Episode 33

Joyous Revelations - Becky Robbins

Join our host Philippe Bartu as he hangs out for an up, close and personal conversation with Becky Robbins. You will experience joyous revelations and feel Becky’s reignited passion for life, art and the gems of insight from her work with Steve. You will also hear Becky share her deeply personal document that has the power to move you at your core if you allow it.

About the Guest:

Becky Robbins has created many roles and identities in her life and they reinforce who she is being and continuously evolving. A lifelong learner on a path of spiritual growth and humanitarian causes is a thread woven into this day. As a co-founder of  Robbins Research International and first wife of Tony Robbins she was a pioneer in the personal development business and expanded that into a brand with a global reach over 14 years that is still thriving today. She describes her life as cyclical and after leaving RRI she embarked on an art career with her current series of original oil paintings that are her signature and embody the Divine as she is influenced in the process. Her prints and originals are collected around the world. She lives in California.


About the Host:

Philippe Bartu is a recovering people-pleasing hotelier that became a stressed-out restaurant owner and survivor of severe burnout in 2008. This led him to become a seeker of deeper meaning and purpose in life. In doing so he had a profound spiritual realisation. He saw that every human being is always ok and perfect. 

Over the last 8 years, he has led transformational international retreats and coaching programs that have helped hundreds of clients replace stress and anxiety with fun, ease, and play. He is passionate about relationships and is on a mission to create a world with less drama and more fully expressed, authentic human beings.

By reading The Ultimate Coach, Philippe deeply saw how we create our future from a place of being limited or being unlimited. Today, he helps his clients transform their relationships with their own limitations and become powerful unlimited creators.


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TUCP Intro/Outro:

Welcome to The Ultimate Coach Podcast conversations from being inspired by the book The Ultimate coach, written by Amy Hardison, and Alan Thompson. Join us each week with the intention of expanding your state of being, and your experience will be remarkable. Remember, this is a podcast about be. It is a podcast about you. To explore more deeply visit the ultimate Coach book.com. Now, enjoy today's conversation from be

Philippe Bartu:

welcome back. My name is Philip bar to this week, we're being joined by one of the pioneers in the world of personal development. Becky Robins Welcome, welcome, welcome. So wonderful to have you here.

Becky Robbins:

Thanks, Phillip, I'm so happy to be spending this time.

Philippe Bartu:

So for the for the people that that don't know you, I just want to say that who you are, to me as someone who's really a master at seeing the opportunities in life. So Becky is the first wife of Tony Robbins, and created this incredible, thriving business, spent 14 years building the Robbins Research International Foundation, what we know today is Tony Robbins, and a big change in her life. And today. She is an fabulous artist whose prints and originals are collected around the world. But what really got my attention was something she shared around her document, and how that spoke to me, which really initiated our first conversation. So good to have you here. Becky, I'd like to just start by asking you, How did the ultimate coach book end up in your hands.

Becky Robbins:

But I believe in miracles. So a friend was staying with me I had some knee surgery and she came to stay with me and brought the book to read for herself. And she said something that made me curious. She said, I bought this book. And while you're recovering, I'm going to read it. I'm going to write a document from out of this book. And I said, What's a documentary because well, it's kind of like a roadmap for the future with my husband, and I'm going to show it to him. And then he's going to write one. And I said, Okay, well that sounds fascinating. So I which isn't really actually how the document works. But I found out but I ordered so I ordered a time, I'm just going to order it and then we can both be reading it while we're sitting together. So I ordered it in the next day or two, Amazon delivered it to my door and and that's how the book got in my hands. But as I was reading it, you know, there was this one story in there nice thumbing through it to get like, I didn't realize that it wasn't Steve writing the book. At first I was just thinking like this is you know, and then as I was reading, I was single like, Okay, well I've read this thumbing through like okay, stories of his childhood, like, when are we going to get to the good parts, you know, where Steve is teaching me something, right. But then there was this one story fill up that I'm I actually started to weep reading it because it was a story about about a man that was going through some intense personal problems with his business and feeling like he didn't know it was such a burden that he didn't know how he was going to go up from under it. And he was so depressed. And he was really an even thought, like, maybe maybe life isn't worth living anymore. It is married with two children. And so the story goes that he in the book, the story is that he his wife comes out and sit and he decided to go jump into the swimming pool. And just for a morning swim, I'm assuming and and his wife comes out and says, Here's your row, put your robe on Steve Hardison is at the door. And he and Steve had not spoken I guess they'd had some words between them like a year prior. And he didn't even know that Steve even knew where he lived and Steve came to to his door and came in and he and he said why are you here? And Steve said I've been with you all night. I'm just getting chills saying that again? Yeah, like that the night I started to cry reading that because Okay, wait a minute, like who is this guy and, and how connected he is to people that he spends time with. And as I continue to read the book, I said to her, like, I have to talk to this guy wonder how I could ever talk to this guy because Well, I actually know someone who knows him and that you Maybe we would be able to figure out a way for you to connect with him. Yeah.

Philippe Bartu:

So here's what I'm hearing something happened in that story, where you saw a possibility for yourself to be someone like that. Wow, that's lofty. I don't know. Is that Is that what you're? Is that what happened? Like, what is some something woke up? Right? You were touched? Did you did you? Did you get to see that? That's, that's something that maybe some at some point, you've been what you wanted to do, and you didn't do? And you recognize that that possibility is there for you?

Becky Robbins:

Well, I love that you're asking this question, because I'm holding my breath while you're talking about it. Because I first of all, the idea that someone would be would have that kind of compassion. And would would be able to feel it from a distance. And I and I, I think we take inventory when we hear things like that, like, yeah, oh, my god, Could I could I possibly have that kind of intuition. And I mean, I do about my children, like I can feel when something's going on with them. They're, like, spooked by it. But I think that's spooky mom, like, like, you always know, when something's going on. You're calm means like, of course, I call you that this was like a whole other level of humanity, humanity, stripping humanity. And I mean, for the grace of God, that would be amazing to be able to have that kind of, to be able to be that tuned in. And with that comes, like the kind of responsibility that I think is astronomical?

Philippe Bartu:

Well, you know, I'm asking because I think that's truly the possibility that the book is pointing to, and the fact that you had that experience, and I want to say I did to that I remember reading that passage and being really, really moved. And asking myself, you know, wow, in that moment, it was it was my whole the whole way. The whole time, I was reading the book that I was in and out of, Wow, this is incredible. To wow, I am incredible. And it wasn't really like wow, I am incredible. It was more like a flowy. Shed, this could be, this could be me, too. This is me. And that quality of just not because I'm special. But because we all have have that capacity for compassion. And it's not that this could, this is a book about me, it's this is a book about humanity. And we all can be, we all have access to that level of compassion. And that's what I love about what you share in that story, is I get to see that that's a possibility for every human being on the planet. And that Steve is not special. And his whole book is designed to wake you up to that truth.

Becky Robbins:

Do you think Steve, is that special? I think?

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah, like what I want to say as in all his specialness and all his amazingness he is unique. Yeah, there's no one like him. But he wouldn't, you know, from from, from what I know, Steve, he wouldn't want you to think that he's more special than anyone else.

Becky Robbins:

Yeah, I agree with you. And so many things that you've said I want to, I want to reflect on because, of course, I believe that we all have the capacity. Every every child born, every human on the planet has the capacity to to be great to live in greatness. To and I think that it takes it takes such a commitment to leave like the story part, leave your stories behind not operate out of your stories, you know, to not use those badges of honor or victimhood or or any of that you have to you have to get so beyond that. So I know that when he when he says read the read the book as if it were about you, you know that it took me a bit to try and understand what that meant. Because if it because it wasn't about me it was about him in the original version, you know, the the way originally

Philippe Bartu:

told me to Yeah, and then I really Yeah. But then

Becky Robbins:

if I do it in bits and pieces, like I listened to it when I'm driving, and I'll like stop that, stop it for a minute. And pause it and think like, think that in that version that is it is about me, that it is about me when I'm at my when I'm at my essence the essence of who I am. I'm not even going to say at my best, I would say when I can when I am deeply within the essence of myself and I have instances of that. I mean we all have glimpses of that brain fitness that we can that we get now and again and for me it would be amazing to have it be consistent. Be a consistent version. shouldn't

Philippe Bartu:

have that? Well, it would be also kind of almost, um, we wouldn't we wouldn't be humans anymore. Or if we like if we were consistent operating only from that, but I mean, definitely I get having more consistency to access that capacity. Yeah, I mean, that's, I think that's, that's what you mean as well, like, totally. And that's actually something that as human beings, we can develop ourselves, to sit to it. And it's and it's more of an unknown, developing the character that the story is. And you know, when you when you talk about those, those moments, where you just have those instances where you, you touch the grace, so that who you are, you see you recognize yourself as a miracle. Those are, those are those moments and, and that's, that's the truth, when you see yourself beyond the story, right? Well, that's what's left.

Becky Robbins:

Yeah. And also, I think those moments happen in spontan, in spontaneity, like I like as an artist, you know, I, this is like, welcome to my sanctuary. By the way, I'm in my, I'm in my studio, which is really, really is a sanctuary for me. And, and the process, I go through the paint, which is a long process. It's not just standing up there and painting, but the time I get there, that's a whole nother version of what I you know, being an artist, but to get to that place. I do tap into that, that there's no judgment, there's no, there's not even much thought going on. It's just like, living in that state of being and letting like, opening up and letting. So there's nothing in the way of just stuff coming through and being in the process of the art. Yeah,

Philippe Bartu:

you create from a blank canvas. Yeah. Inside into Yes. Yeah, that's it. And so then your whole art is whatever wants to be expressed, and not even from you. But as you say, it's divinely sourced. So whatever divinity wants to be wants to express. That's what I see when I see your work.

Becky Robbins:

Yeah, thank you. So that's what I would like to and I do sometimes, like when I'm with my daughter's little boys last weekend, like, it's so present to that there's no there's no story about any, you know, no Becky past stories, no, whatever. No, I'm not capable stories, or any of that kind of stuff doesn't even come up because I'm so present. In the experience, I have a part of my document, which that I that I love is that it goes like this, it says, I am that this is the part where I appreciate this moment before it turns into a memory. I love that. Even right now with you, Philip. This is it right this minute. So appreciate this. Not looking at the time I'm not thinking of, of anything. Very moment. These are the moments that are so creative.

Philippe Bartu:

Thank you, you have a unique document. I feel that when the fact that we're talking was really first just being very impacted by your document the way you certain things that have been described. Would you be willing to share your document here on the podcast?

Becky Robbins:

I would love to share my document. Here well,

Philippe Bartu:

I would love to hear it. So I'm gonna give you the space to do that right now.

Becky Robbins:

I am the universe I am that I belong here. I am one of a kind. I am made of God and I create magic in every area of my life.

Becky Robbins:

My life is a temple for my soul's growth, and my heart is open wide. I am incredibly unique and incredibly beautiful. I'm a curator of epiphanies, a master of curiosity, and an expert at reciprocity. I am divinely intuitive, inspiring and present with everyone. I am capable and confident and brilliant. And I accomplish the improbable and the impossible with ease.

Becky Robbins:

I am that the universe inspires greatness within me. I am an intrepid explorer of life and the beneficiary of the majesty of my creator. I'm a force of nature, and my imagination, leaves footsteps for others in my wake.

Becky Robbins:

I'm here bearing witness to and shining in and as the glory of God I am that this part is where I appreciate the memories at the moments before they turn into memories. I am wonderment and certainty in the yet as no as in the as yet unknown. I love that one. I'm devoted to the fun, fulfilling and spectacular, financially abundant life I'm living. My art is divinely inspired. My I am devoted to the care of my temple and I stand inside a living miracle. I am that no one is worthy of my judgment. And everyone is worthy of my love. I'm a beacon of light and love and possibility I am love itself. I am grace upon grace, and my consistency compounds. I am that the divine intelligence and purest love has created my True Beloved, including the timing of our union. I am a lightning bolt for miracles.

Philippe Bartu:

This is who I am. So good. Thank you so much for sharing that you are that Becky?

Becky Robbins:

Thank you. Thank you for that opportunity to do that.

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah, well, I'm moved by by your share. And a couple of things are really speaking to me that I want to explore with you. One of the things I heard you say is I accomplish the improbable and the impossible with ease. How has that in your document? What does that given you access to, in your day to day life?

Becky Robbins:

You know, it's so fun about the document is that I it's woven into my life, so many contexts. So for example, I will read them in like that, like I am about the fun and fulfilling aspect of creating abundance, because I am capable and confident. And I accomplish the improbable. Or I step up to my easel and it's a whiteboard. And there's not room for error there. I mean, I completely focus headcanon it's oil paint. So and I've for some strange reason unknown to me as yet, as yet unknown to me. I'm still in the wonderment of why I why I come up with, like images that this one wants to be painted. And it's so complex. It's crazy. And I'm going to do it. And then the realization that I'm capable, and I'm confident and I'm brilliant. I accomplished the improbable and impossible. So I'm going to do it. I can do

Philippe Bartu:

it. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I can totally see though, in your art. Yeah,

Becky Robbins:

we've these things in and out. All right. All right, get into a place. I'm reading a book these days called Freedom transmissions. And one of the things this is a new chapter in there, it's a channeled book about Yeshua. And I was just hearing this yesterday about about belonging because I because the way that the phrase about I belong here got into my document, is because in my past, I felt like all my stories are you go through your stories, and then you're at all of that the process of creating your document, which is in the book of being the ultimate coach, and then you and then you figure out like how are How did those stories, the stories are all in there, pointing over here? Because it was like the warehouse of all my stories that I'm going to end up burning down? And then then how do I forgive myself, forgive myself, I was sitting in it, I'm not the cause of all my problems, like, oh, wait a minute, I no one on the outside who create anything that I didn't have some kind of participation in. And so that's another story about the Grand Canyon if you want to ask me later, that anyway that participating in my own in my own wreckage, you know, so out of that was just the forgiveness of myself. And then the true story of myself as I belong here. I belong here in the freedom transmission book. There is another twist on that is like is that I'm beloved here, I belong to Source of All That Is I like your belongings can create, you know, a burden for you. Like if you're looking at it that way it's there's just a little bit of a twist about belonging here, but I do belong here and so that's been beautiful.

Philippe Bartu:

So good. So we have spoken before and I have seen your document before and I've noticed a new addition. I'm divine intelligence as created my beloved, including the perfect timing of our union. I don't remember seeing that. Is that something new?

Becky Robbins:

No, no, it's not something new.

Philippe Bartu:

Okay, then I just, I just didn't notice. Could you say more about that? Yes. What are anything you'd like to share about that? I'm just curious where you know, what's behind that?

Becky Robbins:

You know, what I think for for so many years? I mean, I think that I've been looking for someone to complete me. I mean, not, not in not in recent years, because I've been doing so much work on myself before, during, and after my last marriage. And just like so that, that, thankfully, you know, that has been so good for me. In fact, there was a phrase that I used to say to myself, I haven't said it recently, but I, but it comes up for me in good times, and not good times, which is, I am that which thou are and thou art that which I am. And so I feel like I'm coming to the table. Now in the in the idea of being in a committed relationship with a beloved, which would be a whole different version of what's ever happened before, because I'm not because I don't feel empty. I don't feel like Oh, my God, if I don't ever meet someone, like I'm having this feeling like someone's Yeah, that someone's out there looking for me.

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah, you know, we've both. We've both gone through divorces. And since then, I have remarried. And I remember my mum, asking me one day, what's different? I mean, what's different this time? And I said, Well, there's only really one thing that's different is I know, I'm holding complete If this marriage breaks down, and I didn't know that in the first marriage. Ah, and they're, like you say that I had a lot of, in my first marriage. The reason why I got married, was to feel whole and complete. And so I love that you bring that up. Because I, you know, if you had asked me, I wouldn't have been able to see it. And, and today, you know, as yeah, that's, that's it, it's like, nothing can take away that wholeness and completeness, in the knowing. And what I'm hearing and this creation that you're creating is you want to create a relationship from that place, with someone who can meet you in that place, who then themselves are in that place?

Becky Robbins:

Yeah, you know, he, you know, you're making me think of something, Phillip, is that going into that marriage? Not feeling? No, definitely not who I am today. But what that did, though, was helped me strive hard for to learn and accomplish. And I did, I accomplished a lot, like, helped to co create a global empire.

Philippe Bartu:

Was it Well, was it willpower?

Becky Robbins:

I think it was, it was everything was trying to prove myself, trying to be worthy, trying to be eldest trying to be appreciated. And I loved learning. So there was a whole aspect of learning, because in the beginning days, you know, I was, there was an incident where sound system wasn't working. And then and we were out, and it was just only, like, maybe there were 40 people there. And we were out in a remote area. And we have promoters then and the promoters left the site for a little while. And, you know, like, the sound system was crackling and frustrating. And he was at the front of the room, and I was at the back of the room. And I was the one who did everything. It was the two of us only. So he was speaking

Philippe Bartu:

and screaming about Tony Robbins. Yeah,

Becky Robbins:

I am. And I can, I can totally get it why you'd be so funny. Right now, if we were having sound problems, we'd be frustrated. But if there's nobody to fix it, and there are 40 people sitting there staring at you, you know, but I'm sitting at the back at a table and like a little picnic table. And back in the day, we had like a, I don't even need the boombox kind of thing you know, that you carry around that big. And I a little valise full of cassette tapes. So you can tell it was like during the old days, like cassette tapes, I would put one in and put headphones on and rewind it to where he wanted me to play it again. And, and it was a huge point at me. And that was the time for me to play the music and was like, it was a two man show. And he got so frustrated in the middle of it. And he came storming down the aisle. And he leaned over the table at me and screamed at me and in expletives which I won't say here. But he said you said I want you to fix this sound system right now. And I said Tony, I'm sorry that the you know, I don't even I don't know sound systems and the people that can use it. Listen to me. My job is from it. The front of the room and your job is effing everything else. You got that? And I was like, you know, he's six foot seven and this big guy. And I said, okay, okay. Yeah, I said to myself, then, okay, I got it. And I, that was it. For me. It was like, my, my job was everything else. So it was kind of like, like, in my anger, I said, Okay, I'll show you, I'll do everything else. And I'll be amazing at every, every other thing. So I didn't do everything else. And so I learned so much from that. And I want to get to the second part of your question. And that's the relationship thing, because I come to the table having already, I already know who I am, I already know what I'm capable of, I already accomplished all of those kinds of things. Now, it's about the soul. You know, like now it's who I bring a lot to the table now of like, who I've become, and my, the certainty I have in myself. And the beauty of my document is its truth about me. It's like, like, I am a nurturer of humanity, I am a all that came from all that time. And since then, I've had many years now of being single and being, you know, having my developing my art and all of these things, I am ready, I'm ready. I think I'm ready for something.

Philippe Bartu:

And the meat of this, there's so much power to just claim that and own I want to acknowledge you and also the courage it takes to just speak the way you do and, and you know, the you really occurred to me as someone who's just so bold, vulnerable, authentic and doesn't hold back. And you know, that's, that's so refreshing and so beautiful. Just to be here in your presence witnessing that.

Becky Robbins:

Thank you. It's been a journey. Well,

Philippe Bartu:

yeah, I mean, we're not we're not the we're not our stories. We're, you have a remarkable story and a remarkable life. And, and that's also something to really appreciate and accept what it is. Yeah, that leads

Becky Robbins:

me into the Grand Canyon.

Philippe Bartu:

Yes, I want to hear

Becky Robbins:

that. Yeah. So we so it was a group of Hollywood people, all fancy people. And there were like, I don't know, like 10 of us or something, maybe more. And we all went to It was July at the Grand Canyon. We all hiked down in the 120 degree temperature, and it's like crazy. And everybody's having to carry and schlep all their own stuff. And you say everybody has the all their assistance and everything, of course, it was just the group. So we get to the bottom. And now we're having to repackage all of our luggage and everybody's cranky and grouchy, and it's hot. And, you know, and all of that. Now it's time for the guides to tell us the rules of the river. And we're on the Grand Canyon, where there are all these rapids and and you know, like serious rapids, like the highest level of so you can get killed on those rapids. So they want us to take it seriously what they're saying. And so they're telling us all the things about when we get to the campsite, and all that kind of stuff. And then they say, Okay, here's the most important thing. So, as we're going through all these rapids, and places on the river, there's a high probability that you're going to fall out of the boat. If you do fall out of the boat, you need to make your way to the side somehow, and get out of the river and come and meet us way downstream for when we wherever we can stop and pick you up. In other words, you need to participate in your own rescue. I was like, yeah. What a relevant thing to say. Yeah, I've used that in my life. So many times, you must participate in your own rescue.

Philippe Bartu:

It's like radical self responsibility, rat setting radical self rescue,

Becky Robbins:

which creates radical self respect. Yeah.

Philippe Bartu:

And self reliance. No one is going to save you. You know, there's a there was another passage in that book. That one sentence, it just jumped out at me. All I remember was Steve saying this to someone. No one is going to save you. You have to save yourself. I really heard that.

Becky Robbins:

Because it hurts to hear that for

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah, yeah. It's actually it's it feels almost like you don't want to hear that. Like you're being abandoned. Yeah, yeah, that's it. It does. Like you

Becky Robbins:

have a baby and you're definitely that baby is being cared for. In every way right now. Yeah, that's true. We grew with that. I mean, we were we started out that way. And then to have to like

Philippe Bartu:

an adult to

Becky Robbins:

be an adult and doing that I'm responsible for myself now. Like, nobody's coming to save me now. Nobody's going to rescue me now. On any you know, so I got to the relationship thing, I think, coming into a relationship already equipped with what we what we know even now like, is there always be a time when I'm always going to be expanding and growing and change? Teaching and Learning. And so what I've said to myself in these last few years is which I'm glad I did, because now that I admitted this beautiful new tribe of people that are like my heart tribe, is that okay? Well, I'm not quite ready, I'm not quite ready, because I've got more to learn more to grow more, you know, I felt that way. Well, you cannot say that. And then you have no courage to be in a relationship any longer. Because you're saying, I'm not quite ready, I've got more to learn, I've got more to that, if not, now, when

Philippe Bartu:

something I'm also noticing in this conversation is, I'm not quite ready becomes irrelevant, when the possibility of being ready, isn't really alive in you. To me, what I've What I've discovered is, the more the possibility becomes alive in yourself, the less you really care about readiness, and the more you start honoring your possibility, over your readiness. And what I'm seeing, you know, in your, in your document is, there's a whole level of readiness, of wanting to be seen. And so how I get to experience you as someone who honors your possibility of being that document over any story of readiness you may have,

Becky Robbins:

I think, thank you, I think that's, you're exactly right, you're going to be the first to know.

Philippe Bartu:

And having said that, it is another thing you say is I am grace upon grace and my consistency compounds. What I got to hear in just what I shared with you is, every day, every moment, you are creating yourself, either from your from your either living from your past, and the stories and the some of the stories of your past, or from the possibility of being this miracle that you are, and the way that you bring that consistency compounds I want to hear from you. But that's just really speaking to me right now, is how consistency compounds in the face of putting possibility before your internal dialogue, your feelings, your thoughts, your story of I'm not ready, that when

Becky Robbins:

that poured out of me on to the page, Grace on Grace, yeah, I remembered after writing that I remembered that I have a painting that is titled and titled grace upon grace. And it started and we mean it, we all know the song Amazing Grace, you know, that saved a wretch or a soul like me. So there's that part. But then there's also that part of just living in in faith, faith and trust that all is, well you know, I stay in this space. In my it's back to the bouncing between my document the dance that happens like my consistency compounds, and, and I'm serving humanity in a more in a more authentic way. And with grace. Also, I know when you're doing investing, new invest like a penny a day, and it's like that whole that whole compound interest, compound interest. I mean, if you don't, if you if you don't tamper with the grace you've created, and you keep creating it in a positive way, it's going to explode into some miraculous thing that we that is as yet unknown, this, the wonderment certainty and the as yet unknown. So built into my document has become like, it's like one thing supports the other and they just keep dancing with each other. If I'm, if I'm listening to it every, like, every morning, every night, and during the day, something will come up that they weave together in a whole different new tapestry. So

Philippe Bartu:

beautiful. So amazing. Thank you for bringing that up. I'm, I'm taking this on I'm going to integrate this in my document and the place for me where I want consistency to compound is integrity. Yes, so I want my integrity upon integrity, that I am integrity upon integrity and my consistency around integrity compounds that's that's really where I want to build my muscles.

Becky Robbins:

I love that I'm gonna tell you one of the things Steve told me just like it my last session or you know what he called and told me this. He said, You know what? His I think you'd heard me say that somewhere to someone that that like up, you know, like a spiral upward, you know, you can see the consistency can goes both directions. He can go forward and it can go downward. If you don't, right if you consistently don't exercise the wrong, you know those kinds of things. And he said to me, Becky, here's the thing. He said, like you could take you all in all, it could take you a year, two years to build a house, this positive version of consistency, but it could take an hour to burn it down. So when it's going downward, it goes faster, though. So that's even more reason to stay consistent with what you're creating consistent in your integrity, consistent in your, in your confidence and capability, stay consistent with what you're creating. Because we all know, I know that a little bit of bad goes a long way. Now with me, like I don't, I don't tolerate it well, because I know I'm creating all the time. So something starts to go sideways, it's up to me to stop it right then and there and be all right, all right. It's just like the story, all the stories of, of the things that we all have stories, but you know, when you I was just cut off of another zoom call with a bunch of women that I went to Italy with last year. And I was just noticing how somebody gets on a negative subject, and everybody wants to get involved in the negative subject just like whoa, whoa, whoa, you know, this, this picked up speed so quickly, like, you know, unless like,

Philippe Bartu:

it's a human condition. Yeah, if we're not aware of that, we tend to love to sensationalize stories only like us as human beings genuinely. And it requires a level of when it feels so Oh, we're just not aware. You know, like, we just we just don't know better. It's not really that where, where, where we just haven't been trained and haven't developed ourselves as a species to be able to recognize the spiral illness. And it's just what you're saying, How in one hour, you can, like, you know, bring yourself down. And and it's, to me that that's actually what your share is really one of the biggest blind spots humanity's facing today. So you're really speaking to something that is so true for for the collective and the possibility that we can be as a species as people who who can bring that awareness and who can spiral upwards.

Becky Robbins:

And since a little bit of that grace

Philippe Bartu:

column that, yes, I'm a grace upon grace, am I consistency come out of you being that? That's the world is already a better place? Just you being that? Yeah. And you know, like, we often think, Oh, how health? What can we do? There's so much that needs to be done in the world of you be that?

Becky Robbins:

And I'm learning. You're familiar with Heart Math, right? All the heart? I'm

Philippe Bartu:

familiar with Heart Math. Yes, yes, I did it.

Becky Robbins:

Like four week thing with or whatever it was with a woman who is a coach for Heart Math. And the, we were talking about some of the they're doing like a global coherence initiative. So the more people that are in coherence, I should describe that it's when your E, and your EKG RN, eg and EKG are on the same, same wavelength, so to speak. Yeah. And you get what happens when you're in that space, that that is a divine space that you're in, because it's meant to be that way our hearts inform our brains, right? Or then our brain informs our heart. But we forget to do that. Just when you're in your heart, you're way more powerful than when you're just thinking. And we were talking about this global coherence initiative is that when enough people are all in the collective of enough people are in in coherence that things can shift, like drastically shift, then you could be the 100th Monkey so to speak, you could be the one that causes things to shift, even when we think that it's just me, and what can I do and like I don't watch the news, you know, but if I'm engaging in, in gossip, the conversation or I don't know that if I'm engaging in, in my own self pity about something or whatever, you know, like, and it compounds, then I've become part of a much bigger problem than I've ever even thought I'd be part of. Or I could be a much bigger solution that I would ever even give myself credit for. When I'm thinking like, well, I'm only one person expected to the Margaret Mead quote about generalizing her, like when one person can change the world. And

Philippe Bartu:

Margaret Thatcher said, yes, yeah, she said she

Becky Robbins:

said Margaret, Margaret Mead,

Philippe Bartu:

or Margaret I remember it's never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people.

Becky Robbins:

That's right. I think it's Margaret.

Philippe Bartu:

Margaret Mead, yes. Something like that alone can change the world. It's the only thing that ever has. And

Becky Robbins:

yeah, yeah. Well, so here we have our marching orders. Yeah.

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah. And what's what's so important is to have, you know, people that can help you right when you spiral because we do spiral. And so you know, having people in your life. This morning, I woke up and I, I was spiraling down, Becky, I had this like, all of a sudden, this hit of insecurity. And on Wednesday, I'm preparing for a seminar. And for some reason, my brain kicked in, you know exactly what you were saying, like, that was me this morning. And all of a sudden, I had a story saying that in order to prepare, I need to prepare handouts. No, I've never prepared handouts for a seminar. But I wanted to, I was noticing that I, I just made that story. And so all of a sudden, I was like, looking at my whole weekend, like being absorbed by all the handouts have to do and then print them and bind them. And as I was noticing that I was inspired to write like, I could just feel in my body, something was out of integrity, because if your heart and your in your head are not in alignment, it just it's it's a way to notice I'm out of integrity. And I made one phone call. And I have a dear friend called Rich habits, there's also been a guest here on the show. And he's, he just yeah, just said, Rich, I just, I just need, I just need five minutes of your time, hear me out, here's what I'm going through. And he just said what I needed to hear. And, you know, I had forgotten that all I need to know is I don't know what to do. When I need to know what to do. In the moment, I need to know what to do. And the hallway just came off, I went back into my heart. And I recognize that everything I need for that seminar is already here within me. And I all I need is a white canvas. Because that is exciting, that is fresh, and I can create from what is in the room and what's needed now. That's what I need to know. And you and I went through that whole experience. And that was just this morning. So the importance of having people in your life that you can reach out to and get that kind of support is just

Becky Robbins:

incredible. It isn't, especially if people are on the same page, you know, of having learned what they've learned to get to this place of I've never met a group of people like this before. And I've met a lot of people. And this is a really unusual. Oh, it's yeah, it's incredibly extraordinary. And also I feel like even though I haven't known you very long, like we're just like, like,

Philippe Bartu:

oh, there's there's an ease. There's a way that we see the world as a language we speak there, but more importantly, there's something in our hearts where we just feel seen.

Becky Robbins:

Yeah. And it's trustworthy.

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah, and so when you when you get around more people like that, there's, there's magic that happens and, and there's so much aliveness. Yeah, and I think ultimately what what we're really looking for is aliveness and bringing back aliveness into into our lives. Like an aliveness. Yeah, yeah, yah, yah, take off, and fun and enthusiasm. Yeah,

Becky Robbins:

I agree. I read a book, I'm gonna refer to this back to the speaking thing for a second because you're presenting your seminar because before when I back in my former life back, yes. You know, when I would need to go out on stage and present something to a lot of people. I remember that there was a woman who wrote a book called The Aquarian conspiracy, and I hadn't read any of that book, except for one part, I should read it. I wonder what it would I would think of it now, because it's been so long since I've even heard of it. But it said, she said, when you don't know what to know, and when you don't know what to say, You know what to say? what she meant by that is to get every empty out so there's nothing in there and then step out and let let it flow through you. And I used to do that like standing backstage and I would just like, No Arkush was asking me this recently. And I said, You know what, my advice is only is just to do what I used to do and you just have to know your content well enough what you do for your seminar, you know? Oh, yeah. Yeah. And you know what the outcome is you'd like to have at the end of it that's


going to be a stuck Yeah.

Becky Robbins:

Yeah, just say, okay, okay, pour through me like Angel Calling all angels, you know, walk out on the stage. And I was right there, you know. And it came through me because I was not in my head.

Philippe Bartu:

But yeah. And in that moment, it seems like the scariest thing in the world, because you're going to, you're going to mess it up. Yeah. And you know, there's there's actually a book by by comedian called Montcalm, called CS that's called I, I hope I messed this up. And, and it's such a great, it's just brings to so much comedy and lightness to this. And much more, I just give myself permission. Also, in coaching sessions, or in conversations, there are times where I don't know what to say. And I just don't know what to say. And so I'll just say, I don't know what to say right now. So I'm just going to be quiet. That quietness can go on for a long minute or two. And I have zero pressure need or anything, I just allow myself to be fully accept to fully accept the fact that I don't know what to say. I don't know where to take this conversation right now. So I'm just gonna get quiet and see what comes to me. Like the permission to do that. allows the other person to see that oh, well. Let me let me kick back as well. Because see what see what see what wants to come through us. And I think when we can give ourselves more permission to to accept that we don't know. We get to see how much we do really? No.

Becky Robbins:

I think that's the definition of faith.

Philippe Bartu:

Yeah, that's That's it, isn't it? And isn't that the title of the painting that you've most recently posted on? I saw this beautiful, beautiful picture than painting that you did have? Almost like an embrace of a man and a woman. Leap of Faith, I think it was called Is that correct?

Becky Robbins:

I remember I just

Philippe Bartu:

posted Yeah, what you just posted?

Becky Robbins:

Oh, it's it's in process. Actually,

Philippe Bartu:

it's half by half. It's like, like a little behind behind the scenes of the artists.

Becky Robbins:

You're getting a glimpse of what glimpse Yeah, and I did put that's actually the name of a whole painting another old painting, which is right behind me. But um, yeah, leap of faith. But it is only when you get into a place where, where you don't know what to say. And then once you can, just like you said, I think that's brilliant, is close your eyes and just be quiet and let empty of love have been the nothing in the nothingness for for a minute. And just trust what's going to come through which is, which is, in addition to my document, my original document, didn't say I am wonderment and certainty in the as yet unknown.

Philippe Bartu:

Hmm. There's so much there's so much depth, so much to uncover. And in your document, I'm going to make a request, if we can have your document in the show notes of this episode, I would love for it for people to be able to see it and to access it. And I'm gonna go back to myself as well. I feel like that's it's the kind of document every time I read it, I see something, something new and something different. And there's also someone I want to acknowledge here, and which I want to give you really the space to acknowledge. And that's Alan Thompson for the artefill artificial intelligence he's he brought into your document, which really kind of blew my mind how he created that. I'd love to hear just your story about the what, how did that even come to life?

Becky Robbins:

was like a miracle. Like I saw that he did. I think he posted one on Facebook of his own document. Yeah. And I asked Steve, I said, Wow, how can I make that? How can I get that to happen? naively I asked that question. Because I mean, he's the one and only Alain de Thompson. You know, it's like this. So anyway, Steve said, I think you should call him and ask him. And I this is a text message at night and I said to Steve, oh my gosh, first of all, he's in Australia. So it was a whole different timezone. I said, Oh, my gosh, I know. Do you think that would be okay. And Steve said Yes, call him call him now. So I did. I tell you exactly was sitting on the couch was dark here. So it must have been morning there. And I and I said you know, I would love I would love if you would do it. How do I how do I ask you for that? And how do I reciprocate because I want to support you and I've just how do I do that? And so he's he was so he said no problem. Send me your document, record it when in your voice and then Send me a paper in document. So he with all of his amazing brilliance in the whole atmosphere of artificial intelligence, and his desire to use it for good. He, I now know how the, it's this big massive program, you put the call the prompt, you just put something like a text message, you know, put a document in. He said, choose your avatar. So it was like a bunch of different looking people. And changing choose the accent. You know, Gia can be anything. So you said you might want to choose a British accent. So I did, I just choose, chose the guy and it was a British accent. It is so amazing. Because I listened to it before I get out of bed in the morning. And while it's still dark in my bedroom, and I just turn that on. And it's like the most amazing start to my day. It's the most amazing start to my day. And out of that what some really fun things have happened. Because Alan asked if I would, this is such a cool thing. He asked if you could use one of my paintings as the cover for his book, and that he's going to be releasing his next book. I know. So my artists gonna be on the cover of his book.

Philippe Bartu:

So wow, that is amazing. Yeah, it's

Becky Robbins:

been really fun. And he chose my art to be he posted this on our Facebook page. But he he chose my art to be on there at a presentation that he did just these last few days in Belgium. And so it's been a fun, fun.

Philippe Bartu:

So many, so many so many amazing miracles that are just happening. And I recently saw that you're also going to be going to Mumbai, I am going there the ultimate experience in the I'd love to like how Where did that come from?

Becky Robbins:

You know what I think since since all since I've thrown myself full body into this whole experience of this, and I really am doing everything I can to grow and embody this stuff. Things are just happening for me and coming. Yeah, coming for me. And one of those was I got it. Steve asked me if I'd be willing to he knew that I'd been to India several times. And I love India and the people. And so when they were going to first talk you about doing an event over there, he asked me if I would help on push if there was anything I needed that he needed that I could help him with. And then that turned into good getting a phone call from Rajan which I spoke with him yesterday, when getting a phone call from him. And in the phone call. He said are you coming to India, I hope you'll come to India. So he said I would I would love it. And he said, I've been following you and listen to all your videos or some videos that I did like a year or two ago on my website. And he said, I've listened to everything about you. And I've been studying you for all these years. He's a bit would you be willing, I hope you're coming to Mumbai. So I said, let me give me a couple of days to figure out if I can if I can do that. And so I thought about it, but like just go back in like why would you not want to go to that event? So I said, so I got back in touch with him. And I said I'm going to come to the event. And then about I don't know, three weeks ago or something two weeks ago, he asked me if I would be willing to speak at the event. And so what am I going to say? So for? Yes, especially. So good. So I'm going to be on a panel with Gary Mahler and Luke, how do I say his last name?

Philippe Bartu:

Oh, yes, I actually I actually, I know who you're speaking and I don't know how to. I can't tell you from them or either, but I have a picture of who that is. Yes,

Becky Robbins:

yes, please put it in the show notes. I feel bad that I can't see it right this minute. I can't go check my phone. Anyway, to be on a panel and and Rajan is going to moderate the panel. He just told me this last night, so he's gonna be asking us questions.

Philippe Bartu:

Great. Um, regrettably, I will not be at that event. But I would love to, I would love to, to be there, of course, and I will, you know, look forward to, to watching the recording of that. And if it's if it's live streamed and that would also be a great way so so maybe, for more people who can find out about that event. What would be what would be the best way if people listening to this podcast? How could they? How can they know more about the ultimate experience in India on the

Becky Robbins:

Facebook page for the ultimate coach Facebook page, all the details have been the ultimate coach.com

Philippe Bartu:

And the ultimate coach Facebook page. And also how can people find out more about you Becky, your website is Vicki robbins.com

Becky Robbins:

Yep. My instagram videos on Instagram.

Philippe Bartu:

What's your Instagram account?

Becky Robbins:

My Instagram is everything Becky?

Philippe Bartu:

Everything Becky okay, we're putting those in the show notes as well. And is there anything you would like to say, before we complete our conversation today?

Becky Robbins:

Wow, it's just been so fun to be with you, and talk with you and feel like we're expanding consciousness and love and grace in the world, you know all of us together. Because it takes, it takes a tribe. And I'm just grateful to be part of this amazing tribe of people.

Philippe Bartu:

And thank you for saying, I'm so grateful for you for the way that you're expanding for the way that you are embodying that leap of faith, for the way that you showed up today, every day and you're what I'm really taking with me is this consistency that you bring in this compound consistency and what a gift I'm really taking that on and feel that my being has expanded from that distinction. And from this conversation, if and to our listeners, if you to feel there's something that in you has expanded, shifted, opened up, we would love to hear from you. Connect with us. You can write to either of us through Facebook, and we always love to let to hear from our listeners. And thank you so much for, for being with us during this conversation. And I look forward to the next one. Becky, it has been a delight. Thank you so

Becky Robbins:

much. I appreciate you. Talk to you soon. Talk to you soon.