President of Grow Strong Leaders. Her company publishes software tools and books that help people build strong relationships at work and at home.

Meredith is an expert in leader and team communications, the author of three books, and the host of the Grow Strong Leaders Podcast. She co-authored her latest books, Connect with Your Team: Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills, and Peer Coaching Made Simple, with her business partner, Dr. Dennis Coates. In them, Meredith and Denny provide how-to guides for improving communication skills and serving as a peer coach to someone else.

Meredith is also The Heart-centered Connector. One of her favorite ways of BEING in the world is to introduce people who can benefit from knowing each other.



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TUCP Intro/Outro:

Welcome to The Ultimate Coach podcast conversations from being inspired by the book The Ultimate coach, written by Amy Hardison, and Alan Thompson. Join us each week with the intention of expanding your state of being, and your experience will be remarkable. Remember, this is a podcast about be. It is a podcast about you. To explore more deeply, visit the ultimate Coach book.com. Now, enjoy today's conversation from be

Meredith Bell:

Welcome to another episode of The Ultimate coach Podcast. I'm one of your co host for the show, Meredith bell. And joining me today from Peru is Gaby Puma Gabby, welcome.

Gaby Puma:

Hi, Meredith otter honor and a joy is to be with you right now.

Meredith Bell:

Well, I am just so thrilled to have you for those who are active members of our Facebook community for the ultimate coach. Your name is well known because you are so prolific and and committed in responding to so many people you bring such wonderful love and service. And I want to just share a little bit about you before we jump into the conversation. So those who aren't familiar with you can understand this wonderful human being that I'm talking to today. From her experience of you reading the ultimate coach also known as the book of being and from her V with session with Steve Hardison. Gabby became and is the lightning of hope. I just love that Gabby. She translated the book from English into two different languages Spanish and Quechua. She devoted 40,000 US dollars and many hours of her life working on this project with linguists and translators until the ultimate coach became a coach to Primo. She is leading with love now, the tea you see Spanish Facebook group, el coche, so primo Grupo Facebook and is committed to expanding the being movement across the world. And Gabi is also the creator of Gabby Puma global, where she serves lovingly, and impacts human beings and leaders as a soul guide, life coach and business consultant. You know, Gabby, you are a to me just an amazing human being with what you have experienced in your early life. And then who you are today. That's been quite a journey. So I'd love for you to share with our listeners about your life before you met Steve Hardison and before you read the ultimate coach book,

Gaby Puma:

right? I appreciate you merited providing us the soil the ground the context. Thank you so much for that. And also to share with you and with everyone who are be listening to this beautiful dialogue about my life that has been before the book of being entitled The Ultimate coach before my be with session with Steve Forbes card isn't the ultimate coach himself. It's such a defining moment in my life's path. It's hardly recognizable for me to look back. And to cover my solid foundation. I come from indigenous upbringing from indigenous spirituality from indigenous richness of life and revere is to live that our people still, it's their way of life today. And that has been my life for 15 years of my life. And then tourism travel has served the poor another close to 15 years of meeting and serving people from across the world in group settings and providing facilitating transformation around the beauty that is the nature of our Latin America, geography and countries including Machu Picchu, including Apostle Paul's in Argentina and Brazil, including real the ocean and in Brazil, that has been my sacred offices per se to facilitate transformation and profound life experiences for people. And again, together with my life that has been deeply embedded in nature, because, like, right this moment, as I share this, I am in this beautiful indigenous mountain community, where I was, where I originated from. And back in 2017, while I was living abroad, and my career that has taken me to over 37 countries, seeking understanding to this life, in a way that overwhelmed and confused by so many questions that I had about life. Life it was it was beautiful. Even right the poor the book of beings arrival into my life, I consider my life very beautiful, very accomplished, very explore, explored, if you will. And in 2017, I have discovered or coaching discovered to me, and it was the first time that I experienced mentorship and coaching my beautiful human being from New Zealand, some of them's, and then some orphans community led me to reach ledvance community. And then which led Ben for the first time I heard the names, the postcard isn't back in 2020. And it's very hard to look bad because now it's a beautiful wholeness that I am seeing live and new. And here as I speak of this Parliament, it's spring, spring moving, it's

Meredith Bell:

You were touched so deeply by everything that happened, I can, people can only listen right now. But I can see the emotion you're feeling around where you've been, and where you are now. And it's, it's kind of bubbling up, isn't it? That That sense of gratitude for where, where you are and what you've discovered?

Gaby Puma:

Right? Right. I hope Rommel referred to luck has been so generous with me, through bringing me in this life, in such a rich indigenous richness and in so connected with the land that's so connected with spiritual world, yet, in a way, in my human way of benchers feeling disconnected from such a darkness, or dark ideas that experiences I have walked through on my personal and professional life for most of my life up until last year, right until the Caribbean, and the postcards arrived into my life. And it's such a fresh air to me now to look with this ice. And as I honor what is coming through me through this beautiful wisdom that it's being shared with, with you and with the world. And what is possible. What really is possible for each one of us.

Meredith Bell:

Thinking about that, because we'll we'll look a little bit more deeply at at your past. But let's look at the reading of the book you had connected with Steve, you had the opportunity to read a preview copy of the book. And then you also read the book and there were so many insights that you got from it. Talk about what some of those were, what and how did they impact you? Right,

Gaby Puma:

Right. I remember so vividly. And I even wrote a book about it that is going to be soon coming out. sharing this experience because it's that important and that profound impact that it had on me 23rd of September 2021 was in my beautiful home in San Diego, California. I have just finished to lunch. And somehow, I reached out, I've seen the manuscript version being shared in the beautiful social media platform and Facebook. And that afternoon, I receive the manuscript version of the book from Steve. And I made the agreements, eager of agreements that he was requesting from. And immediately I dive into it. And immediately this sense of experience, even the first the questions, the inquiry that he now is in the back cover of the book is almost like my entire life, I was waiting for that very moment that this sense of my started shaky, and I started, like this almost revelations experiencing, I started seeing the invisible, I started to deeply connect with source with my idea and sense of God in each word that was coming through. And then as I started feeling, and reading the book, and the words and the stories, I finished the the book, really in two days, I went all the way until four in the morning. The first night, I just couldn't let go the book, it was the reflection, and the guidance that I was within the book really about me, all the stories reflected in my daily life, the very life that I have been working, and it was just giving me all these answers that I've ever had in my path, were all been revealed to me. It was so profound, I could not wait until I wanted to shout from the rooftops about this book with the world. But I needed to be to honor the commitment I made, not to share with anybody, and not to print them out and other guidelines that there was and it just became a fresh look in on to my life. And since that moment onwards, like never was the same again.

Meredith Bell:

Well, reading the book caused you I think, to reach out to Steven want to have a be with session with him, which you did in that December. And in you told me it was your rebirth. And so and that you saw who you really were, I would love for you to talk about this, because I think it's a profound thing to say that, you know, these this session with him, and for some people just from reading the book, they really get a much clearer sense of who they really are from that experience. So talk about that.

Gaby Puma:

Right, thank you. So when I experienced the book, and then eagerly waiting to its publication to the world and towards Thanksgiving, I purchased my 30 copies of the book, I started sharing with people, and I boldly made a request of Steve, please, I would love I would be so honored to receive your out of grew up in my book and my special book, I just purchased my 30 books and please if there could be a possibility, right. I mean, I was dreaming big. But then it was realized when I received the 30 copies of the book, I will see one a special book with the acknowledgement of the Steve is an acknowledgment that I already had all this time to be looking at fresh into my life and to realizing I really felt like mites in the cellular level. It was happening the transformation and me and all these ideas about darkness or who I was or what it used to be. It was just gaining light, if you will. And when I read that acknowledgement in that special book from Steve, it was just that moment again of feelings source feeling life feeling fully alive and being seen in such depth. And who Steve is for me and feeling my humanity feeling my sense of humanity. And I mean, I could be using this big words, but it's it's honoring my experience. I immediately knew right there that I needed to be in that sacred office. I needed to be with Steve. I was scared at that moment. I my mentor, my business mentor, I was participating a transformational certification process for my leadership and coaching and so many other commitments that I had. I let go all of that. I had the conversations to finalize all of it, I prepare this case for me and inquire for that possibility with Steve because you know, Steve doesn't just take Okay, here I am and come to the office, right. It's a whole process, which trust into source trust and wisdom, trusting my intuition, I reached out after I have taken the action necessary clearing the path to to be in the presence of the ultimate Coach Steve Forbes Hardison, and that was beautiful, we blessed to receive and with it some arrangements for him to say yes. And with my back then husband, we drove for the six hours or whatever time it was from San Diego to mess up to Mesa, Arizona. And by that time, I just had this deep sense deep knowingness that my entire life because we will prepare me for this moment. I just know in my in my gut, I just know that this is it. This is my meeting of myself. This is in that drive to Mercer there was just as beautiful the sky with with with the stars, and I just was walking through glimpses of my life, what has been and just this, this sort of preparation, and arriving on the ninth of December at 2pm. To see a postcard his son's home in the Meza, my most my second most sacred space in the planet for me now, after much a big tube, it was Words fail me to describe what it was for me, I just couldn't contain, like, that's such an encounter, and the Steve or he represents for me, or cookie is for me, and meeting myself in that space. So two hours, all the ideas that I had about me vanished light, and all that rest. I often refer that I've rested in home throughout my whole life, through the difficulties, adversities and experiences that I have walked, but I rested in hope. And in that moment, it was the becoming of illuminating hope, illuminating and lightening the whole thing and all what was left was just that experience of pure love, pure an absolute complete love that I am, that there was there was no world there was no any ideas, there was no any thinking mind, there was just none of that it was just all just such a presence. Such feeling it in every oath of my being the light, that I am the core of my being, and just came all about. In that moment, I realize everything was my creation, everything is my creation, and everything will be forever be my creation.

Meredith Bell:

We you know, having talked to you before Gabby and hearing the story of your earlier life, you know, you you really face some challenging is a mild word for it, traumas, you had a lot of traumas, and whatever you might feel comfortable sharing about those, I would love for you to talk about, you know, whichever ones you feel like you want to share, but then also how you have come to see every one of them as being for you. Because I think that's so critical. You know, it's one of the key messages that I took away from the book and other things that I've heard Steve say, this whole thing that everything if we look at it as everything is happening for us, then we experience it differently. And of course, these are things that have happened in your past quite a ways back. And so you haven't used the word you see them as a blessing. So talk about Do whatever you feel comfortable sharing, and how you've turned that trauma into a blessing in your life.

Gaby Puma:

Right, thank you. I feel it has been a process of my life, or now seeing from my being, and speaking from my opinion, and sharing for my being, that now I have become the Bing. And I have such freedom and such a calmness, such a peace, that is me to look into the most cruel and brutal experiences that not only me, but I will in this spirit of the book of being always talking about me. But at the same time in that be with session through the book, I realize there is no such a thing as me that the idea of individuality kind of dissolved, I saw my humanity, I saw more clearly my indigenous heritage, what it entails to be a indigenous human being on this planet, what the suffering and the depth of trauma in our unconsciousness that humanity we have created, including in the most traumatic events, it came from my very own parents, from their own consciousness, from being rejected from as thoroughly as I came into this life from the belly of my mom, I'd be into my head. And until Mama was throwing up blood, and that she would think that I too, was going to be born that or I would not survive. And then when I now look back my commitment level to myself and to this life, and to be this light of hope, is I didn't give up i that the commitment was so early on before I even knew what commitment was right. And enduring that together with my mom, together with my dad. And then that cruelty that physical, psychological and spiritual punishments, it didn't cease there it was until I was 14 years old, it always was present there to endure such a physical punishments, and to endure rape, or to my innocence from people, that they would be there to care and protect for me. But again, now as I look through the lenses of being all those traumatic events, all this unconscious creations, because unfortunately, they couldn't know when they're bad or to create such harm. And for me to have the ability to capacity under is where I bow into my knees to the presence of love. Because love is making all of this love is creating all of the generosity of love that allows me the love that I am to see into the eyes of the people that once they made me harm to say thank you now that they have allowed me to evolve and grow in my personal and my professional life at a soul at a spiritual level. That all the time. It was confusing, it was overwhelming. And until I was with the steed to really see the Spirit through him to really be spirit and soul through him. I know the world sees him and is still me. I see him as this white Paul dude, you know, yet I didn't see that in that moment with him i So storage is so the universe. So creation, that is beyond what in our senses of separation, all the colors that we see or our idea of with Jesus and Christ being this way, that way, whatever color but all of that our human construct that doesn't allow us to be that love that we are to be their commitment that we are to be that service and presses that we are and that is just the greatest gift that Now I continue to see all the harm that was once created for me to see it as a blessing. And whoever is in front of me that I have An honor to serve to see through their presence and whatever they are making it up whatever their how they are seeing it. I am committed to seeing the spirit through them. And it's just this gratitude to all these beautiful people that now I can say they're beautiful people web Dan as a little girl when I was receiving the punishments from my own mom or my own dad was going like what on earth is happening here? What on earth? Why would I endure such pain and menial those that wanted me to wanted to give up I wanted to go back to source I wanted to say like, forget this earth like thing. Forget whatever here is happening. I might have not been using this exact words. But that boys from bee and now I know the bee wants to speak into me like you wait, you a little girl wait one day, all of the we're gonna make sense. One day, this will be lightened for you. And now as I look back, I say the presence of being or my anchor is still for scar the sun because it's through him that I we experienced this whole complete rebirth. Steve was always there with me throughout this whole trajectory of my evaluation of my growth. And when I read stories in the book, that angel together with me, Blake Hart is an of course who they are, they have been present in my path as much as I felt alone, much of the time. Now I see it wasn't really the case. Love. Love is so so generous. Love is just it's it's expanse is so luminous, if you will,

Meredith Bell:

yes, you know, as I'm listening to you, Gabby, and thank you for sharing that because it isn't easy to talk about these areas of our past where we really were hurt at a very deep level emotionally and physically. And And yet, what I'm hearing in your voice is and what came to mind is that, you know, the chapter in the document where Steve talks about self forgiveness. Because yes, there's this element of forgiving those that hurt you and seeing them in a different way as you have come to do that. I'm curious if you had to experience self forgiveness as well in this process of becoming who you are now.

Gaby Puma:

Right? What a beauty. What a of beauty it is that the idea. And here is sometimes where I could find the challenge of where I come from, from the indigenous philosophy. There is no you and me. Right there is just that complete sense of oneness of a way of being and forgiveness to the earth in a constant reassurance to Earth. So you're always downloading I mean, ality letting go if you will. And that has been embedded in my spirit, and all the trauma and all my, my, my hunger to know the outside world and the Western world kind of confused me all along my path. And now as I received your question, and having experienced the Western mindset and all all what it what it could be self forgiveness. I come from this idea or Marie, my indigenous upbringing and my indigenous origin is, whenever you're forgiving, you're only forgiving the wholeness or forgiving. Whenever you're doing harm. You're only doing the harm to yourself. Whenever you're forgiving. You're only forgiving yourself. So there's this deep sense of source and unity, that whatever I am doing, practicing, I'm doing it to you. I'm doing it to myself. So it has expanded and deepened the book of being when it talks and that's how intrinsic and innate it was with me because I come from that philosophy from that way of being that I've resented because of my experiences to my indigenous upbringing, and then the book are being kind of brought me back to that idea to that sounds cool. I always have been. So when I now look, and in my aim to serve extraordinary human beings and leaders in our world, I intend to convey I'm committed to convey that understanding of it's always self forgiveness. It's always, it's always you, you are the source, there is no author. In a way, I wonder if that is coming across. That's what I am feeling to speak into. And, and it does self forgiveness goes on and on and on and on. Because it's this deep compassion to my humanity, what do we have created the humanity, which again, is, I am your this, I am this, we are humans. And that's the way that our indigenous people live today. That's how once we have this a spark of light of into our being the possibility to see that way. So I wondered that is coming across man or that?

Meredith Bell:

Yes. Well, you know, it's just so interesting. One of the things that I'm feeling and thinking as I'm listening to you is this, self forgiveness is not a one time thing. It's something we recognize our, our, our humanity, and we're not going to be perfect. And so to be able to, and I'm guessing you do this very quickly, because of who you are becoming who you have become, that when you see yourself, maybe making a choice, that later you think, Hmm, could have done that differently. There's a quickness in terms of the time between you experience that and you let it go. Because to me, that's an aspect of self forgiveness is recognizing your humanity, owning it, and saying, That's not me, that choice I made. And it seems to me that, you know, part of your journey, and discovering who you really are, had to do with looking at what you're and you mentioned this early, when you were talking about your journey, the outward success you had, that truly wasn't displaying who you really were. And there was a distinction, you, you learned about, you know, and came came to identify, through your study, through your work with Steve, that helped you see new choices you could make that would allow you to really step in to your, your true potential.

Gaby Puma:

Right, have you fully framed, that the work has intensified, if anything that I did now. The economy is so conscious and aware and present as a way of being now the commitment has intensified because now I'm building our humanity in like an every thought and to be as aware as precedent with the choices from being thought and action. So it's immediate, yet judgment because now you're dealing with the collective consciousness of humanity, because you have come to realize I have come to realize and now being that come here is not as easy as I would have thought it is. But here I am, and my way of being conflicting with people or their judgments or need dropping into judgments and that's one of the biggest key distinctions I've gained from from the book have been and from Steve judgment, it's just there because it's the human creations that human collective consciousness and it's, it's gonna be always there. It's always the era I am, am I gonna act on it? All like, I would have, you know what occurs to me in this moment? I have been acting from judgment, the idea of judgment, my understanding about judgment that I ought to be this or that and that, to all my outward success, thinking that that was gonna make me feel complete and whole and connected to source to my idea of God. And no matter what I did, no matter how beautiful life opportunities has given to me, Bill, I was married now I'm not anymore, and to have walked through that process with grace, but anything I've ever done, until I met myself, together with my judgment, together with my unforgiveness, together with all these ideas of seeing the humanity in me, what has been made and created in the humanity's history, because now I'm accessing at that level, to operate from the core of being because being for me, it's the totality of existence is the universe itself and having that taste and having the commitment to lead from though in a daily basis in a moment to moment basis, I am not only experiencing universals, it's coming through me but I am also experiencing the humanity that darkness the most cruel, brutal thing, the most horrendous and thinkable things that have been made that need that is me because I no longer am separating that is my very humanity and to allow to to now meet that be with that with love, love, commitment, and service. So, I could be an I could meet anybody or anything with that understanding of being if I walk through all those ideas of darkness, all those adversities, it has prepared me to now be such a conscious presence, when it comes even bigger way bigger challenges that I come over when possible, think of it by now, what I am aware of is that I am committed, I am committed to expand on to it I am committed to be to be in who I am, I am committed to be that that presses that's the only thing I'm committed and that every now moment honoring all the experiences that is coming my way and it's it's becoming only more difficult now that it's becoming even more difficult. Yet I am here I am now

Meredith Bell:

To do what are to be what what's become more difficult,

Gaby Puma:

More difficult, in a sense that now you're seeing it everything for what it is

Meredith Bell:

A willingness to be totally real,

Gaby Puma:

Right. Right. A willingness to to be really here in my body in my spirit in my soul and to to cold front if you will, anything that would arise from that point and be in service to that so it's such a calmness such a peace even with the difficulty because life is so uncertain life is difficult. And in my way of may not making it not difficult is what I went venturing around and and now I have this rheumatoid trial is a chronic disease in me even just running from that I just wanted to just feel okay, but now it just embracing life. That is difficult. That is of all its life goes on life is always gonna be throwing at me and as so many things, yet be able now to meet with grace, that

Meredith Bell:

So wonderful because, you know, you'd have done I think a very courageous thing, Gabby many courageous things, but one that I'm thinking of is that willingness to look to look within and do that work of uncovering what's there so that you can see the connections as part of of humanity. I think too many times we, you know, just keep moving from thing to thing to thing. And don't take the time to pause, reflect, go within and get curious and not the judgment. I love that you talked about judgment the way you did because it's so easy for us to because it's part of who we are, but to recognize it and not judge ourselves for judging. Right? But to recognize that's a part of us. But the ability to become aware, it sounds to me like you've just raised your level of awareness, you know exponentially in terms of what you now are able to see about yourself about others in the world. So that you can bring love to every one of those encounters that you have with, with other people as part of that work that you've done. Right.

Gaby Puma:

So beautiful. Exactly that and that brings me to, to the space that I've cleared for the past 10 months or so until the book have been became the coach Abram are now available for the world to experience the book in my two native languages, Quechua and the Spanish cater for my indigenous roots and Spanish, you know, being conquered by the Hispanic Spaniards here in Peru and Latin America, it really has allowed me to really slow down any ideas that I've ever heard about slowing down and presence and awareness, it really slowed me down. Just being present to my inside soul, spirit, my humanity to see all the condition in the cultural condition is both in my indigenous and Hispanic culture tradition, it really allow me that, that fresh look, from being all of that. So if anything, it has been the greatest gift for me to be less than and granted from Steve and Amy, to give the Yes, to translate this book, and then invest such a big amount of money from my own pocket to gift it to the world. But what a joy it is that in the winds dad, I only became even more me that really experienced who I truly passed, all those conditions, pass all those cultural beliefs past all of that rich look in the book. So it allow me to really slow down to really become present. And that's where I keep saying that my whole entire life has prepared me for this moment, to really now be in this continual rebirth passes, when I get to meet with experiences and challenges, because I came to understand now that there is no such a bliss and, and just peace, a sense of love. Otherwise, we may be on the other side of the veil, right, and the spirit, we all life is really about challenges. It really is just all the circumstances that are always there. And I now need that. That's why I'm here. That's, that's where my growth is. That's where I'm intentionally now creating spaces to be in service for me and to be in service for for all others. So that understanding is where I am standing in this moment. And the next moment, and the next moment because as you know, and as you see what I see in our humanity. At the same time, it's very historically very beautiful moment, where a lot of us are realizing who we really are.

Meredith Bell:

You know, thinking about this process you went through and translating in two different languages, the depth of understanding you had to bring of the material to make sure the translation really carried not just the literal words, but the spirit of that just reflecting on all the important ideas that are conveyed in that book. I have to think that this going through that process had an impact on you to look more deeply at what really is the meaning here is that is that on track with what happened?

Gaby Puma:

Exactly that exactly that it was so important for me to to capture the essence the spirit I opened I was reflecting and preparing for our space in this moment what's being created right now. And I often say life before the book have been and because the books hardest and for me I was being not the most Effective translator of the Spirit. For all those years all these 33 years I come in being that effective translator of spirit. And now that very experiences has prepared me to now be spirit and from Slate literal by the act of translating this beautiful masterpiece, to be as crystal as source from law from precedence from commitment and from service. It was important, so important for me that I reached out I work with a team that supported me with linguists, with professional translators. So there is where most of my investment from my pocket went on. I wanted to capture the integrity of what Amy Blake Hardison and Alan David Thompson need in the commitment in the service of the whole of this possibility for humanity, and what the contribution is there. And of course, the very way of being obviously a postcard isn't which is love itself. So it was just surrendering to spirit surrendering to source surrendering to being in trust in that word. It's been created throughout this beautiful people who, who stepped it up who they were operating from their best version possible when I was sharing with them what this whole process is all about. And it's a possibility of hope that more people will find out who they really are. And then Hence, our beautiful world will only be more eliminated for all of us. So it was just so most delightful, honorable and humbling experience. And it still is today as I still receive messages, voice messages, from people acknowledging that and it still is now this beautiful, generous feeling of love, if you will enjoy our Tip Tip.

Meredith Bell:

And you must have a big vision for how to get these two languages now out into the world talk about are there some miracles happening in your life, and in this process of spreading the word about the Spanish version in particular, since that's such a large population? Right?

Gaby Puma:

Thank you. Yes, Spanish being our second largest universal language spoken in the world. So the miracles I don't know if there is any more miracle than life being the ultimate miracle and me being aligned to that. And me choosing to see that now, in the mundane and the ordinary, I don't know if there is any bigger miracle than myself. And then that is the universe that is the very life that is the very spirit I don't know how I can outshine that, knowing that understanding that first glimpse in the mornings when I wake up fully alive, only just allow and watch the miracles unfold from the end to honor the littleness, the biggest act and interaction of, of life and to see and dream and ambition what I ambitiously am starting to speak into is 1 billion people in our planet being impacted by the book of being entitled ultimate coach with the two languages that I translated and the many more than may come if Spirit allows it. And well, it's the beautiful sacred fires on now, not the one that this tribe destroys but the one that illuminates the one that it's going to ignite more sacred fire to the hearts of many. So I accomplished with this Spanish one and now the commitment is to the caterer one for our all our Quechua speakers across the world across to remember who we are, it's just that switch. I often love the way how Steve Chandler talks about transformation, you know, it's just that switch in, I just gotta switch it on and boom, there it is. You experienced this book about you, you switch it on and boom, you realize who you are and the beauty and the magnificence that your presence is for the world. So that's what I am leaving for or no, because it is such an alignment with who I am and what I stand for, to liberate more hordes all around,

Meredith Bell:

that's a beautiful way for us to wrap up, I think Gabby, this whole idea of speaking into existence, the reality that you see already in your mind, and bringing that to life. And I want to acknowledge you for your commitment to become your own most beautiful being. And you brought that to us today, and also to your commitment to these two translations of the book in your vision for getting it out in such a big way. Because I know that you know, what an impact this can have, if people read it about them, and, and really absorb the truth and the wisdom that's there. So thank you so much for being with me and with the group that is following the ultimate coach and, and living that life that is described in the book and you're such a beautiful example of that. And I want to thank you for all the ways that you bring your light and love into that group and into the world because you just shine so brightly you are you just radiate so beautifully. And I love your who you are now the lightning of hope that's such a beautiful name for you and a beautiful identity for you. So thank you so much, Gabby for being with us.

Gaby Puma:

Oh, thank you so much, Meredith. I still remember and honor that moment that this very moment was greeted with Steve and Amy in the beautiful restaurant and the Sacred Valley of the Incas of Peru. And here we are now thank you so much for having listened to me and in the Listening spirit through us in this beautiful space and for everyone who have had the honor and joy to listen to us and and it is my hope always to believe into that possibility for your ultimate rebirth that it is possible to let go of the past karma and make peace with the past and then only then will we now peace for ourselves and peace for our world. That is my very commitment and I say thank you again to see postcard isn't an enemy bleh card isn't an island David Thompson and Eric law calm as well for allowing me to be in this space that I feel I found my community and the people that I beautiful the developing the relationships to continue all the impact into our world into who we are as each one of us continued to shine brighter in this beautiful times.

Meredith Bell:

Beautifully said thank you.